Changzhou Xuanming Chemical Company

Where you able to use a slin pen? I read that a bigger gauge needle was recommended for winny suspension.
Yes, I read the same and wanted to try it for myself. Totally doable with this suspension! No pain going in, just a tiny bit sensitive to touch the day after. Also a lump that takes a week to clear!

Seemed to hit me really hard at 50mg. I had hiccups all day yesterday and wonder if it's related. I took an additional 25mg the previous night. I've never felt any steroid quite so strongly.
Yes, I read the same and wanted to try it for myself. Totally doable with this suspension! No pain going in, just a tiny bit sensitive to touch the day after. Also a lump that takes a week to clear!

Seemed to hit me really hard at 50mg. I had hiccups all day yesterday and wonder if it's related. I took an additional 25mg the previous night. I've never felt any steroid quite so strongly.
I used it in oil and I absolutely love it! I look my best on it. 30 minutes after I inject 50mg, and pump up. It's all veins and cuts!
So the Winny depot takes a while to clear...doesn't hurt but it does leave a lump. SubQ might be the way to go with suspension. I really like the stuff and hit some PRs today. Now to leave it alone for a while
Sub-q suspension? PIP city my brother.. bury it deep, but not super deep, leaking from the muscle I find is what causes the pip.
No PIP aside from hard depots that are a little sensitive when pressed. I forget they're even there!
So a 1” needle in the delts ?
maybe you have massive delts, but I would be scared of using a needle that long. I always bury a 5/8" needle in my delts and I am fine. I have decent sized delts (I do a TON of OHP) and I still wouldn't use a 1" needle. Maybe I am overly scared for no reason, but like I said a 1/2" or 5/8" should be perfectly fine, unless you have an ungodly amount of fat on your shoulders.
maybe you have massive delts, but I would be scared of using a needle that long. I always bury a 5/8" needle in my delts and I am fine. I have decent sized delts (I do a TON of OHP) and I still wouldn't use a 1" needle. Maybe I am overly scared for no reason, but like I said a 1/2" or 5/8" should be perfectly fine, unless you have an ungodly amount of fat on your shoulders.
Haha. I use a 1.5” needle in my delta
Will place an order for raws early next year.

Do you sell the carrier oils, and BA/BB as well? Been having poor experiences ordering from from 1688, and need something more reliable.