Chilton Labs - UK Domestic & International

What about the oil? I figure if anything’s gonna degrade it’ll be the MCT going rancid

The alcohol and benzyl benzoate in the oil create a bacteriostatic (no bacterial growth possible) environment. The compound is submerged in an oxygen free environment.

Consider how long cream in Bailey's kept at room temperature lasts without spoiling.

The most likely thing, after many years, to make gear go bad would be interactions with the rubber stopper, leeching rubber related compounds into the gear(even without contact), and the fact the alcohol and benzyl benzoate will very slowly evaporate and slip passed, or in the case of BB, through, the stopper and the antibacterial properties diminish.

There are special coated stoppers that will actually prevent these issues, and assuming the gear is made properly and kept out of light likely to keep without significant loss of potency for 15 years+.

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