Ciraws/International raws source

One day old account, new to Meso and within 31 min has researched thousand of pages source talk on here and decided for this specific source.

Fuck off.
In defense for relativly new users: I myself were not around on Meso for a long time before ordering from Liska and Ciraws. That does not mean, that I wasnt using gear before, brewed my own shit, knew some sources and were active on SST or other forums :)
Altough I understand, that his post sounds a little shady.
In defense for relativly new users: I myself were not around on Meso for a long time before ordering from Liska and Ciraws. That does not mean, that I wasnt using gear before, brewed my own shit, knew some sources and were active on SST or other forums :)
Altough I understand, that his post sounds a little shady.
Thank you. I already expected to get flamed for not having a big post count, but I still wanted to share my experience.

As for why I chose Ciraws, simple I shot 3 emails; one to PPL, Dragon, and Cir. He was the first to answer. I guess I'm not difficult
I've just placed order and response was even quicker than last time. And yeah the more you order the better price you get, and holding is worth it for sure. I will update when i receive it.
And no hplc test from China.
Ok........No offense, I've seen a few test reports from a few "labs"

They are not that accurate and correct anyway lol. Analytical chemistry, we at least provide a real report, not just a number........

Anyway, you guys want it, we'll just do it.....
To play devils advocate here 100 good vials isn't that much. That's what 10 kits correct? As a source of his size he probably has at least 100 kits. If he knows your going to test before he sends he will absolutely send you 10 good kits knowing no matter what vile you pick it will be good.

I am not saying his kits aren't good but reality is if he is going to scam he probably has 50 good kits to send to vets or people that have agreed to test and 100 bunk kits he would send to people buying 1-3 kits. That way guys buying a lot of kits tout how good it is and guys that buy minimal might not get anything but will be written off as "it hasn't been long enough" or "you only have 1 kit that's not enough to tell".

Again not I don't care either way but true blind testing should be kits bought and received then tell the source you want to test and have him pay.
It's good to be careful.
Some conspiracy here....
Next thing you will be hear is that he is a mason and that he is part of the bilderberg group and in his products he has micro chip to control the people.

He has good reviews with raws and I can't see him sell something not good. Wait a bit for the Jano testing then you can say whatever you wish
Selling bad hgh is not something that he will win for and is not something I can see he will do. He is a business man,a reputation to keep,money to made. Hormones are really cheap in China. Make no sense to give something bad when you had sell good stuff before you have some background and selling something not good is not in their background

And with that theory that if you say that you will be testing he will send good stuff is not something that he will win,make no sense to do so. Is all about the money and I can tell you that is not worth the effort to do so. Deliver good stuff is something that will worth it
Wait for the testing guys....

Exactly, that's what I wanna say...
Thx buddy, so tired of arguing with Einsteins
One day old account, new to Meso and within 31 min has researched thousand of pages source talk on here and decided for this specific source.

Fuck off.

You fuck off, fucking idiot.

He is my customer. Not everybody has an account in his hands.

Ok........No offense, I've seen a few test reports from a few "labs"

They are not that accurate and correct anyway lol. Analytical chemistry, we at least provide a real report, not just a number........

Anyway, you guys want it, we'll just do it.....
I know I know.

I have seen some around too.

None knows about the testing from China and if it is faked. We can confirm a testing result at jano or lab4tox. Chinese test,we cannot do shit about
Sup yalls? New member account, long time lurker. I expect to either be:

a) ignored
b) welcomed
c) addressed with hate/skepticism

”B” would be preferred, but I can handle all 3. Even those here that seem to be more like alligators with their traps open, waiting to snap shut on the next thing that comes by..

Stumbled into Ciraws videos on the youtubes. Liked what I saw. He was actually the ONLY person on that platform (that I‘ve seen) fully derive (with corresponding math) the recipe for home brew test cyp. I’m a math teacher, so that impressed me and drew me a little closer. Other vids included product test reagency, lab protocol/GMP and lab brew process, etc. Then I thought, “If he was a charlatan, he’s gone to some pretty dedicated lengths to do so”. Yet, I’m FULLY aware, there’s no shortage of scumbags in the world. I digress...

I researched the evolution of this specific thread to assist validation of Ciraws. After watching the weeks and months pass with intraforum beef, hate & skepticism toward his proclamations, a few gamblers ordered gear and dick pills from him with explicit success. Compounding the positive impression I got from his presentation in all his videos with this forum’s consumers’ reports of positive experiences, I bit the bullet and gambled myself.

Ordered raw cyp on Feb 28. At my door March 12. I’m in the states. Tracking #. Went to reship close to me, then to my door. Weighed perfectly. Triple bagged inside the mailer. No “pro lab“ but used Palumbo’s reagency kit (RoidTest) to verify product (that shit cost as much as the raw, man. Fuck you Dave! Haha). Immediately turned light purple to deep purple. Exactly what the kit said wold happen for cyp—exactly what I wanted. Attaching pica as proof.

I used a plastic cup to raise the bag above the scale’s opened cover (small scale platform diameter). I tared/zeroed out after placing the cup onto it. The bag itself was 5 grams. How’d I know that? Because the 2nd layer of the aforementioned triple bagging Ciraws provided was identical to the initial bag you see in the pic directly containing the product. I weighed that middle bag by itself before weighing the raw + initial/direct contact bag (150g + 5g = 155g as pic indicates).

Ive probably sent closer to 100 text messages to Ciraws since my initial inquiry on Feb 28 and he’s responded either immediately or soon to EVERY single one. Again, if this guy is a ripoff, someone needs to tell him he’s doing EVERYTHING wrong. ENTIRELY.

It won’t be me though.

Yes, I will report back when I dart this shit into my ass, but no, I will not be providing pics for proof.
That was joke. You can laugh.
Or dont...

Lastly, if you still think I’m a shill for Ciraws in a nefarious, comprehensive scheme to rip people off, it would’ve been much easier for me to write, “I ordered from this guy—all good! ✌️“.
It’ll take you mere seconds to read this, but myriad minutes for me to write and take/send pics.
The reason I‘m posting this is because I believe in free enterprise, and that solid businesses with satisfied customers should be rewarded with accolades and thrive, and those businesses that erode or sacrifice the consumers‘ money, confidence and security should fail and be exposed for fraudulent practices and inundated with negative testimony.
And/or worse,

If still hesitant to pull the trigger, for Christ‘s sake the guy’s providing small samples for free! WTF more could you POSSIBLY ask for in this game?! Lol. But we’re all adults here, so you make up your own mind for yourself.

Ive done my good deed here. And when ya do good things in the world, even small things, you make the world a tiny bit better.
Now bring on the hate! And make the world a little bit worse! Maybe it keeps the universe in balance....?


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Sup yalls? New member account, long time lurker. I expect to either be:

a) ignored
b) welcomed
c) addressed with hate/skepticism

”B” would be preferred, but I can handle all 3. Even those here that seem to be more like alligators with their traps open, waiting to snap shut on the next thing that comes by..

Stumbled into Ciraws videos on the youtubes. Liked what I saw. He was actually the ONLY person on that platform (that I‘ve seen) fully derive (with corresponding math) the recipe for home brew test cyp. I’m a math teacher, so that impressed me and drew me a little closer. Other vids included product test reagency, lab protocol/GMP and lab brew process, etc. Then I thought, “If he was a charlatan, he’s gone to some pretty dedicated lengths to do so”. Yet, I’m FULLY aware, there’s no shortage of scumbags in the world. I digress...

I researched the evolution of this specific thread to assist validation of Ciraws. After watching the weeks and months pass with intraforum beef, hate & skepticism toward his proclamations, a few gamblers ordered gear and dick pills from him with explicit success. Compounding the positive impression I got from his presentation in all his videos with this forum’s consumers’ reports of positive experiences, I bit the bullet and gambled myself.

Ordered raw cyp on Feb 28. At my door March 12. I’m in the states. Tracking #. Went to reship close to me, then to my door. Weighed perfectly. Triple bagged inside the mailer. No “pro lab“ but used Palumbo’s reagency kit (RoidTest) to verify product (that shit cost as much as the raw, man. Fuck you Dave! Haha). Immediately turned light purple to deep purple. Exactly what the kit said wold happen for cyp—exactly what I wanted. Attaching pica as proof.

I used a plastic cup to raise the bag above the scale’s opened cover (small scale platform diameter). I tared/zeroed out after placing the cup onto it. The bag itself was 5 grams. How’d I know that? Because the 2nd layer of the aforementioned triple bagging Ciraws provided was identical to the initial bag you see in the pic directly containing the product. I weighed that middle bag by itself before weighing the raw + initial/direct contact bag (150g + 5g = 155g as pic indicates).

Ive probably sent closer to 100 text messages to Ciraws since my initial inquiry on Feb 28 and he’s responded either immediately or soon to EVERY single one. Again, if this guy is a ripoff, someone needs to tell him he’s doing EVERYTHING wrong. ENTIRELY.

It won’t be me though.

Yes, I will report back when I dart this shit into my ass, but no, I will not be providing pics for proof.
That was joke. You can laugh.
Or dont...

Lastly, if you still think I’m a shill for Ciraws in a nefarious, comprehensive scheme to rip people off, it would’ve been much easier for me to write, “I ordered from this guy—all good! ✌️“.
It’ll take you mere seconds to read this, but myriad minutes for me to write and take/send pics.
The reason I‘m posting this is because I believe in free enterprise, and that solid businesses with satisfied customers should be rewarded with accolades and thrive, and those businesses that erode or sacrifice the consumers‘ money, confidence and security should fail and be exposed for fraudulent practices and inundated with negative testimony.
And/or worse,

If still hesitant to pull the trigger, for Christ‘s sake the guy’s providing small samples for free! WTF more could you POSSIBLY ask for in this game?! Lol. But we’re all adults here, so you make up your own mind for yourself.

Ive done my good deed here. And when ya do good things in the world, even small things, you make the world a tiny bit better.
Now bring on the hate! And make the world a little bit worse! Maybe it keeps the universe in balance....?
you will probably get some hate due to being a new member, but not from me since i am your opinion.
With his business model, customer service etc. he is gold. Now we just need to verify his HGH and if it comes back as positive as Ci speaks about it then he will make a good amount of orders..
thanks for your review, very detailed and you took your time which should be appreciated
Not saying these reviews are complete bullshit, but no way in hell does a person type out this whole thing without at least getting store credits or getting paid for it.

For that biased reason, I can´t take these seriously until it gets tested or I test it myself. It´s like the members receiving free samples one day and then talking highly about the labs, the next day. You can be naive, np, but i will stick to wanting proof.

The funny thing is, both these reviews use big words and sales tactics mixed with some psychology to seem more genuine, which is a bigger red flag. If this source really was all that good you would just keep the secret to yourself and not spend time out of your day to argue with other people online about the legitimacy... unless you're getting paid of course.

By the way, I'm looking forward to the next zero post account coming on here writing an essay about how good Ciraws is and why we should trust this source :)

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Not saying these reviews are complete bullshit, but no way in hell does a person type out this whole thing without at least getting store credits or getting paid for it.

For that biased reason, I can´t take these seriously until it gets tested or I test it myself. It´s like the members receiving free samples one day and then talking highly about the labs, the next day. You can be naive, np, but i will stick to wanting proof.

The funny thing is, both these reviews use big words and sales tactics mixed with some psychology to seem more genuine, which is a bigger red flag. If this source really was all that good you would just keep the secret to yourself and not spend time out of your day to argue with other people online about the legitimacy... unless you're getting paid of course.

The funny thing is Ciraws isn´t doing shit to UP his reputation by answering posts and posting tests, he got minions and one post accounts coming out of nowhere doing it for him. Here´s a pic of a fishy fish for entertainment.

View attachment 143754
Agreed, there is a big difference between a good review from a satisfied customer (short and on point) and a review of biblical proportions.