Changzhou Xuanming Chemical Company

Except for hcg I’ve never heard of those. Are you cutting?
Epitalon is for anti-aging. HMG is similar to HCG, TRT/fertility usage. Selank is an anxiolytic / nootropic. Tesamorelin is aka Egrifta (an RX), it's basically a GHRH at the end of the day. very effective for visceral fat loss. MOTS-C acts on PGC1-a to mobilize brown fat, works directly on your mitochondria and normalizes insulin levels. I can speak pretty well of it at this point, although I only used it for 5 days. I'll make a post now.
Epitalon is for anti-aging. HMG is similar to HCG, TRT/fertility usage. Selank is an anxiolytic / nootropic. Tesamorelin is aka Egrifta (an RX), it's basically a GHRH at the end of the day. very effective for visceral fat loss. MOTS-C acts on PGC1-a to mobilize brown fat, works directly on your mitochondria and normalizes insulin levels. I can speak pretty well of it at this point, although I only used it for 5 days. I'll make a post now.
At the risk of sounding stupid, lot of big words making my head hurt. Lol. I got it
MOTS-C experience:

some context;
I was off of a mild/moderate gear cycle for exactly 3 weeks when I began using the MOTS. my TRT is an atypical method where I use Letro 2.5mg 2x a week and (now) HCG/HMG. this puts my TT > 1300 and FT >600, but E2 sank to 29, thus the addition of HCG/HMG. I provide this context because of lifting numbers - I would normally have dropped back 6-8% across the board at this point being back in TRT mode.

well, I didn't lol.

(gear cycle btw was Bold Cyp 300mg, Test C 375mg, Primo E 400mg. i also ran Tren A for 4 days at 10mg/day before I called it quits on that due to sides).

starting weight at this point was 281.2lbs. i'm 6'6 / 18-19%.

so as I said, this is the point where my lifts would begin to decline since being back on TRT ... esp with E2 going way back down on my protocol.
day1 - took 10mg MOTS. IM. small welt at the site. Didn't notice the massive energy spike that many reported getting. Peed a lot... no other real sides. cardio was normal, no major difference.

day2 - took the remainder of that first mixed vial, 40mg. weighed myself, down 0.8lbs. this type of fluctuation is pretty typical for me so I didn't think much of it, but diet was completely unchanged, food sources unchanged, so i was like "ok, maybe it's something, we'll see." after I showered in the AM I threw on a pair of my much newer UA thermals and they fit much looser. (??? did my fat ass stretch the shit out of these things already?) cardio session was normal. no major energy rush, but ... it's odd. It felt like 'things' were happening, idfk how to describe it. definitely not a stimmed out feeling, never hypo or anything - it's hard to describe. I took notice of it but that was it.

day3 - mixed new vial (50mg), took it all at once. gym was a lifting session later, so I was looking forward to that in a few hours. after AM shower again, another pair of newer UA thermals were slightly looser than yesterday's.... ok. weighed myself, down another 1lb. I went to go lift, warmed up like usual and definitely felt much more capacity even in warmups. so as I wrote earlier, this is the point in my hormone cycle that being back on TRT levels my lifts would go down 6-8%. I train using a reverse-pyramid scheme (Leangains / RPT is what I use) so I know what to expect give/take each week etc. well, not only did I not go down, but my lifts were all higher across the board in weight and in reps. It had been 17 days since I did this particular workout (flat, incline, dips, curls, pushdowns) so I for sure expected some decline. Nope!

I did temper myself with this because I've been stupid in the past on cycles/PEDs and come close to major injury by increasing weights/reps too quickly week to week. that said, every lift was up between 2.5-4% on an absolute basis, with my bodyweight being 7lbs lower than the last time I did this workout. so, that's pretty significant for me.

day4 - mixed another 50mg vial and took half of it. down another 1lb, and stomach felt noticeably smaller at this point. I went and measured it and it was 1.25" smaller. cardio session normal, nothing else major to report. energy levels totally fine despite me never getting enough sleep, yet I had no issue going to sleep nor staying asleep. I just have a lot going on.

day5 - I have 125mg left, so I decide to just take it all and see how it goes. (for reference, the human equivalent dose for my weight per the mice studies would be ~108mg, so this was why I decided to see how this went). Nothing major, surprisingly. I was down another 0.6lbs that morning as well. Stomach unchanged in either direction. I did not take other measurements but my clothes definitely fit looser across the board. no major energy burst at all at this dose either.

One side effect I did notice was that I sorta felt like a dumbass at times on this stuff. could have been just life stuff going on and the fact that I don't eat a lot lately either, but, those have been pretty constant for the last several months prior to this. not sure what to make of it other than perhaps I just need to eat more / sleep more.

another side effect / benefit - my fasted BG levels dropped drastically and have remained as such. this was becoming a worry of mine because for awhile now lifting or doing anything with muscle tension, I would be fairly shaky (like... 5.5-6.5/10) while exerting effort. so I started monitoring my levels and they were low to mid 100s. (no prior reference to this, but this issue has been for 4-5 months by now). on the morning of day 5 they dropped to low 70s lmao. this morning was the same, 71. I also don't have the tension issue the last 2 workouts I've done since being on the MOTS. this was very, very welcome.

my weight has remained at 275-276 and I'll lift again today. I finished the MOTS this past Monday. clothes still fitting as loose as they were while on it.

overall, I would very much like to run the stuff again at higher doses and for longer. my original plan was to go 25 days at 10mg/day but for experiments' sakes, I decided to go the higher dose and see what came of it. I have Ozempic on the way from Skank so that will certainly be a factor for further weight loss for me, and thus I'll hold off on MOTS for another 1.5-2 months. my next planned run with it will be substantially longer and consistent dosing. it's quite expensive to run unless you get it from these guys or other Chinese sources, but from a side effects vs benefits standpoint, this stuff is great. the only real irritation were the injection welts, but Tesa gives me worse welts than MOTS did. I did all pins IM with slin pins and the welts lasted a day or less per pin.
my weight has stayed the same, 275-6. clothes same. didn't work out since that post, holidays are nuts and only gonna get worse. fasted BG is now high 60s. I have had more sustained energy as well the past few days. nothing wild, just noticeably more.

keep in mind - I am like 95% sedentary right now just as I was on the short run of it. I worked out 3x 40m of steady state cardio and 1x lift session. I've been glued to my desk for 10-11 hours a day otherwise. on the next run no doubt I will do more, but even this level of results I am satisfied with.
I sent an email days ago and they haven't responded. Will they not respond to protonmail or are they just slow. Sigma responded to me at least with prices.
I don't handle the email accounts but you can always DM. It does seem like some emails don't get through for whatever reason.

Clen prices are up slightly.


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