Changzhou Xuanming Chemical Company

You might want to donate to some Televangelist, they will care about you if you donate also! :)

Yes... businessmen care about people! Hope they send you a birthday card.

This stuff is a commodity. Are you going to pay more for a loaf of bread, assuming its of good quality, just because of "good service". I've answered over 75,000 phone calls, and took over 55,000 orders personally in my business, and the main thing is price price price.
In China, you can buy 10 pairs of "Nikes" for $50. Pricing based on standards.
oof. ok, keep us posted. as in they sent the wrong stuff or you believe it isn't genuinely what you paid for?
I bought some test C from them, but i think they sent me test undecanoate. Or maybe Test E. Who knows at this point but all the tests i ran at home don't look like test C. I don't have reagent grade chemicals to work with so that's why I'm giving them the benefit of doubt until I can see the HNMR and CNMR.
I see.
But with an agent I feel safe, because if shipping get seized, the customs don’t have my Adress, only the agent‘s adress.

Maybe @Liska can ask her cat for an opinion
As I've been summoned, I'll cat chat with changzhou to check that they can/will ship it in compliance with your concerns and will report back.
Ich habe "sales team" gefragt. :)

Notice to all: I'm only a part-time rep and work a full-time job also, so please bear with me if I take 24 hours to reply to this thread or DMs at times.
Can confirm they can send it according to your needs, just tell the rep to use the method discussed. Average shipping time was 14 days a few months ago, went up to 30+ days recently and will probably come back down again. Tracking won't update until it's 1-2 days from your door, don't mind this please.
So I have been getting a lot of PM's about the DNP. No I have not started yet so I can not comment on effect.

Just to update. Day 10 at 200mg ED and everything I expected to feel I feel (heat, lethargy, neon pee pee, night sweats and no ability to catch a pump in the gym). Needless to say, its DNP. Is it 200mg per cap, who knows, but it should be close based on what I am feeling from experience.
Hey guys I have a question. So I made a small batch of test e the other day @300mg/ml. I used sesame oil this time (my first batch with sesame) as I have some pre-made eq that uses sesame oil and I love it. So I did my first pin on Tuesday(1ml) and I don't have to much pip but I still have a pretty good lump in my delt. I have made the same stuff but with gso and It gives me more pip but no lump like this. I used a 1/2" slyn pin which sometimes I use a 1" 29g but it just seems unnecessary for delts. Has anyone ran into this using sesame oil when homebrewing? Should I try using some EO with it next batch maybe?
Hey guys I have a question. So I made a small batch of test e the other day @300mg/ml. I used sesame oil this time (my first batch with sesame) as I have some pre-made eq that uses sesame oil and I love it. So I did my first pin on Tuesday(1ml) and I don't have to much pip but I still have a pretty good lump in my delt. I have made the same stuff but with gso and It gives me more pip but no lump like this. I used a 1/2" slyn pin which sometimes I use a 1" 29g but it just seems unnecessary for delts. Has anyone ran into this using sesame oil when homebrewing? Should I try using some EO with it next batch maybe?
I would filter a small amount of sesame oil, without any additions and inject it. Simply to make sure it's the sesame oil.

Don't know about where you got the oil, could be your body's response to the carrier oil itself, or maybe issues with the purity of your sesame oil source.

I get swelling with GSO, and found out it's an allergic response which can be suppressed with antihistamines. Loratadine seems to suppress it a bit better for me than cetirizine. Not too many issues with EO, except when going higher in injection volume, making it harder for short esters.
I would filter a small amount of sesame oil, without any additions and inject it. Simply to make sure it's the sesame oil.

Don't know about where you got the oil, could be your body's response to the carrier oil itself, or maybe issues with the purity of your sesame oil source.

I get swelling with GSO, and found out it's an allergic response which can be suppressed with antihistamines. Loratadine seems to suppress it a bit better for me than cetirizine. Not too many issues with EO, except when going higher in injection volume, making it harder for short esters.
I have issues with my right delt too. Need to give it a break from pinning. That's why I went there for my first go cause it always causes the most discomfort for me at this moment. I got my oil from piping rock online, it's suppose to be high quality plus my membrane filters filter the shit out of everything anyways. I have my next pin tomorrow, going to go glutes which is my usual spot and see how things go.
Just started on their Proviron and Masteron, on top of sublingual stanozolol suspension, primo, test and tren. Therapeutic NPP that I may bump up a bit as well. Gonna be a fun short blast.
Just started on their Proviron and Masteron, on top of sublingual stanozolol suspension, primo, test and tren. Gonna be a fun short blast.
How long of cycle are you running? I have some stuff coming, tracking hasn't updated yet to the states. Shipped on the 21st, terrible time to put in an order.