Changzhou Xuanming Chemical Company

Got my Primo and Winny! Thought the Winny was oil based but I guess I assumed wrong. Is this gonna hurt more?


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what kind of feedback and experience do your buyers have with the Myo inhibitors? any/all input is welcome.
Hi Neal,

We actually don't hear much back about the myostatin inhibitors. Our buyers definitely gravitate more towards AAS and SARMs.

As for your question on shipping rates, if the packed weight is over 500g, shipping goes up to $65 up to 1kg.
My Masteron should get here tomorrow. Three months cruise before I blast again. Gonna be rough to have progress slow down for a while.

25mg, $40.0/vial
50mg, $70.0/vial
Minimum order is 100 bottles of each.
That means a 2.5 gram and 5 gram minimum order for each, respectively.
Got my Masteron! The pills are Clomid from another Chinese vendor.


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Picked up some Winstrol oil, Masteron and Primobolan from these guys. I'm about to cruise for three months on 150 test, 100mg tren, 100mg Primo and 50mg NPP. But I can't stop buying gear lol. I'll hold off after this. Got Anadrol and Dianabol from another Chinese source sitting in the fridge for whenever I'm ready to bulk as well.

I'll post pics when it all comes in. Can I stick the oils in the fridge?
Really? What were the prices and what the fuck is they even selling?
How the fuck would you know that? You seem fake asf.
Lol what?

Prices are on one of the first pages. I live in Hong Kong and can get packages from China in 1-4 days (by ground shipping). I can track stuff the whole way. I'm pretty much restricted to buying from Chinese sources because of my location and have bought from three different ones that post on here so far.
What specifically is MGF/IGF EC?
What FST is available? There's 288, 315, etc.

In answer to your first question:

We have FST-344.

2mg/vial is $4.50/vial
FST 344
1mg/vial is $15.0/vial

Minimum order is 10 vials of each.
So wha
Lol what?

Prices are on one of the first pages. I live in Hong Kong and can get packages from China in 1-4 days (by ground shipping). I can track stuff the whole way. I'm pretty much restricted to buying from Chinese sources because of my location and have bought from three different ones that post on here so far.
So what are the prices then