Changzhou Xuanming Chemical Company

I’m still finishing off some 10mg Tirzepatide, blue caps, they work well! Collectors item now I guess.
I’d also be willing to brew if anyone is willing to take shipments and domestic forward Raws. Easy work around. Choose your oil too
Are there any orals available anymore? Almost out of cock bombs.. those things are insane. I haven't been on the site for a long time but everything I got from these guys was definitely legit in the past if anyone was curious.
I can't remember everything I've gotten from them. I mostly got raws but I have used their anadrol and it was legit. Test cyp, deca, dhb, tren ace and enanthate i think i got yk11 too. Dostinex, arimidex and aromosin for estrogen and prolactin control. I got a few orders from him and a few from qsc last year everything has kinda gotten mixed together at this point which is disappointing but I just zip sealed each product and threw them in my safe. I never had anything lab tested but did tests from roid test and everything tested what it was suppose to be. I have some Anavar from him too but I haven't used it yet. I keep falling off the wagon with alcohol so I haven't been using any aas for about 6 months. Been back in the gym for 3 weeks now and have been using the test cyp I made from him last year. Communication was always great and never had an issue with missing items like with qsc (they did make it right though for me). I went with qsc for the reship service but if I had to do it over I would have just stuck with these guys. Seems like things got a little crazy in China there for a while so I'm glad I got my stuff when I did.
Started in 2022. I think CXC shut down a few months ago when they got rid of all their raw inventory.