No offense but asking for people who put their vials next to / on their cat. I have a cat and I love them:
Isn't it risky to put the vials close to any animal? I have a preassumption but can be reasoned with.
Liska, how is it harm reduction that you offer credit/ discount for making such pictures?
Some people are simply idiot and does not know proper
Wtf is up with this people?!?!I understand the sentiment but the preassumption is incorrect unless you insert the opened vial into any of your cat's orifices, which I would belatedly like to mention disqualifies you from receiving any discount and future product.
While I disinfect the vials another two times between taking them from storage and sending them off to customers, and would get a panic attack if someone was not disinfecting both the stopper and injection site before every injection, said unsanitary idiots have very likely died from infection via their cat's bite long ago.
Is this for real?
Me to i have 11 i breed them as a hobby !Antonio Nores Martinez, the creator of the Dogo Argentino said “ el mejor perro entre todos los perros de presa y el de más presa entre todos los perros del mundo “ “ the best dog among all the catch ones, and the best catch dog among all the dogs in the world”
<3 I love that dog since i was 13 yo
Probably best dogs in the world fearless strong agile hunters and loving when at home hard to beat that !