Changzhou Xuanming Chemical Company

Will place an order for raws early next year.

Do you sell the carrier oils, and BA/BB as well? Been having poor experiences ordering from from 1688, and need something more reliable.
All of these are very cheap: think under US$10 a kg. The issue is the cost of shipping! Shipping costs more than the carrier oils and BA/BB.
pack landed today after sitting in NY for 10 days. got to NY super fast though, like in 2-3 days once I was notified of it shipping from CN lol. I'm not posting pics of the actual packaging but suffice to say that was the absolute most annoying PITA packaging ever to get into lol. the vials could have gone through a nuclear fallout and survived the trip still.

I pinned 10mg of the MOTS-C 40m ago and came back to my office. I might toy with higher doses tbh. I have 250mg total in this batch and everything I've ready short of one recent study is that the higher the dose, the better. I'll see how I feel tonight and evaluate, as I've read accounts of some having issues sleeping after a 10mg dose.

all in all, the experience with Changzhou has been first class start to finish. I also got Selank, Epitalon, HMG, HCG, and Tesamorelin. I have heavy experience with all but HMG so I'll be relying on "feelz" for those, but I'll know if the stuff is good or not.

All of these are very cheap: think under US$10 a kg. The issue is the cost of shipping! Shipping costs more than the carrier oils and BA/BB.
I'm located in mainland China, so shipping isn't that bad.

Just looking for something pure, so that I can experiment with my response to different oils, as I have some allergies and am prone to pip.
So I have been getting a lot of PM's about the DNP. No I have not started yet so I can not comment on effect.

Here is a pic of one I opened. It almost looks and feels freeze dried.

CXC local sales confirmed its DNP powder and not crystal. They did not confirm what the filler is (about 300mg) and stated the blend is confidential as the caps weigh out at around 500mg and I'm assuming 200mg accurately dosed DNP.

Take that for what you will.

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Looks exactly like the one I got from Qindao Sigma, same bottle, same sticker and same print. Wouldn't be a bad thing if they share a same source though, as they had some good results on the orals Jano tests.
I did not know QS had DNP on their list. Interesting. Same gold caps and everything?
I'm running some experiments with the MOTS, but so far it has been less interesting than I thought. I have one more thing to try with it and I'll report back. that said, there have been some beneficial changes for me with the stuff so I am not writing it off just yet.

all of my other peptides ordered from here are definitely passing all the feels reports. Selank, HMG/HCG, Epitalon all act as they should. Haven't used Tesa yet but I'm sure it's gonna be the same, and as expected. Today is last day of MOTS. I'll report back.
Unnecessary. Whether to focus on health, quality, and standards or price.
Most of the time, the cheapest has lower quality.
For drugs, the adverse reactions offen show up after serveral years.
By then it will be too late for treatment.
These all come from the same place. Price has nothing to do with quality.

If I take two pencils I buy from the same store.. and I put one in my right hand... I slowly raise it up and tell you.. I want $100 for it. Then I take a pencil and put in my left hand and tell you , It's 50 cents. Even though I purchased them from the same place, you as a consumer is going to think, wow... the $100 one is Better. I then tell you.. I'll give you a deal.. I'll sell you the $100 pencil for $90! today only! You will be a sucker and buy the $90 pencil that is identical to the .50 cent one! It's all a mind game. It's called adding value to a product by raising the retail price.

And ....When you can't beat your competitors prices... then you use fear. ( you saying adverse reactions, etc) haha. I'm in sales, I play these games myself.

I make / import stuff from China, to be honest, the material to make goods comes from different sources at different times, the manufactures can't even guarantee the quality, because they don't know where all the ingredients come from.

Remember.. the more you pay, the better it is! GRIN!
You do actually pay more (or less) depending on purity level for raws in China. Even from the same producer! There are multiple producers of raws and many more of finished products. A lot can go wrong with processing so it's definitely best to do your homework.