Cat Café EU & US domestic

Depends on how thick the solution is and wich needle you use. I can handle most solutions with an insuline needle without warming up tbh but if it is needed then I'll just warm the vial up by placing it in cup with a bit of medium warm water and take it out. Most of the time is that enough since it stays even warm to inject it (if it doesn't then you can place the syringe in a drinking glass with medium warm water). I personally don't like to warm up the syringe or letting solutions stay in there for a long time since plastic will dissolve easy in oil
Thank you bro, sometimes really annoying to inject like 2minutes…
Ok, today I went to the hospital because yesterday I got fever. It an abscess and not a PIP. So the stuff is good lol
What? Doesn't matter if its an abscess or infection. You going to keep pinning shit that gives you an abscess? I mean I get it if it goes away in a day or two but not if it lasts longer. You don't react well to it. Others may do better but if I were you Id toss it.
Ok, today I went to the hospital because yesterday I got fever. It an abscess and not a PIP. So the stuff is good lol
I had an abscess once from bad gear. Still got an awesome 20cm long scar to prove it which reminds me of my motto when it comes to gear these days: "Be mindful of what you allow into your body". Half a liter of pus came out during emergency surgery, not kidding - was like bad PIP for 3 days and I didn't think anything was wrong and then it went to "oh jeezus it's a giant abscess" in the span of 24 hours. They originally suspected I fucked up a pin and that it was staph aureus (the non multiresistent kind from your own skin), but it was a different kind of bacteria altogether, and right after I switched labs (2nd pin with the new gear). That made me switch over to pharma back then, only came back to UGL now because I believe in Cat Cafe. Don't fuck around with this, people. Got PIP becoming progressively worse or the site seems inflamed ? Hospital. Right away.
What are you talking about. Which brand gave you an abscess? That is not a good sign...
I really want to know what happened here as well - I actually sent the DHB for HPLC and GCMS testing to Jano to be sure I knew what I had in store but found no issues with it (not going to post the GCMS as reverse engineering undisclosed recipes is disrepectful to the original brewer imo).
I had an abscess once from bad gear. Still got an awesome 20cm long scar to prove it which reminds me of my motto when it comes to gear these days: "Be mindful of what you allow into your body". Half a liter of pus came out during emergency surgery, not kidding - was like bad PIP for 3 days and I didn't think anything was wrong and then it went to "oh jeezus it's a giant abscess" in the span of 24 hours. They originally suspected I fucked up a pin and that it was staph aureus (the non multiresistent kind from your own skin), but it was a different kind of bacteria altogether, and right after I switched labs (2nd pin with the new gear). That made me switch over to pharma back then, only came back to UGL now because I believe in Cat Cafe. Don't fuck around with this, people. Got PIP becoming progressively worse or the site seems inflamed ? Hospital. Right away.



Some information to prevent that you can get an abcess, PIP or a protocol whenever you got one. ^^

Take this serious guys. It is really deadly when infections get in the bloodstream and to your heart

1. Optitropin kits sold out within two days, restock is expected later this month - I've decided to accept preorders for this product uniquely.

2. Providing a phone number for courier services to deliver properly will now be mandatory for Italy, France and Spain, and is still recommended for all other countries. Nothing has gotten lost but uniquely for these three countries I regularly have to chase down courier services, supply the very same address already provided but add a phone number, and only then will they deliver it.
What? Doesn't matter if its an abscess or infection. You going to keep pinning shit that gives you an abscess? I mean I get it if it goes away in a day or two but not if it lasts longer. You don't react well to it. Others may do better but if I were you Id toss it.

I think it was my fault. 5 injections went good and the last one is going to be an abscess because I injection not in the right way. I tried to inject into the fat (s.c.) and have inject to deep in the muscle. When I inject into the fat I don't change the cannula - because I take a insulin syringe. So I think it's not about the bad gear. It's about my silliness.
A UGL is using the cheapest way to make a good product and using Miglyol is expensive(and not necessary) and mig is in fact a mct oil but that is another story. Is not toxic
EO is also expensive and Alpha pharm(a brand from India) has used eo in their products.
Is classic 2% 20% that most ugl is using and GSO or MCT as carrier oil nothing more nothing less because is not necessary and expensive to use EO,Miglyol and guaiacol
So what you are saying is, that it is too much to ask to put the ingredients on the label of what UGLs (drug dealers with no consumer protection law or agency oversight whatsoever) are trying to sell as a guest on this board (that, I must stress, I am using casually and am therefore no one to hold other people accountable for breaking a rule)? If it is that simple, why not put it on the label and expect that someone might test that what is claimed and nothing less or more, as well as the ratio of those ingredients with a maximum allowed deviation, on the label?
It seems to me that you fail to understand that the consumer has some power in this game we are taught as capitalism.
Did you read and understand the part about creating higher general awareness?

I also fixed that for ya:
A UGL is using the cheapest way to make a good product
Quality is a mere and often accidental byproduct in the economic system (and its mostly monetary incentive) we live in, despite the fact it is taught even in universities that the cream will rise in a functioning market - which evidently too often is not the case.

Anyway, this discussion doesn't lead me nowhere, @Liska has read and acknowledged my message and I hope he decides to become a beacon of transparency this business desperately needs.
That I aside, that discussion now has to end for me because arguing with a steroid user (I assume that is what you are), that should have a vital interest to not inject something, he doesn't know its precise contents of, that defends UGLs being intransparent about the ingredients of an injectable is too bizarre for me. was my fault. ... I don't change the cannula - ...So ... it's not about the bad gear. It's about my silliness.
There is a lesson to be learned from everything but not always does one have to be the person making the mistake oneself.

I know the actual size of a cat's neck and torso can be deceiving because of the fur but that tie seems uncomfortably tight.
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View attachment 150658

1. Optitropin kits sold out within two days, restock is expected later this month - I've decided to accept preorders for this product uniquely.

2. Providing a phone number for courier services to deliver properly will now be mandatory for Italy, France and Spain, and is still recommended for all other countries. Nothing has gotten lost but uniquely for these three countries I regularly have to chase down courier services, supply the very same address already provided but add a phone number, and only then will they deliver it.
will the restock be the batch that got tested?
I think it was my fault. 5 injections went good and the last one is going to be an abscess because I injection not in the right way. I tried to inject into the fat (s.c.) and have inject to deep in the muscle. When I inject into the fat I don't change the cannula - because I take a insulin syringe. So I think it's not about the bad gear. It's about my silliness.

Yeah, unfortunately, "errare humanum est". Everyone of us makes mistakes when pinning at least once, and whether an abscess develops or not, that's just pure luck at that point. Following the Guidelines pointed out by Steve does reduce the risk by quite a lot, though - most of it should be common sense, and not all of it is absolutely mandatory - there ARE some alcohol sprays with an alcohol content of 70% or more, which definetely is a viable option instead of wipes when dabbing with sterile gauze pads. I am still going to say it: 95% of the time someone gets an abscess, it's user error, some kind of small slip-up, combined with plain bad luck, especially when it comes to this forum. Still, I was part of that 5%, and Cat Cafe is the first UGL which inspired the confidence in quality control and meticulousness in me to come back to UGL gear after that painful intermezzo last year.

Furthermore: I won't hijack this thread for an extended explanation into Illias video about treating abscesses yourself, but I would, for various reasons, definetely recommend a visit to the ER or your healthcare provider the very same moment you even suspect an abscess.
Why does this source have no Anabolic Lab supporter tag? Why has this source not donated to AL as EVERY other long standing source he has done???

Every single source here, EVER, who has stayed around has made numerous and significant AL donations. The only labs who do not support AL are the ones that exit scam around here or the ones who don’t plan on staying around long.

Liska understands marketing… He has social skills, unlike many sources, and he has these cute fuckin cat pics, but you all are acting as if because a well spoken guy with cat pics will never scam you ya know… because they just are too fucking cute.


You all are being fooled by a DRUG DEALER. Who fuckin cares if he has social skills and cute pics all over his thread. He’s a fucking drug dealer and we are injecting his shit into our bodies. He should be held to a standard and that standard should be enforced.

Pull the wool out from over your eyes. You all should be holding back from purchases until this source shows some real standing around here with an AL donation.

He can’t even follow the rules of staying in his own thread, but you all trust this shady operation because he can socialize and has cute pics all over his page???? He doesn’t follow rules, but you all hope he follows best practices with brewing???? LOL.

I wouldn’t trust a person who cannot follow simple rules and who has shown zero standing around here. He could disappear tomorrow and show up next week under a new name because you all are letting him showboat around here.

WHERE IS YOUR ANABOLIC LAB DONATION BANNER @Liska ???? Or are you just stroking us?

Oh, and I’ll be here to remind everyone of this every time I see you out of your thread @Liska
Why does this source have no Anabolic Lab supporter tag? Why has this source not donated to AL as EVERY other long standing source he has done???

Every single source here, EVER, who has stayed around has made numerous and significant AL donations. The only labs who do not support AL are the ones that exit scam around here or the ones who don’t plan on staying around long.

Liska understands marketing… He has social skills, unlike many sources, and he has these cute fuckin cat pics, but you all are acting as if because a well spoken guy with cat pics will never scam you ya know… because they just are too fucking cute.


You all are being fooled by a DRUG DEALER. Who fuckin cares if he has social skills and cute pics all over his thread. He’s a fucking drug dealer and we are injecting his shit into our bodies. He should be held to a standard and that standard should be enforced.

Pull the wool out from over your eyes. You all should be holding back from purchases until this source shows some real standing around here with an AL donation.

He can’t even follow the rules of staying in his own thread, but you all trust this shady operation because he can socialize and has cute pics all over his page???? He doesn’t follow rules, but you all hope he follows best practices with brewing???? LOL.

I wouldn’t trust a person who cannot follow simple rules and who has shown zero standing around here. He could disappear tomorrow and show up next week under a new name because you all are letting him showboat around here.

WHERE IS YOUR ANABOLIC LAB DONATION BANNER @Liska ???? Or are you just stroking us?

Oh, and I’ll be here to remind everyone of this every time I see you out of your thread @Liska
so you want him to donate to a platform that hasn't provided any updates since January and typically has not tested any smaller labs and only the big boys.

whereas, in the space of starting this thread, has provided more testing of their product than anabolic lab has for anyone, this year and is also offering a huge credit for a user to blind test the gear.

but anabolic lab bro!
Why does this source have no Anabolic Lab supporter tag? Why has this source not donated to AL as EVERY other long standing source he has done???

Every single source here, EVER, who has stayed around has made numerous and significant AL donations. The only labs who do not support AL are the ones that exit scam around here or the ones who don’t plan on staying around long.

Liska understands marketing… He has social skills, unlike many sources, and he has these cute fuckin cat pics, but you all are acting as if because a well spoken guy with cat pics will never scam you ya know… because they just are too fucking cute.


You all are being fooled by a DRUG DEALER. Who fuckin cares if he has social skills and cute pics all over his thread. He’s a fucking drug dealer and we are injecting his shit into our bodies. He should be held to a standard and that standard should be enforced.

Pull the wool out from over your eyes. You all should be holding back from purchases until this source shows some real standing around here with an AL donation.

He can’t even follow the rules of staying in his own thread, but you all trust this shady operation because he can socialize and has cute pics all over his page???? He doesn’t follow rules, but you all hope he follows best practices with brewing???? LOL.

I wouldn’t trust a person who cannot follow simple rules and who has shown zero standing around here. He could disappear tomorrow and show up next week under a new name because you all are letting him showboat around here.

WHERE IS YOUR ANABOLIC LAB DONATION BANNER @Liska ???? Or are you just stroking us?

Oh, and I’ll be here to remind everyone of this every time I see you out of your thread @Liska

Why does this source have no Anabolic Lab supporter tag? Why has this source not donated to AL as EVERY other long standing source he has done???

Every single source here, EVER, who has stayed around has made numerous and significant AL donations. The only labs who do not support AL are the ones that exit scam around here or the ones who don’t plan on staying around long.

Liska understands marketing… He has social skills, unlike many sources, and he has these cute fuckin cat pics, but you all are acting as if because a well spoken guy with cat pics will never scam you ya know… because they just are too fucking cute.


You all are being fooled by a DRUG DEALER. Who fuckin cares if he has social skills and cute pics all over his thread. He’s a fucking drug dealer and we are injecting his shit into our bodies. He should be held to a standard and that standard should be enforced.

Pull the wool out from over your eyes. You all should be holding back from purchases until this source shows some real standing around here with an AL donation.

He can’t even follow the rules of staying in his own thread, but you all trust this shady operation because he can socialize and has cute pics all over his page???? He doesn’t follow rules, but you all hope he follows best practices with brewing???? LOL.

I wouldn’t trust a person who cannot follow simple rules and who has shown zero standing around here. He could disappear tomorrow and show up next week under a new name because you all are letting him showboat around here.

WHERE IS YOUR ANABOLIC LAB DONATION BANNER @Liska ???? Or are you just stroking us?

Oh, and I’ll be here to remind everyone of this every time I see you out of your thread @Liska
Are you tight with @Methyl Mike?
Yeah, unfortunately, "errare humanum est". Everyone of us makes mistakes when pinning at least once, and whether an abscess develops or not, that's just pure luck at that point. Following the Guidelines pointed out by Steve does reduce the risk by quite a lot, though - most of it should be common sense, and not all of it is absolutely mandatory - there ARE some alcohol sprays with an alcohol content of 70% or more, which definetely is a viable option instead of wipes when dabbing with sterile gauze pads. I am still going to say it: 95% of the time someone gets an abscess, it's user error, some kind of small slip-up, combined with plain bad luck, especially when it comes to this forum. Still, I was part of that 5%, and Cat Cafe is the first UGL which inspired the confidence in quality control and meticulousness in me to come back to UGL gear after that painful intermezzo last year.

Furthermore: I won't hijack this thread for an extended explanation into Illias video about treating abscesses yourself, but I would, for various reasons, definetely recommend a visit to the ER or your healthcare provider the very same moment you even suspect an abscess.
I am someone who has had plenty of abscesses due to allergic reaction so I disagree with going to ER right away but to each their own. In allergic reaction cases, it can take a week for the abscess to disappear. That being said, if you develop a fever, then I do recommend going to the ER.
I DO NOT suggest trying to treat it yourself the way tattooed guy was preaching by pinning a mixture of shit.
The solid advice he gave was outlining the abscess perimeter if you are having trouble determining if it is getting bigger or not. As long as it is not increasing in size and getter redder/hotter and you don't get a fever you will likely be fine. Don't pin that area again for a while.
Also, I have noticed that abscesses happen more frequently in areas where you have a decent amount of scar tissues. I've pinned often enough, I know for the most part my scar tissue areas.
I am someone who has had plenty of abscesses due to allergic reaction
As someone that apparently tends to react strongly to certain ingredients (maybe the kind of oil they use, or impurities from inferior raws?), wouldn't you want to know which lab uses what and how much of it by just looking at the label - like any person that has a peanut allergy when grocery shopping?
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