Cat Café EU & US domestic

In-thread promotional banners and marketing graphics are NOT permitted in the "Steroid Underground" subforum.
Good morning everyone,

Just an update. Pending everything goes smoothly, we will have USA testing back before the holidays. Then another round after the holidays.

Hope everyone will get to spend some time eating, resting and most importantly enjoying family time.



PS..this isn't a promo, the cat isn't for sale, but just for looks.

[EDIT: In-thread promotional banners and marketing graphics are NOT permitted in the "Steroid Underground" subforum.]
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I can only dream of such speed when it comes to receiving the last (replacement) parts I need, so while I'm pouting and waiting I'll just focus on making up for this wait once it's over.

New Meso promo rule means I can't share any cathlete pictures here anymore (though customers still can), so I'm working on upgrading the cat café to more than just a shop and host various types of content properly.

New/restocked pharma products: Tamoxifen (not just citrate) 20mg & 40mg by german pharma brand Hexal, and plenty of Ozempic (Semaglutide) 4x1mg pens.

Where is it the new meso promo rules written I have missed it! (Very angry)

Your website will become the hosting standard of catbeauty peagent competition
Where is it the new meso promo rules written I have missed it! (Very angry)
Simply go to page 3 (currently) of the UG, click a thread by Millard on harm reduction, go to page 8 and you'll find this post my Meso Admin:
Simply go to page 3 (currently) of the UG, click a thread by Millard on harm reduction, go to page 8 and you'll find this post my Meso Admin:
This is very sad :( I don't understand the reason for it... But rules are rules, I guess.
Really happy to hear methyltrienolone will be available and made into an injectable I recall only one source on AB years ago had that option
I'm not sure if this counts as a promotional picture but the next five USA cat café customers to post a picture of their very good boy + CCUSA gear (see cathletes > good boys on the website for reference) will receive a 10% discount on their next order + a special item for their boy! If this proves popular we'll extend the promotion, it's just that we ordered only five of these for a test run.

Pharma news: the EU cat café has 100x20mg german pharma Isotretinoin back in limited stock for 120€ (one of those products that UGL seem unable to produce without it deteriorating rapidly due to the API being problematic), and next week Ozempic pens (4 doses x 1mg) will be back in stock for 180€ (there's still a small supply shortage), alongside pharma Tamoxifen in 20mg and 40mg boxes, as well as more Isotretinoin 20mg. Nebivolol 100x5mg has been discounted from 40€ to 35€ and Telmisartan 98x80mg from 55€ to 50€ per box as long as stock lasts.

In very limited stock and not returning at all or not at this price point at least:
Nandrolone Decanoate 300mg/ml for 22€
Deus Medical Test Base 100mg/ml for 20€
Deus Medical DHB 100mg/ml for 45€
Primobolan Acetate 100x25mg for 45€
Proviron 50x50mg for 50€ & 300x50mg for 210€
Winstrol 500x25mg for 125€
LGD4033 (Ligandrol) 100x10mg for 50€

Finally, a reminder to please pay your order within 24h of placing it or at least notify me about delay as I am reserving/preparing your order as soon as it's placed in order to ship it the day of payment or next day latest. Please change your order only the same day you placed it and follow the order guide in the FAQ. There have been quite a few abandoned orders recently which loses me a lot of time and sometimes even the cost of the already printed shipping label. The better behaved my customers, the better the service I continue to offer.
Y’all have no idea how hard it was to get this picture. GOD BLESS. Had to put half the order away because she kept biting it and the cat wasn’t having it
2 Orders and no issues.
Questions answered
Quick delivery
No crashed products
Absolutely Painless
If you’re hesitant on ordering, don’t be. You found the right source.
Good morning @Liska

an info; should i place an order, should i wait for a new restock? do you know a date where you can start ordering?

While you have something planned for black friday?
Good morning @Liska

an info; should i place an order, should i wait for a new restock? do you know a date where you can start ordering?

While you have something planned for black friday?
All I can tell you is that there is no secret inventory or information that can only be accessed via cat chat, all available products and information are on the cat café homepage.

Pretty much everything left on the store presently is discounted already until the new products are in stock in an attempt to remove some customers from the impending flood


That said, if you do have a black cat and a desire to stock up on what's currently available at a bargain, feel free to mail me between now and Friday.
Any future plans for IGF-LR3?
In my research I couldn't find sufficient scientific evidence that this works as intended in humans, so I decided against offering it. Amongst the hundreds of peptides currently available on the market, very few of them are studied sufficiently in humans for me to feel confident about offering them.
I've started adding the current lab reports and base prices to the upcoming products in the 'coming soon' section. Mast E 200mg MCT & Primo 200mg MCT are 5mg off so these reports don't represent the final product as I'm further adjusting them based on those results to be closer to label dosage. I'll add more lab reports during the week.

While I'm still in the midst of putting everything together, I realized a huge time sink has always been customers paying their orders on time and to a lesser extent properly submitting their shipping address, so here's the plan that will allow me to ship products as soon as possible and prepare labels and everything else to not get jammed up:

You can preorder the products that have a lab report at 10% off the listed prices, with 20% off for those that have banked up cat promo discounts or that have submitted multiple cat promos in the past and I trust to submit new pictures with the new products after receiving them, as the discount is usually not given in advance (due to too many customers having scammed me on this promise). Preorders will get shipped late November or early December and arrive in the first half of December, that's as precise an estimate as I dare give with the Black Friday & Christmas chaos descending upon us.

If you do preorder, you can reserve any of the products currently in stock at the listed prices as well. What you can't do is preorder and then send me lots of mail about when your order will get shipped precisely because that's stealing time away from me taking care of exactly that and other productive things - I'll always mail you whenever there's relevant information.

Please be kind and read these paragraphs attentively to understand what you can and cannot order or do because the better behaved my customers are, the better I can serve you.

BoldeC200MCT 9.2022.pngDeca300MCT 10.2022.pngMastE200GSO 9.2022.pngMastE200GSO 10.2022.pngMastE200MCT 10.2022.pngMastP100MCT 09.2022.pngNPP150MCT 10.2022.pngPrimo100GSO 09.2022.pngPrimo100MCT 9.2022.pngPrimo100MCT 10.2022.pngPrimo200GSO 10.2022.pngPrimo200MCT.pngSustanonMCT.pngTestC250GSO.pngTestC250MCT.pngTestE250GSO.pngTestE250MCT.pngTestEC400GSO.pngTestEC400MCT.pngTestP100MCT.pngTestP150MCT.pngTrenA150MCT 10.2022.pngTrenE200MCT.pngTrenH150MCT.png
It's quite difficult to differentiate whether PIP is the cause of the compound, concentration, carrier oil or another component. I'd say the amount of people with an actual intolerance to MCT to a degree that results in intolerable PIP is about 1% and I expect it to be below 1% for GSO.

Hello @Liska !

Following the thread of this conversation, I also have doubts about what oil to buy when you have it available in the store.

Bearing in mind that he only tested Hilma's products (Primobolan and Testosterone Cypionate). With Hilma he has had PIP but very very little, almost negligible. But I don't know what oil you use in your compounds.

Which do you recommend me to buy? MCT or GSO?

If you understood correctly, the only difference between the two is the viscosity?
The OSG is more dense? Is this correct?

I inject myself with 30g insulin needles and with Hilma it costs me a bit but I get the liquid to pass (with patience).
Do you think Hilma is more dense or less dense?

Thanks in advance.
Can i ask what cat promo discounts mean and how to get them ? If I understand correctly, people who send a picture of a cat/cats with received product, they'll get a discount for next order?
If so, it's very sad that decent and honest people are out of luck of getting discount on promise because of this crooks and scammers