Cat Café EU & US domestic

No offense but asking for people who put their vials next to / on their cat. I have a cat and I love them:
Isn't it risky to put the vials close to any animal? I have a preassumption but can be reasoned with.
Liska, how is it harm reduction that you offer credit/ discount for making such pictures?
Some people are simply idiot and does not know proper hygene (how to disinfect the vials afterwards). Probably not the best thing to give rewards for that. Just to be safe, you know.
I understand the sentiment but the preassumption is incorrect unless you insert the opened vial into any of your cat's orifices, which I would belatedly like to mention disqualifies you from receiving any discount and future product.

While I disinfect the vials another two times between taking them from storage and sending them off to customers, and would get a panic attack if someone was not disinfecting both the stopper and injection site before every injection, said unsanitary idiots have very likely died from infection via their cat's bite long ago.
I would not use 20g for drawing. 22g is the biggest I would go. 20g can destroy rubber top (depending on how many times you draw from one vial) and can leave pieces of rubber in your oil.
I actually did not know that was already the case with 20G, despite me being able to recall someone commended @Liska for the choice of vials due to the rubber being especially sturdy. Thank you!
Why does this source have no Anabolic Lab supporter tag? Why has this source not donated to AL as EVERY other long standing source he has done???
I'm sure there's a good reason for it.
Every single source here, EVER, who has stayed around has made numerous and significant AL donations. The only labs who do not support AL are the ones that exit scam around here or the ones who don’t plan on staying around long.
Judging the quality of a lab by the amount of donations they've made to AL is absolutely ass-backwards if I may be so frank. If I was trying to scam people, I'd bend over backwards trying to get that AL donation tag, so people who just visit this forum trying to find a legit source have less reason to think of my lab as fraudulent or illegitimate, because it's approved and has donated to AL, right ?
Liska understands marketing… He has social skills, unlike many sources, and he has these cute fuckin cat pics, but you all are acting as if because a well spoken guy with cat pics will never scam you ya know… because they just are too fucking cute.

You all are being fooled by a DRUG DEALER. Who fuckin cares if he has social skills and cute pics all over his thread. He’s a fucking drug dealer and we are injecting his shit into our bodies. He should be held to a standard and that standard should be enforced.

Yes, standards should be enforced. And that standard should be very simple: Correctly dosed (within a reasonable margin of error) gear without any bacteria or unwanted additives/ contaminations and good customer service. I absolutely do like the cat pics and Liska being well-spoken very much, because it does inspire confidence. Yet, Reagan did understand the old russian proverb "Trust but verify", which also applies here. And again, Liska does encourage the "verify" part, quite a lot actually! So, no, we're not being fooled here. And calling sources on this forum "drug dealers" is like calling a US aircraft carrier a "ship". Technically correct in some sense of the word, but it does not tell the whole story by a rather large margin.
Pull the wool out from over your eyes. You all should be holding back from purchases until this source shows some real standing around here with an AL donation.
Again: Real standing ? With a DONATION ? at this point, I'm beginning to question YOUR motives.
He can’t even follow the rules of staying in his own thread, but you all trust this shady operation because he can socialize and has cute pics all over his page???? He doesn’t follow rules, but you all hope he follows best practices with brewing???? LOL.

I wouldn’t trust a person who cannot follow simple rules and who has shown zero standing around here. He could disappear tomorrow and show up next week under a new name because you all are letting him showboat around here.

If we were all following rules, none of us would be here. Just a simple reminder. That's just nitpicking at its best.
So what you are saying is, that it is too much to ask to put the ingredients on the label of what UGLs (drug dealers with no consumer protection law or agency oversight whatsoever) are trying to sell as a guest on this board (that, I must stress, I am using casually and am therefore no one to hold other people accountable for breaking a rule)? If it is that simple, why not put it on the label and expect that someone might test that what is claimed and nothing less or more, as well as the ratio of those ingredients with a maximum allowed deviation, on the label?
It seems to me that you fail to understand that the consumer has some power in this game we are taught as capitalism.
Did you read and understand the part about creating higher general awareness?

I also fixed that for ya:
Quality is a mere and often accidental byproduct in the economic system (and its mostly monetary incentive) we live in, despite the fact it is taught even in universities that the cream will rise in a functioning market - which evidently too often is not the case.

Anyway, this discussion doesn't lead me nowhere, @Liska has read and acknowledged my message and I hope he decides to become a beacon of transparency this business desperately needs.
That I aside, that discussion now has to end for me because arguing with a steroid user (I assume that is what you are), that should have a vital interest to not inject something, he doesn't know its precise contents of, that defends UGLs being intransparent about the ingredients of an injectable is too bizarre for me.

There is a lesson to be learned from everything but not always does one have to be the person making the mistake oneself.

I know the actual size of a cat's neck and torso can be deceiving because of the fur but that tie seems uncomfortably tight.
Dude is nothing special in any steroids oil. BB BA oil and the raw
To put on the label what? If is written on label do you feel better? Is nothing special or secret in any oil.
Every oil contains the same shit. Do you know how steroids are made?
Why does this source have no Anabolic Lab supporter tag? Why has this source not donated to AL as EVERY other long standing source he has done???

Every single source here, EVER, who has stayed around has made numerous and significant AL donations. The only labs who do not support AL are the ones that exit scam around here or the ones who don’t plan on staying around long.

Liska understands marketing… He has social skills, unlike many sources, and he has these cute fuckin cat pics, but you all are acting as if because a well spoken guy with cat pics will never scam you ya know… because they just are too fucking cute.


You all are being fooled by a DRUG DEALER. Who fuckin cares if he has social skills and cute pics all over his thread. He’s a fucking drug dealer and we are injecting his shit into our bodies. He should be held to a standard and that standard should be enforced.

Pull the wool out from over your eyes. You all should be holding back from purchases until this source shows some real standing around here with an AL donation.

He can’t even follow the rules of staying in his own thread, but you all trust this shady operation because he can socialize and has cute pics all over his page???? He doesn’t follow rules, but you all hope he follows best practices with brewing???? LOL.

I wouldn’t trust a person who cannot follow simple rules and who has shown zero standing around here. He could disappear tomorrow and show up next week under a new name because you all are letting him showboat around here.

WHERE IS YOUR ANABOLIC LAB DONATION BANNER @Liska ???? Or are you just stroking us?

Oh, and I’ll be here to remind everyone of this every time I see you out of your thread @Liska
since when are you obliged to make a donation? The name itself suggests that it's done out of free will and not must and you seem to be obsessed about it as if it was proving anything.
Dude is nothing special in any steroids oil. BB BA oil and the raw
To put on the label what? If is written on label do you feel better? Is nothing special or secret in any oil.
Every oil contains the same shit. Do you know how steroids are made?
You are missing point. I've seen many labs put on their label solvent/BB BA percentages and what kind of carrier oil they are using. This helps people who may have allergic reactions to certain carrier oils and higher percentage BB/BA.
I did say to the poster however that I always ask the source first before I even think of ordering.
Still waiting for my package - totally not @Liska 's fault though. DHL is supposed to be single working day intra Germany. They took two days, and now I got three opinions : tracking says its already been delivered to the post office, the mail I got from DHL says I can pick it up tomorrow (which absolutely would defeat the purpose of having it shipped directly to a post office in the first place) and the lady at the counter said "maybe it'll come in later at 14:00 or 16:30"
Got package today. Small packet, everything was on point. Will update on the quality of product. For now I can say all good. Waiting for Optitropin restock for another order. @Liska I hope that with Hgh order u can put some water bag since weather is so hot that I think will lost all the product.
@theoneandonlyivy Eventually you'll end up stalking and chasing down their yellow trucks around the neighbourhood like a dog.

@scientifik I'm not sure about the heat conditions during the various phases of transport but unreconstituted GH is not as fragile as you may think - keep in mind that a great majority of the generic GH purity test results posted on Meso are from samples that weren't cooled during transport.
@theoneandonlyivy Eventually you'll end up stalking and chasing down their yellow trucks around the neighbourhood like a dog.

@scientifik I'm not sure about the heat conditions during the various phases of transport but unreconstituted GH is not as fragile as you may think - keep in mind that a great majority of the generic GH purity test results posted on Meso are from samples that weren't cooled during transport.
Right broddy catch u up next week for order. Hopefully it come back in stock
@theoneandonlyivy Eventually you'll end up stalking and chasing down their yellow trucks around the neighbourhood like a dog.
Oh god I hope not - might put the dog onto that track though :DDHL actually has the best service around here - amazon priority always makes it in a single day, and usually, regular packages as well. One out of 20 times however they absolutely have zero idea what they're doing whatsoever. I mean, what's the point of showing the package as "delivered to the post office" 5 minutes after being loaded into the delivery van
I was hesitant to put these on the store as I'm still suffering delays with getting my labels purrfessionally printed, but as this is the first batch and so cannot be confused with any other, I hope any label that serves as a unique identifier will suffice. It's a baby batch of 215 vials in total and as it's slightly prone to crashing, it'll be a summer/seasonal product only.

Testosterone Acetate at 100mg/ml:
I was hesitant to put these on the store as I'm still suffering delays with getting my labels purrfessionally printed, but as this is the first batch and so cannot be confused with any other, I hope any label that serves as a unique identifier will suffice. It's a baby batch of 215 vials in total and as it's slightly prone to crashing, it'll be a summer/seasonal product only.

Testosterone Acetate at 100mg/ml:
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is this from anabolic lab? i won't trust a source unless the testing is done by anabolic lab and you have a sticker.;)
is this from anabolic lab? i won't trust a source unless the testing is done by anabolic lab and you have a sticker.;)
All jokes aside, what I liked most about AL was how orderly and easy to search their database was - it actually makes you want to keep on browsing and checking out more labs. Eversince it kind of died, Meso has been lacking an organized & independent labtesting group, which many other boards, private and public, sponsored or free for all, do have nowadays.

What @SkankHunt is currently (re)building from the ground up is something the community already had a working (donation) system for, so I wonder if that cannot be revived/reused.

@Millard can you elaborate on what happened to AL and if the anabolic labs framework is off-limits for future (re)-use by the community? The donation part seems to be online still, no?

And just to make this abundantly clear, I obviously cannot and will not involve myself in any of this at all.
All jokes aside, what I liked most about AL was how orderly and easy to search their database was - it actually makes you want to keep on browsing and checking out more labs. Eversince it kind of died, Meso has been lacking an organized & independent labtesting group, which many other boards, private and public, sponsored or free for all, do have nowadays.

What @SkankHunt is currently (re)building from the ground up is something the community already had a working (donation) system for, so I wonder if that cannot be revived/reused.

@Millard can you elaborate on what happened to AL and if the anabolic labs framework is off-limits for future (re)-use by the community? The donation part seems to be online still, no?

And just to make this abundantly clear, I obviously cannot and will not involve myself in any of this at all.
I think it’s cause Simec won’t take US samples. I’d like to get more testing done but I’ve received a total of 4 donations lol. I’ll just continue to keep sending out stuff for as long as I can.
I think it’s cause Simec won’t take US samples. I’d like to get more testing done but I’ve received a total of 4 donations lol. I’ll just continue to keep sending out stuff for as long as I can.
I was just shown the post referencing this but testing could have easily been switched to another lab instead of stopping like it did - I was introduced to the lab testing group on Meso France recently and despite a sponsored board not being the ideal environment for that at all, they're still getting a lot of work/labs done.

There's way more blind testing by members happening here which would serve as an excellent way to doublecheck whatever an organized lab testing group was putting out as well.