Ciraws/International raws source

First Part of my Ciraws order-review:
Location: central Europe

I heard some wierd stuff about the source I normaly order my raws from, so i decided to give Ciraws a try. Also another known source, where I order finished products from told me he heard good stuff about ciraws, after I asked him if he could supply me with raws, which he couldnt.
So I wrote Cirus on wickr and asked for a up to date price list, which he sent me like 30 minutes after I contacted him.
Prices on his list are per kg, so I told him what I need and he told me the price for that amount plus shipping cost.
Side note: for longer answers he even replies with voice messages for a quick conversation which is great. He even send me a picture of inside his Gym and told me he is busy and that he can reply in detail in 1 hour after he got home. I am used to sources which take 24 hours to reply, so this is great.

Asked him about reshipping and he confirmed, that raws are shipped from China to a european reshipper first. This is a must for me, so satisfied with that.

I paid via Bitcoin and 48hours later he sent me the tracking number which is a tracking number from the netherlands. Of cours, tracking saiys "not in carriers system yet" because the tracking number will be activated from the moment the reshipper ships it from the netherlands. Will continue my review after orer has arrived.

Another side note: One of the things I ordered was TestE Powder. He told me, that he can swap that to TestC if I want him to, because it can cause PIP, or just leave it like that and send me TestE. This was after I paid and I did not understand at first, did some research and found out, that a lot of people have PIP on TestE powder from china (where 95% of raws come from) and most of the people who DONT have PIP in fact ordered TestE but got send TestC from the source without them knowing, because sources know, that and want their customers to be satisfied and those customers most likley wont notice a difference between E and C at all.
I gathered those information not from Cirus, but here on meso and some independend articles. After I found out about this I told him he can swap the E to C and am now very happy about the fact, that he told me that. He could have either send me E and let me live with PIP and questionmarks over my head, or just swap it to C and basically "lie" to me.

Excuse the spelling and grammar, not my first language
Thx buddy.
I have ordered from Ci about year ago and i was very happy with service. Yes their prices are higher, but the more you order, it gets better. They will provide reshiper, with normal orders. One known here source posted its like 400$ per order to provide reshiper. With Ci You have it for free. You can with no stress wait for your raws to arrive. It's obvious that order containing 5g of this nad 10g of that is not worth holding. Im not suprised they upped price, if people would order 10g's like its amazon there would be bust after bust. Ask for more.
I will order soon, and update when it arrives.
Liked their service most from all sources i used, they also made it trough when there where lockdowns and no raws where coming due to shiping issues.
Appreciate it buddy.
Recently placed an order. Will wait for it to touch down, then I'm going to send a sample to Jano. Will keep y'all updated.

I can say that thus far everything has been smooth. He communicates clearly and quickly. Even had a phone chat with him over Wickr, which was pretty cool. Made me feel more comfortable.
You sound like a robot at this point, where is the proof to back your claims up? Don't show me a HPLC test from 2019. Show me something recent.
Go back a few pages and you will see that is some test from Jano.

I had done some blood test but unfortunately the test level has a high limit and is not accurate. I and some friends have been using his products and their are spot on. Been using steroids for the last 10 years now and I can tell is something is bad.
After saying that he is the best source to be using because: fast communication, quality, a EU re shipper and no custom involve. Now you will say that I shill him but can't ignore the good experience I have and others as well
I'm requesting dosage, purity and dimer tests on the HGH, not talking about his AAS raws.

He's been selling those for a long time and you people say it's good.

It's the chinese HGH he just started selling that i want to see recent testing for.
I'm requesting dosage, purity and dimer tests on the HGH, not talking about his AAS raws.

He's been selling those for a long time and you people say it's good.

It's the chinese HGH he just started selling that i want to see recent testing for.
Wait a bit. Is someone that will be made a test from Jano. M@anu is dealing with that atm
But selling bad hgh is no reason to do that. Hormones are cheap in China, a reputation to keep and you will do more money if you sell good stuff, people will buy from you because you are a good source.
As far from my experience he is a good source but wait for that Jano test and then take a decision
i have his hgh on the way from which i will sent 1 vial to jano
My GH from cirus also on the way, i had a lot of questions, cirus replied fast as lightning and very professionel...i would also send 1 vial to jano, but if m@anu already will do this, then it is not necessary to do it twice, because it is the Same feeling tells me that cirus stuff is on point and i am lookin forward to take the gear
My GH from cirus also on the way, i had a lot of questions, cirus replied fast as lightning and very professionel...i would also send 1 vial to jano, but if m@anu already will do this, then it is not necessary to do it twice, because it is the Same feeling tells me that cirus stuff is on point and i am lookin forward to take the gear

ask him if he also pays for yours.
i think 2-3 different lab tests are more reliable than one.
i will also draw a random vial from my 100 vials. After they have arrived, someone of the old vets can give me 2 numbers from 1 to 10 and i pull out from number x kit number y vial. i can also record it
ask him if he also pays for yours.
i think 2-3 different lab tests are more reliable than one.
i will also draw a random vial from my 100 vials. After they have arrived, someone of the old vets can give me 2 numbers from 1 to 10 and i pull out from number x kit number y vial. i can also record it
I already had response by cirus because of taking the fees when i send a vial to jano. I can also do this, and post the results on meso. I will also choose a random vial
so order and just tell him you send it for test if you mistrust?
do you think he gave me 100 correct vials now because i said i test it? just have a talk with a source regarding the testing incentive..and then order from another handle,or through another way.

For example..
If I speak with a source on wickr,I won't even mention my name on the forum. Then order from a different wickr.

Or have a source speak publicly about the testing incentive and then order without disclosing my name on the forum,again through wickr or even email.

Once the shit is in the way,it doesn't really matter.

No biggie. No science.