Cat Café EU & US domestic

I’ve been a bit delayed in posting my review and unfortunately I don’t have access to any cats to take advantage of the promo but I ordered from Liska around 3-4 weeks ago to the UK if I remember correctly and everything went well. By far my smoothest experience with any source.

The communication was second to none, it’s nice finally being able to speak to someone who’s fully literate in English even as someone who’s dealt with several domestic UK sources. The shipping time was fast (under 5 days if I remember correctly) and lastly the stealth was excellent too and far better than anything I’ve seen before from any clear net steroid source and dare I say, better than anything I’ve seen used by dark web sellers of rec drugs in the past too.

The vials and rubber stoppers also seem to be made of a high quality and the glass pill bottles also make a nice change. I couldn’t see any floaters in any of the vials either and the BAC water also looked to be clean (a clear web source I recently used had some floaters in theirs). PIP is non existent for the most part even with their 350mg test which was surprising to say the least given the issues with raws coming from China over the past year. I can probably say I’ve had more PIP from the Bayer Test I’ve been using this past year than Liska’s.

10/10 source as far I can see and I’d likely use them again in the future and I’d definitely recommend them to others. They also offered to go above and beyond to help me with a certain query I had regarding the consistency of their orals which I haven’t seen any other source do before so that was a surprise. Now if Liska can stock some Test E & U in a highly viscous castor oil carrier oil for someone like myself who has low SHBG and albumin and is very susceptible to hormonal fluctuations and doesn’t like frequent pinning when not ‘on cycle’, I’d be very grateful :). Some heavy metal analysis of the test would also be nice to see in the future even though the general consensus is that it isn’t needed but it’d help my hypochondria.
@daarkstars Thanks, I have a lot of different ways to package orders to avoid pattern recognition but it's all rather adorable!

@Ss99 Cat access is no longer the only way to promo, I will now accept a long list of animals (no Chiauahahhuahuahas though) alternatively as long as the picture is adorable. Thanks for the detailed review, I'd say I get feedback from 5% and reviews from 2% of customers so I'm always happy when they are posted!

Test E in an alternative carrier as well as Test U are planned! Thanks to Amazon spiking BTC in the last 24h, raw purchasing day came suddenly and early and it will allow me to do a few more niche projects I had postponed/abandoned!

I've only posted this once before and info can get lost in this mess of a thread: While I believe there's no need for testing for heavy metals after talking to @janoshik about it in the past, I'm still going to give 100% store credit for sending him a blind sample to test for this, just check with him on what makes the most sense please. This goes for any kind of test that's not on the conspiracy level of the earth being flat.

Here's a super lovely cat customer:

P.S. I might eat another forum ban shortly so if I stop responding for a few hours just assume that happened.
Are orders being shipped out as usual? I've been burned during the darknet days when sources did big sales or took pre-orders which later turned out to be exit scams. No offence. I've been holding off making my first order for that reason.
Are orders being shipped out as usual? I've been burned during the darknet days when sources did big sales or took pre-orders which later turned out to be exit scams. No offence. I've been holding off making my first order for that reason.
I wish I could sign a blood contract that killed me painfully if I scammed someone but also: don't buy gear from DNM sources, that's just asking for it.
Are orders being shipped out as usual? I've been burned during the darknet days when sources did big sales or took pre-orders which later turned out to be exit scams. No offence. I've been holding off making my first order for that reason.
They shipped to me the same day I sent the payment, I'd say they're reliable.
Thinking of running deca for the first time, any plans on adding letro to your stock?

Anyone have experience using caber with deca for managing prolactin?
@daarkstars Thanks, I have a lot of different ways to package orders to avoid pattern recognition but it's all rather adorable!

@Ss99 Cat access is no longer the only way to promo, I will now accept a long list of animals (no Chiauahahhuahuahas though) alternatively as long as the picture is adorable. Thanks for the detailed review, I'd say I get feedback from 5% and reviews from 2% of customers so I'm always happy when they are posted!

Test E in an alternative carrier as well as Test U are planned! Thanks to Amazon spiking BTC in the last 24h, raw purchasing day came suddenly and early and it will allow me to do a few more niche projects I had postponed/abandoned!

I've only posted this once before and info can get lost in this mess of a thread: While I believe there's no need for testing for heavy metals after talking to @janoshik about it in the past, I'm still going to give 100% store credit for sending him a blind sample to test for this, just check with him on what makes the most sense please. This goes for any kind of test that's not on the conspiracy level of the earth being flat.

Here's a super lovely cat customer:
View attachment 150954
View attachment 150955

P.S. I might eat another forum ban shortly so if I stop responding for a few hours just assume that happened.
Uh oh, what did you do?
Ordered from Liska second order and it arrived in a week, like allso first order did. Goods looks great and hope they allso works as good ! Wery easy communication and buying from that source. Ill Recommend.
Do you have experience shipping to Denmark and what is the succes rate if yes? :)

I have 2 cats, so I can be a good provider of goods to this thread if required
Do you have experience shipping to Denmark and what is the succes rate if yes? :)

I have 2 cats, so I can be a good provider of goods to this thread if required
Hello! I send there a lot and consider it by far the comfiest of the scandinavian countries to ship to, possibly because Denmark is just a stone's throw (this is called a Katzensprung = cat's jump in german) away.

There's so many cat breeds to collect for the café still! I've some of the rarest ones to show off to you guys really soon.

@lifter6973 after his ban so many impostors showed up that I wonder if he split into lesser goops of mike to haunt me.
Guys, I have been reading good about this site and planning to order some stuff for about $400 in central europe. Can I trust this site? How long do you think the shipping would be?
That's good and very reassuring to hear! I've been toying with the idea of doing a cycle and kinda the last missing piece of the puzzle is a source that I trust. From what I can read in this thread, you seem like a very trustworthy source!
From Wednesday onwards, the last 23 (27/50 were snatched up by preorders) kits of the 09/2020 Optitropin batch can be shipped, afterwards it will be a fresh batch, which Opti is already organizing the testing for - there may be a small gap of availability between the old and the new batch as I'll wait for test results before putting it on the store, but that should hopefully be it for the future as far as scarcity is concerned.

And now, here is the lighter half of the aforementioned rare breed, a Sphynx! I love them personally but for those of you who don't, please keep your opinions to yourself.