Ciraws/International raws source

Sup yalls? New member account, long time lurker. I expect to either be:

a) ignored
b) welcomed
c) addressed with hate/skepticism

”B” would be preferred, but I can handle all 3. Even those here that seem to be more like alligators with their traps open, waiting to snap shut on the next thing that comes by..

Stumbled into Ciraws videos on the youtubes. Liked what I saw. He was actually the ONLY person on that platform (that I‘ve seen) fully derive (with corresponding math) the recipe for home brew test cyp. I’m a math teacher, so that impressed me and drew me a little closer. Other vids included product test reagency, lab protocol/GMP and lab brew process, etc. Then I thought, “If he was a charlatan, he’s gone to some pretty dedicated lengths to do so”. Yet, I’m FULLY aware, there’s no shortage of scumbags in the world. I digress...

I researched the evolution of this specific thread to assist validation of Ciraws. After watching the weeks and months pass with intraforum beef, hate & skepticism toward his proclamations, a few gamblers ordered gear and dick pills from him with explicit success. Compounding the positive impression I got from his presentation in all his videos with this forum’s consumers’ reports of positive experiences, I bit the bullet and gambled myself.

Ordered raw cyp on Feb 28. At my door March 12. I’m in the states. Tracking #. Went to reship close to me, then to my door. Weighed perfectly. Triple bagged inside the mailer. No “pro lab“ but used Palumbo’s reagency kit (RoidTest) to verify product (that shit cost as much as the raw, man. Fuck you Dave! Haha). Immediately turned light purple to deep purple. Exactly what the kit said wold happen for cyp—exactly what I wanted. Attaching pica as proof.

I used a plastic cup to raise the bag above the scale’s opened cover (small scale platform diameter). I tared/zeroed out after placing the cup onto it. The bag itself was 5 grams. How’d I know that? Because the 2nd layer of the aforementioned triple bagging Ciraws provided was identical to the initial bag you see in the pic directly containing the product. I weighed that middle bag by itself before weighing the raw + initial/direct contact bag (150g + 5g = 155g as pic indicates).

Ive probably sent closer to 100 text messages to Ciraws since my initial inquiry on Feb 28 and he’s responded either immediately or soon to EVERY single one. Again, if this guy is a ripoff, someone needs to tell him he’s doing EVERYTHING wrong. ENTIRELY.

It won’t be me though.

Yes, I will report back when I dart this shit into my ass, but no, I will not be providing pics for proof.
That was joke. You can laugh.
Or dont...

Lastly, if you still think I’m a shill for Ciraws in a nefarious, comprehensive scheme to rip people off, it would’ve been much easier for me to write, “I ordered from this guy—all good! ✌️“.
It’ll take you mere seconds to read this, but myriad minutes for me to write and take/send pics.
The reason I‘m posting this is because I believe in free enterprise, and that solid businesses with satisfied customers should be rewarded with accolades and thrive, and those businesses that erode or sacrifice the consumers‘ money, confidence and security should fail and be exposed for fraudulent practices and inundated with negative testimony.
And/or worse,

If still hesitant to pull the trigger, for Christ‘s sake the guy’s providing small samples for free! WTF more could you POSSIBLY ask for in this game?! Lol. But we’re all adults here, so you make up your own mind for yourself.

Ive done my good deed here. And when ya do good things in the world, even small things, you make the world a tiny bit better.
Now bring on the hate! And make the world a little bit worse! Maybe it keeps the universe in balance....?
Thx buddy. Very hardcore comments. Appreciate it.
Not saying these reviews are complete bullshit, but no way in hell does a person type out this whole thing without at least getting store credits or getting paid for it.

For that biased reason, I can´t take these seriously until it gets tested or I test it myself. It´s like the members receiving free samples one day and then talking highly about the labs, the next day. You can be naive, np, but i will stick to wanting proof.

The funny thing is, both these reviews use big words and sales tactics mixed with some psychology to seem more genuine, which is a bigger red flag. If this source really was all that good you would just keep the secret to yourself and not spend time out of your day to argue with other people online about the legitimacy... unless you're getting paid of course.

By the way, I'm looking forward to the next zero post account coming on here writing an essay about how good Ciraws is and why we should trust this source :)

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Agreed, there is a big difference between a good review from a satisfied customer (short and on point) and a review of biblical proportions.

Yeah, I gave people lower prices if they can make two comments in here.

But I emphasized it every time, it doesn't have to be good reviews. They say whatever they wanna say.
Not saying these reviews are complete bullshit, but no way in hell does a person type out this whole thing without at least getting store credits or getting paid for it.

For that biased reason, I can´t take these seriously until it gets tested or I test it myself. It´s like the members receiving free samples one day and then talking highly about the labs, the next day. You can be naive, np, but i will stick to wanting proof.

The funny thing is, both these reviews use big words and sales tactics mixed with some psychology to seem more genuine, which is a bigger red flag. If this source really was all that good you would just keep the secret to yourself and not spend time out of your day to argue with other people online about the legitimacy... unless you're getting paid of course.

By the way, I'm looking forward to the next zero post account coming on here writing an essay about how good Ciraws is and why we should trust this source :)

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Money is not the first goal for me. Making friends is the first...

You will never ever have the right to order in ciraws. Coz you attacked my friends unless you contact me by a fake ID lol..........
Money is not the first goal for me. Making friends is the first...

You will never ever have the right to order in ciraws. Coz you attacked my friends unless you contact me by a fake ID lol..........
This is the funniest thing I have read on Meso. If they were truly your friends you wouldn´t charge them for the raws LOL.

No one here is moron enough to think you're here to make friends and not money as the first priority. Stop bullshitting.
This is the funniest thing I have read on Meso. If they were truly your friends you wouldn´t charge them for the raws LOL.

No one here is moron enough to think you're here to make friends and not money as the first priority. Stop bullshitting.

You've been blacklisted from ordering the same quality raws that every other raws source on this site sells. Oh, boy, you're sure screwed now.
This is the funniest thing I have read on Meso. If they were truly your friends you wouldn´t charge them for the raws LOL.

No one here is moron enough to think you're here to make friends and not money as the first priority. Stop bullshitting.

Wouldn’t charge his friends for raws ? If your friend owns a business, do you expect them to give you service for free? If so, your a piece of shit friend! You pay full price to support your friends business. In return, you know they’ll be doing the job right and aren’t ripping you off. Who gives a shit why he’s here and selling raws! As long as he’s legit, providing good products at a fair price, what’s the issue ? If you don’t wanna order from him, don’t! Maybe he does wanna come here and make friends. Does it matter?

Wouldn’t charge his friends for raws ? If your friend owns a business, do you expect them to give you service for free? If so, your a piece of shit friend! You pay full price to support your friends business. In return, you know they’ll be doing the job right and aren’t ripping you off. Who gives a shit why he’s here and selling raws! As long as he’s legit, providing good products at a fair price, what’s the issue ? If you don’t wanna order from him, don’t! Maybe he does wanna come here and make friends. Does it matter?

You fucking idiot. He's only referring to you as a "friend" because you gave him the fat dollar bill. Does that sound like a good friend or someone who's trying to take advantage of you.

I don't care about his raws, I care about other people getting ripped off by this liar. Do you seriously fully trust a Chinese source? You must be new in this game.

Sources calling people friends and treating them like VIP is an ancient trick in the book to get more naive customers to think they have a special relationship with the source and invest more. He doesn't give a shit about you if you didn't pay him well.
You fucking idiot. He's only referring to you as a "friend" because you gave him the fat dollar bill. Does that sound like a good friend or someone who's trying to take advantage of you.

I don't care about his raws, I care about other people getting ripped off by this liar. Do you seriously fully trust a Chinese source? You must be new in this game.

Sources calling people friends and treating them like VIP is an ancient trick in the book to get more naive customers to think they have a special relationship with the source and invest more. He doesn't give a shit about you if you didn't pay him well.

Do you think Hilma brews their stuff or buys their Raws in the UK/EU?
Seems you totally love them.
You are always using Chinese Stuff, it is just you seem dumb enough to not realize it and rather pay triple the amount buying from some fancy resellers with nice labels.
He did not even say that he bought anything from this source. He is just explaining to a total tard (YOU) how business works, friends or not.
Do you think Hilma brews their stuff or buys their Raws in the UK/EU?
Seems you totally love them.
You are always using Chinese Stuff, it is just you seem dumb enough to not realize it and rather pay triple the amount buying from some fancy resellers with nice labels.
He did not even say that he bought anything from this source. He is just explaining to a total tard (YOU) how business works, friends or not.
You sucking his dick real good this whole thread and the hgh thread, why should i listen to you. Acting like his rep and shit. I wish my girlfriend sucked as much as you do here, but she says my jizz tastes like spicy sausage and she's vegan.

And i love hilma? never tried them ever and only posted once asking about them. I'm sure you're getting enough discount by posting good things about him already, stop posting more shit. Get a life.
You sucking his dick real good this whole thread and the hgh thread, why should i listen to you. Acting like his rep and shit. I wish my girlfriend sucked as much as you do here, but she says my jizz tastes like spicy sausage and she's vegan.

And i love hilma? never tried them ever and only posted once asking about them. I'm sure you're getting enough discount by posting good things about him already, stop posting more shit. Get a life.
i did get free shipping, thats all. And i am okay with it since the HGH prices are good enough.
I am stating my past experience, nothing else. If it gets tested and the outcome is that it is crap then i am the one posting it here.
But you are only posting shit, nothing constructive only blablabla..
who cares what his purpose it, he sells hgh, i need hgh, i buy the hgh and it gets send to jano as soon as i have it.
If it is good hgh, ill buy more in future and test every x order with jano without informing him to verify the quality is still good.
If it is not then i wont rebuy.
It is pretty simple, it doesnt need your crap post with an insult in each and every post. You act like a child.
I have a life, dont worry. Good job, good private life, all good. Last thing to make it perfect is that the gyms reopen. But thanks for being worried about me
and i am sorry for you that you have a vegan girlfriend. I have some friends that are vegan and everything in regards to eating, barbecue etc is a pain in the ass with him. If she does not even suck good, are you sure shes a keeper?
You fucking idiot. He's only referring to you as a "friend" because you gave him the fat dollar bill. Does that sound like a good friend or someone who's trying to take advantage of you.

I don't care about his raws, I care about other people getting ripped off by this liar. Do you seriously fully trust a Chinese source? You must be new in this game.

Sources calling people friends and treating them like VIP is an ancient trick in the book to get more naive customers to think they have a special relationship with the source and invest more. He doesn't give a shit about you if you didn't pay him well.
Hahahaha Look at this keyboard warrior. You fuckin goof! I assure you, I’ve been in this “game” much longer then you. I’ve been on msg boards since early 2000’s and am completely aware how business works. The thing with business, it’s the same regardless of what type of business it is. Someone offers a service, you pay for the service! Doesn’t matter if your friends or not. Now, if the person offering you a service is polite, respectful and is offering the same service with the same price as the asshole who doesn’t give a shit about responding in a timely matter, who you picking to do business with ? Your calling me an idiot yet your the one who said a business owner should be giving the raws away free to his friends ? Sounds like a successful business practice to me lol As far as I’ve read here, he hasn’t lied or ripped anyone off so what’s the issue ? You mad cause he’s cutting into your guys profits perhaps ? Ease off the gear if you can’t handle having a msg board disagreement without crying like a girl, you clown.

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You fucking idiot. He's only referring to you as a "friend" because you gave him the fat dollar bill. Does that sound like a good friend or someone who's trying to take advantage of you.

I don't care about his raws, I care about other people getting ripped off by this liar. Do you seriously fully trust a Chinese source? You must be new in this game.

Sources calling people friends and treating them like VIP is an ancient trick in the book to get more naive customers to think they have a special relationship with the source and invest more. He doesn't give a shit about you if you didn't pay him well.
ahahaha Look at this keyboard warrior. You fuckin goof! I assure you, I’ve been in this “game” much longer then you. I’ve been on msg boards since early 2000’s and am completely aware how business works. The thing with business, it’s the same regardless of what type of business it is. Someone offers a service, you pay for the service! Doesn’t matter if your friends or not. Now, if the person offering you a service is polite, respectful and is offering the same service with the same price as the asshole who doesn’t give a shit about responding in a timely matter, who you picking to do business with ? Your calling me an idiot yet your the one who said a business owner should be giving the raws away free to his friends ? Sounds like a successful business practice to me lol As far as I’ve read here, he hasn’t lied or ripped anyone off so what’s the issue ? You mad cause he’s cutting into your guys profits perhaps ? Ease off the gear if you can’t handle having a msg board disagreement without crying like a girl, you clown.

This is the funniest thing I have read on Meso. If they were truly your friends you wouldn´t charge them for the raws LOL.

No one here is moron enough to think you're here to make friends and not money as the first priority. Stop bullshitting.
Wow, feeling so sad for you
You fucking idiot. He's only referring to you as a "friend" because you gave him the fat dollar bill. Does that sound like a good friend or someone who's trying to take advantage of you.

I don't care about his raws, I care about other people getting ripped off by this liar. Do you seriously fully trust a Chinese source? You must be new in this game.

Sources calling people friends and treating them like VIP is an ancient trick in the book to get more naive customers to think they have a special relationship with the source and invest more. He doesn't give a shit about you if you didn't pay him well.
Dude, still, so sad for you.
We do not pay people to defend us. We just ask people to make comments.

1. We help people and do our best to keep them safe.
2. Money is the second. You may need another 20 years to understand it boy.

Second time trolling on my customer.....Now let's play.
You fucking idiot. He's only referring to you as a "friend" because you gave him the fat dollar bill. Does that sound like a good friend or someone who's trying to take advantage of you.

I don't care about his raws, I care about other people getting ripped off by this liar. Do you seriously fully trust a Chinese source? You must be new in this game.

Sources calling people friends and treating them like VIP is an ancient trick in the book to get more naive customers to think they have a special relationship with the source and invest more. He doesn't give a shit about you if you didn't pay him well.
你家老爸鸡巴短,苍蝇脑袋蚂蚁眼, 你家老妈阴道浅,半根手指就塞满
You sucking his dick real good this whole thread and the hgh thread, why should i listen to you. Acting like his rep and shit. I wish my girlfriend sucked as much as you do here, but she says my jizz tastes like spicy sausage and she's vegan.

And i love hilma? never tried them ever and only posted once asking about them. I'm sure you're getting enough discount by posting good things about him already, stop posting more shit. Get a life.
Just fuck off, bro.


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