Changzhou Xuanming Chemical Company

How long of cycle are you running? I have some stuff coming, tracking hasn't updated yet to the states. Shipped on the 21st, terrible time to put in an order.
Just four weeks with a taper off the T at the end. I always taper off T because I use daily prop shots.

600mg prop, 200mg tren e (split into eod), 300mg Masteron, 300mg Primo, and 50mg a day of sublingual stanozolol to round it out. Will probably use 100mg NPP e5d starting from tomorrow. Might also add low dose Anavar (thinking about it).
Oh, don't inject winny suspension subQ. I have residual lumps and slightly darker areas that are gradually fading from 5-6 weeks ago! I've been happy with using the suspension under the tongue. Bypasses the liver that way
Just added 5mg a day of MENT. Quite the stack now! Not from Changzhou this time: they don't carry MENT unfortunately.
Hi Sir, do you have pills / liquid solutions of CAS# 157115-85-0 and CAS# 63547-13-7 N? Noopept and Adrafinil. Thanks
Just received my package in the mail. Packing was very discrete and professional, everything is accounted for. it took a little over 20 days (to the states) after receiving tracking info and customer service was amazing! Great experience all around
Hey guys I have a question. So I made a small batch of test e the other day @300mg/ml. I used sesame oil this time (my first batch with sesame) as I have some pre-made eq that uses sesame oil and I love it. So I did my first pin on Tuesday(1ml) and I don't have to much pip but I still have a pretty good lump in my delt. I have made the same stuff but with gso and It gives me more pip but no lump like this. I used a 1/2" slyn pin which sometimes I use a 1" 29g but it just seems unnecessary for delts. Has anyone ran into this using sesame oil when homebrewing? Should I try using some EO with it next batch maybe?
I think it’s the test e raws coming out of China. I’ve had issues with PPLs test e as well. Brewed in gso. It was causing nasty pip. There’s threads on here saying that if you heat the oil temp to 110c for 30 minutes it helps. It helped mine quite a bit but still leaving a hard lump at the injection site which gets painful to touch. At least it isn’t that painful to move my arm as much it’s more of just the lumps forming at the injection site like that’s not normal at all and wish I could get why this is happening. If anyone knows any source that doesn’t have garbage test e I am all ears for real
The sales team just told me they replied to a lot of emails from people who posted on here. If you're still waiting for a reply, please let me know!

