Cat Café EU & US domestic

Bro science as fuck that shorter esters retain less water
Exactly. Short ester have their use, and that's why they are still used but sure as hell the less water retention is not one of those reason.
Exactly. Short ester have their use, and that's why they are still used but sure as hell the less water retention is not one of those reason.
i also thought that but ive never tried different ester with same injection frequency to be honest.
my thought was always that the short esters are "more easy to control", so in prep etc they have their good reason to be used (they peak faster and if problems arrive, are out of your system faster)
It could be that different body types like endo, meso,ecto leaning individuals metabolize esters differently , i dont think there are studies on how each react and metabolize different esters!
For example i have more energy throughout the day with prop and chill better at night but this could be full out placebo to
But as long as it works its fine with me
I think it depends heavily on your zodiac sign - capricorns and pisces do best on short esters whereas leos and scorpios get better results on longer esters, just as taurus get more out of orals while virgos prefer SARMS - you still have to take your blood type into account and plan your cycle according to your birth chart but everyone knows that.
I think it depends heavily on your zodiac sign - capricorns and pisces do best on short esters whereas leos and scorpios get better results on longer esters, just as taurus get more out of orals while virgos prefer SARMS - you still have to take your blood type into account and plan your cycle according to your birth chart but everyone knows that.
shut up
That makes no sense , why should test prop have more stable blood levels then test e? How stable your bloodlevels are depends on your injection frequency and not on the ester you use.
I think he ment less stable like the natural pulses of testosterone .
No your right he said it like that and i misread.
I think i like it because it fluctuates more.
But whenever in doubt ask Dan. Dan The Man!!!

I just had a longer private conversation with Liska, he answered all my questions diligently, based on that I'd say he is a fine feline fella!
Given I am not a reputable, long term member of this site, nor would I be a high volume customer, that is very appreciated!

Regarding to my suggestion to list the ingredients for all your merchandise on the website and vial itself:
IMHO, if this would catch on, the amount of harm reduction across the sport would be very high as this would make people more aware what they put into their body, if they knew what solvent and the actual amount for some of the compounds, they would probably think twice.
Accountability for sources would increase if it came out that they put in more, or worse more toxic, solvents into the finished oil.

I'd rather take underdosed gear than not knowing that I am taking guaiacol, or at least not knowing how toxic it is.
I just had a longer private conversation with Liska, he answered all my questions diligently, based on that I'd say he is a fine feline fella!
Given I am not a reputable, long term member of this site, nor would I be a high volume customer, that is very appreciated!

Regarding to my suggestion to list the ingredients for all your merchandise on the website and vial itself:
IMHO, if this would catch on, the amount of harm reduction across the sport would be very high as this would make people more aware what they put into their body, if they knew what solvent and the actual amount for some of the compounds, they would probably think twice.
Accountability for sources would increase if it came out that they put in more, or worse more toxic, solvents into the finished oil.

I'd rather take underdosed gear than not knowing that I am taking guaiacol, or at least not knowing how toxic it is.
Guaiacol is used so rarely and only in exotic brew that a recreational user don't take or takes for a very short period that I wouldn't consider as a danger that a normal user is exposed
Guaiacol is used so rarely and only in exotic brew that a recreational user don't take or takes for a very short period that I wouldn't consider as a danger that a normal user is exposed

I was only taking Guaicol as the most (?) extreme example.

I bet most steroid users do't even know what is in their compounds nor have they ever though about it*. Like with processed food, I feel it is important to teach people to read what is on the label and subsequently making them aware to reduce overall harm of this mostly enjoyable hobby.

Again, if a source claims low solvent contents but labs show otherwise, would you still trust said source? I would rather inject something underdosed by a bit too much, than something having too much solvent because the brewer was lazy and/or didn't know his craft.

* I am far from being knowledgeable on that but since I decided to take gear again, after more than a decade of being off, and before this was brought up to a wider audience by VS, I started to to think about side effects of the chemicals used to carry the steroids into your bloodstream.
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I was only taking Guaicol as the most (?) extreme example.

I bet most steroid users do't even know what is in their compounds nor have they ever though about it*. Like with processed food, I feel it is important to teach people to read what is on the label and subsequently making them aware to reduce overall harm of this mostly enjoyable hobby.

Again, if a source claims low solvent contents but labs show otherwise, would you still trust said source? I would rather inject something underdosed by a bit too much, than something having too much solvent because the brewer was lazy and/or didn't know his craft.

* I am far from being knowledgeable on that but since I decided to take gear again, after more than a decade of being off, and before this was brought up to a wider audience by VS, I started to to think about side effects of the chemicals used to carry the steroids into your bloodstream.
Use pharma bro problem solved ! Most use ugl for price and availability.
I was only taking Guaicol as the most (?) extreme example.

I bet most steroid users do't even know what is in their compounds nor have they ever though about it*. Like with processed food, I feel it is important to teach people to read what is on the label and subsequently making them aware to reduce overall harm of this mostly enjoyable hobby.

Again, if a source claims low solvent contents but labs show otherwise, would you still trust said source? I would rather inject something underdosed by a bit too much, than something having too much solvent because the brewer was lazy and/or didn't know his craft.

* I am far from being knowledgeable on that but since I decided to take gear again, after more than a decade of being off, and before this was brought up to a wider audience by VS, I started to to think about side effects of the chemicals used to carry the steroids into your bloodstream.
In pharma test they have 20%BB. If BB was so toxic long term they would find another way to make the testosterone that is used for TRT
Use pharma bro problem solved ! Most use ugl for price and availability.
That is a very defeatist attitude to say the least.
That aside, I would have to bend over backwards to get pharma gear given I severed all my connections a long time ago and that would certainly not help with half the compounds like Tren or other ones.

In pharma test they have 20%BB. If BB was so toxic long term they would find another way to make the testosterone that is used for TRT
How do you know the amount and what solvents (BA, EO) or synthetic carrier oils (Miglykol, etc.) your UGL uses, do they tell you on the label?

You can argue all you want but I don't think it is too much too ask what is in the vial I am supposed to INJECT into my body.
Could I bring this up in another source's thread? Of course but I am still interested in becoming a customer of Liska and he, despite being a drug dealer like everyone else, does actually seem to care about harm reduction.
Of course labs will lie, like they do about actual dosages, and perhaps even the actual steroid they put into the vial, but that is what lab testing is for.
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That is a very defeatist attitude to say the least.
That aside, I would have to bend over backwards to get pharma gear given I severed all my connections a long time ago and that would certainly not help with half the compounds like Tren or other ones.
I get what you saying and i dont want to sound arrogant or something but thats the only way to be sure as ugl sources could lie about things like that.I dont even know if there are ways to test for stuff like that.