Changzhou Xuanming Chemical Company

MOTS-C pricing:

$500 for 1 gram, $4,000 for 10 grams, $30,000 for 100 grams. We can provide smaller amounts also if desired.
I'll be all over that right around new year's, that's amazing pricing. just make sure it's in idk, 50 vials or so. LMK on the other ones when you get em. I'll likely get you for a Tesa order before this. What's shipping rate again, as Tesa isn't in the US warehouse right? or is it.
I'll be all over that right around new year's, that's amazing pricing. just make sure it's in idk, 50 vials or so. LMK on the other ones when you get em. I'll likely get you for a Tesa order before this. What's shipping rate again, as Tesa isn't in the US warehouse right? or is it.
We don't have a US warehouse (yet). The MOTS-C pricing is for powder. Shipping is $50 for up to 500g.
Lucky to not be American? Yeah, definitely…
We're all North Americans, brother. Best continent on the planet, my man. And if you don't agree with this statement, it's probably safe to say that you are from or reside in some third world shit hole. And are probably, at this very moment, trying to devise a way to make it into this great land of milk and honey. Haters gonna hate...
I still don't really even know what people are buying from this source, all I have seen so far are a couple of items for sale and an incredibly disjointed and incomplete price list
That was more of a passive aggressive attempt on my part at getting the vendor to get an actual list together with pricing. One that is readable and makes sense in english
I've been pestering the sales team to do it. I'll give them another nudge! For now you can always email or WhatsApp for pricing or to ask for products that aren't on the list.
That was more of a passive aggressive attempt on my part at getting the vendor to get an actual list together with pricing. One that is readable and makes sense in english
Oh shit this isn’t even the right thread.. lmao my bad.. thought we were in qindao.. I haven’t ordered from these guys here so far.