Cat Café EU & US domestic

Sphynx cats are cool because they don't leave any hair but still black cats rules


On topic question:
How the heat affects the GH during the transport? Is any major concern?
Can I pay extra for faster shipping to reduce the time in heat?
They are still 150/kit?
@dennia I agree on black cats

A reasonable degree of heat during transport should not be a concern for unreconstituted GH insofar the vast majority of GH purity tests you see are from uncooled samples - express shipping does not only cost 50-60 EUR minimum but also carries a higher risk to OPSEC, so I only do this in exceptional circumstances. I do mind to not ship GH when I know it'll be stuck at the post office all weekend before it gets picked up on Monday. 150€ per kit is still current for Meso members!
Finally adding my current experience with the cycle I'm now running. The products arrived in pristine condition, and, like it has already been said, the stoppers and vials themselves definitely are quality merchandise ;) pinning both the Test E 350 and Tren Ace 150 went without a hitch and using a 26G needle is absolutely adequate due to the relatively thin mct carrier oil. PIP has been pretty mild so far, I actually can confirm pharma testosterone gave me worse PIP as far as the test is concerned. The tren ace does, however, give me a bit of muscle tension and the muscle is a tad sore for, what, a few hours? Definitely not bad enough to hinder training though. Sides from the tren are already kicking in (sleep went to meh, weird dreams, maybe a tad more easily annoyed... And the sweating. Oh God the sweating. I drench my towel in the gym.). Same goes for strength and workout endurance - it's increasing steeply and I'm only 4 days in. so far, it's a 10/10 across the board. Thank you @Liska, I'm very much looking forward to my next order

Regrets :

-Not ordering more tren
-Not ordering clen for my cut.
-Not ordering cardarine. Currently my cardio mostly consists of swimming, so a little boost would be nice considering I'm running tren.

Knowing myself I will fix those regrets soon ;)
@daarkstars Thanks, I have a lot of different ways to package orders to avoid pattern recognition but it's all rather adorable!

@Ss99 Cat access is no longer the only way to promo, I will now accept a long list of animals (no Chiauahahhuahuahas though) alternatively as long as the picture is adorable. Thanks for the detailed review, I'd say I get feedback from 5% and reviews from 2% of customers so I'm always happy when they are posted!

Test E in an alternative carrier as well as Test U are planned! Thanks to Amazon spiking BTC in the last 24h, raw purchasing day came suddenly and early and it will allow me to do a few more niche projects I had postponed/abandoned!

I've only posted this once before and info can get lost in this mess of a thread: While I believe there's no need for testing for heavy metals after talking to @janoshik about it in the past, I'm still going to give 100% store credit for sending him a blind sample to test for this, just check with him on what makes the most sense please. This goes for any kind of test that's not on the conspiracy level of the earth being flat.

Here's a super lovely cat customer:
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P.S. I might eat another forum ban shortly so if I stop responding for a few hours just assume that happened.
No fucking Chihuahuas? Are you fucking kidding me? You lost a customer!

My two chihuahuas say to fuck off and go eat pig shit!
@dennia I agree on black cats

A reasonable degree of heat during transport should not be a concern for unreconstituted GH insofar the vast majority of GH purity tests you see are from uncooled samples - express shipping does not only cost 50-60 EUR minimum but also carries a higher risk to OPSEC, so I only do this in exceptional circumstances. I do mind to not ship GH when I know it'll be stuck at the post office all weekend before it gets picked up on Monday. 150€ per kit is still current for Meso members!

Are peptides like bpc157 more or less heat resistant than GH? Wish you had tb500 too. They're a great combo supposedly.
That's good and very reassuring to hear! I've been toying with the idea of doing a cycle and kinda the last missing piece of the puzzle is a source that I trust. From what I can read in this thread, you seem like a very trustworthy source!
I havent ordered from him yet, but he really seems like a good+proffessional guy. Keep us updated if you decide to give him a try.

From Wednesday onwards, the last 23 (27/50 were snatched up by preorders) kits of the 09/2020 Optitropin batch can be shipped, afterwards it will be a fresh batch, which Opti is already organizing the testing for - there may be a small gap of availability between the old and the new batch as I'll wait for test results before putting it on the store, but that should hopefully be it for the future as far as scarcity is concerned.

And now, here is the lighter half of the aforementioned rare breed, a Sphynx! I love them personally but for those of you who don't, please keep your opinions to yourself.
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Few stupid questions:
Is optitoprin pharmagrade or somehow made by "approved" company?
Will Hgh be fine shipping even in these temps?
Should one buy BAC water also if ordering hgh or is it included?
I take his silence as he actually did end up getting temporarily banned

He did because he can't act like an adult.
He went into the Panda thread and tried to start shit with their rep.

Most of you guy's don't give a shit or even approve of him running around Meso shit posting because you don't want to bite the hand that feeds you gear, but this is one of several reasons why he should be staying in his thread.

i'm sure he and the rest of you wouldn't like it if Ollie came in here starting shit.
That's just delusional lmao. Did you actually read the thread?

i have. i've also noticed there's not one instance of another source going into that thread and altering quotes.

Don't be blinded by desperation. Just because queer eye for the enhanced guy is the only game in your town doesn't mean you have to condone his stupidity.
i have. i've also noticed there's not one instance of another source going into that thread and altering quotes.

Don't be blinded by desperation. Just because queer eye for the enhanced guy is the only game in your town doesn't mean you have to condone his stupidity.
I will have to step up for Liska !
I appreciate professionalism no matter what it is in life you do try to do it the best you can and this dude/girl/feline whatever, he is very professional when it comes to his business!
He is fast! His stealth is second to none and getting better with every order! He has correct prices and tests everything !
He could just send a package with a non existing return address and give 0 fucks about stealth and still get orders but no he is a pro and takes the time to do it right and thats why he is appreciated !
I can understand that this does not translate to his forum activities and he breaking the “rules” bugs some people as this is not so professional as the rest of his business But he is needed in the EU community and i hope he will be back!
Sphynx cats are cool because they don't leave any hair but still black cats rules
How about a black Sphynx?IMG_20210228_110824.jpg

I am the Sphynx owner, but since i created the account on Meso after I found and ordered my testamony will probably be just seen as "shill".
I normaly just visit /fraud since i noticed having an "username" creates drama, especially on steroid topids. As anyone can see here. Its like a bunch of 8 years arguing about whos daddy is stronger....

Communication: Quick response, even gave me a rundown on discounts i can get. Transparent in stock availability and deliverytime. And ofcourse some smalltalk about cats.
Fast, same day Tracking Number. (sunday) Next day mail from Package Contractor. Day after arrived.
Products: Vials and Package looking good, no Fingerprints or other stuff visible. Have not injected or tested it but the at least the colours are as they supposed to be.

My cats are not as cooperative as id hoped for a foto shoot so it will take a while to get some nice shots with the gear, but i hope my babyes will get a special place on the website
He did because he can't act like an adult.
He went into the Panda thread and tried to start shit with their rep.

Most of you guy's don't give a shit or even approve of him running around Meso shit posting because you don't want to bite the hand that feeds you gear, but this is one of several reasons why he should be staying in his thread.

i'm sure he and the rest of you wouldn't like it if Ollie came in here starting shit.
I tried telling him over and over, but he just wanted to argue with me
I ordered my package a few weeks ago, I received my order in 3 working days and I am in Italy, I have been waiting for the review so that I can start my test and, I am in the fifth week (400 mg per week 2 injections) my muscles were virgin, shoulders and lateral quadriceps, but the pip was zero, the results are there and in 2 weeks I will go for total testosterone and estradiol analysis and I will update you, overall everything seems perfect so far.

PS: I hope my weird cat is enough to get 15% off the next purchase


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