Cat Café EU & US domestic

Im pinning it together with the masteron.
I think most of the available dhb on the market is based on guaicol(?) Oil and not mct. And this guaicol is very shitty and causing pain 24/7. Ive tried it some years ago and got so much problems that i had to stop using it.
Great thanks for the quick feedback.

Yes in the past it has always been guaiacol so I'll be interested how this MCT oil compares!
Currently running liskas bold cyp 200 I’ve had stashed away for a while, loving it. Just wish the minimum order for UK customers was a bit lower. The new test 400 blend is something I really need to get my hands on lol.
Whoa, i just realized you guys accept XMR. I'm not entirely familiar with it but according to what i've read its really the only untraceable/anonymous crypto currently availible. Now I'm even more interested in ordering. Though I have no experience buying or sending it yet. Honestly surprised more people aren't accepting it yet.
@CCUSA i see you have a long ester Tren/test blend. Would you consider a short ester one? Just want to double check before I order. Thx bud
@CCUSA i see you have a long ester Tren/test blend. Would you consider a short ester one? Just want to double check before I order. Thx bud
Good day sir,

Not at this current moment. I know this is tried and true, but when and if I get time I will try something in a short ester. I cannot tell when that will be though.


Good morning,

MTREN is done on the USA side. So are some more new batches that will be sent off for testing shortly. Thanks for the support guys!

All thumbs up for Liska!!

Sent email with my order on monday, package shipped on tuesday and arrived today (two days later on thursday)! Package was very discret and well packed!
Communication was also great so far!
Overall very satisfied so far. Will review the products after i started my cycle soon.

Thanks liska!


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All thumbs up for Liska!!

Sent email with my order on monday, package shipped on tuesday and arrived today (two days later on thursday)! Package was very discret and well packed!
Communication was also great so far!
Overall very satisfied so far. Will review the products after i started my cycle soon.

Thanks liska!

Lovely. Looks like you made similar order to me, only I opted for the test e/c 400.

What doses will you be running of each?

Think I'll be going 600 test/400 mast/225 NPP per week.
I use Roids now for 6 years but this shop is a game changer every Product and even every charge/ batch is tested how crazy is that?
Normally everyone need to order from here there is no competitor normally.

I will try the dhb and my friend the tren.
I am hyped - feedback will come
EU shipping news:

Some parcels sent in December are still in transit, please check your tracking number whether they've been progressing towards you before contacting me. A handful of parcels got lost/misdirected in the christmas chaos and I'm working on sorting those out. Following in the footsteps of the US cat café, I'll be taking next December off from shipping as this is turning out to be a rather expensive lesson to learn.

UK orders have taking about 14 days to arrive up from the 3-5 days of yesteryear for anyone still waiting on theirs. Shipping to UK will remain suspended for all but veteran cat café customers by whose transit time I'll judge when it has normalized and can be opened back up on a larger scale.

A parcel to Denmark has been seized by their customs (scandinavian countries check parcels sent within EU uniquely) despite using a shipping method that had been working flawlessly eversince I started using it in early 2022, so I'm suspending all shipments to DK without exception indefinitely as even one seized parcel is one too many. All other countries I ship to remain at zero seizures as far back as I can remember. Any insight from danes whether anything relevant has changed with the turn of the year is welcome.

New/back at the cat café:
Trestolone Enanthate 100mg MCT - 75€
Proviron 60x50mg - 45€
Winstrol 100x20mg - 35€
HGH Catropin 120iu - 110€ to 90€ depending on quantity
Catropin product picture is too illegally smol for Meso:
treste1222.pngccprov.pngccwinstrol.pngtabby.pngtreste.pngprov50lab.pngWinstrol20 11.2022.pngpallascatropin.png
Can you give an update on EQ? Have been waiting for it for a long time and it used to be in coming soon and is now gone from there. I've tried to read everything posted here and on your website. Sorry if I missed it and you already clarified it.
Is it because the heating or chemical reaction ? Just wanted to know ,never saw this before.
Tren a and tren e is always nearly the same color. Trest a is like water how is this possible?
You can't necessarily extrapolate information from one compound to another. Whereas Trestolone Acetate raws are powder, this is what most Trest E raws look like:
Hey kitties! Hope yall had great time during holidays! I'm wondering about insulin... will you have it back in stock any time soon?