Changzhou Xuanming Chemical Company

According to google, Spawn contained:

19-Norandrosta-4,9 diene-3,17 dione

The first one in Spawn is aka Dienedione.
The one he can get is aka Bolandione.
And the one he can't get is aka Bolandiol.

So they're slightly different, but both still belong to the same family of orally active 19-nors.

They had some good shit before those jackboot government thugs banned everything. The two CAS numbers i asked for when combined gave me feelz that would make some of these guy's today piss their pants. It truly was amazing IMO.
Same way on DMZ, however my BP was so high I was red as a tomato all day. But the feelz and strength and vascularity from it would speak for itself.
Anecdotal report based on "function" is that the cials is good.

I cant comment on the cardarine as Im only using 10mg a day and have not touched the T3 yet.

Take that for what you will.
So since everyone says Winny suspension hurts like a mf, I decided to try some today (from this company). I only injected 25mg subQ. No pain whatsoever, even when drawing and injecting with an insulin needle. Absolutely won't be an issue to use 1ml a day if it's this smooth. Let's see if I bite my tongue tomorrow and have a sore spot. :D But I legit didn't feel a thing. So far so good...

I do wish these guys carried Trest E though...
So since everyone says Winny suspension hurts like a mf, I decided to try some today (from this company). I only injected 25mg subQ. No pain whatsoever, even when drawing and injecting with an insulin needle. Absolutely won't be an issue to use 1ml a day if it's this smooth. Let's see if I bite my tongue tomorrow and have a sore spot. :D But I legit didn't feel a thing. So far so good...

I do wish these guys carried Trest E though...

Any immediate feelz from it? Does it make a noticeable difference PWO?
Any immediate feelz from it? Does it make a noticeable difference PWO?
I always feel a little something after injecting, but it was mild compared to 50mg NPP. I am recovering from a heavy workout atm. Was just wondering if the shot would hurt SubQ (25mg, 0.5ml). I am cutting down to cruise dosages of primo/tren/test and may just drop down to 100mg of test for a few months.

I'm not gonna use the Winny until March 1st, which is when I'll be able to answer your question, but I'm looking to run 25-50mg a day then vs PWO. I may just use 25mg a day since injectable Winny is supposed to be a lot more effective. I'll see how it goes when I start and if I don't feel like it's doing much, I'll up it to 50mg a day.

It definitely seems like something I can inject daily, which is what I was curious about. No PIP at all! The tren e at 200mg/ml is bitey, though, but I cut it with test prop and it's perfectly smooth when diluted. Plus it looks cool when the two oils mix
my MOTS-C is finally en route. :)

those of you coming from QDS thread will find a diametrically opposed experience from them here. first class all the way, am hoping for the same with the products themselves.
Just tried 50mg of the stanozolol. Definitely felt that! Gave me a little rush. No pain or PIP. It's super smooth and smoother to inject from an insulin needle than oil too because of the consistency. I'm supposed to be taking a break lol. May drop down to just 100mg test a week starting from this weekend.
So the Winny depot takes a while to clear...doesn't hurt but it does leave a lump. SubQ might be the way to go with suspension. I really like the stuff and hit some PRs today. Now to leave it alone for a while
So the Winny depot takes a while to clear...doesn't hurt but it does leave a lump. SubQ might be the way to go with suspension. I really like the stuff and hit some PRs today. Now to leave it alone for a while
Where you able to use a slin pen? I read that a bigger gauge needle was recommended for winny suspension.