Citadel Labs (Canada Domestic)

Make what good? He tested his own product and then sold it at a discounted price as it was 230mg instead of 250mg....was test-c or test-e I believe. 99% of their testing was very good so sounds like you're the shill here!

I do my research before trying a new source and If you go read over the jet thread you will see that all the shit talking/trolling started right when they were gaining momentum and lot's of positive reviews so aside from shit talkers such as your self I don't see anything in their thread that would sway me from giving them a go.
So what your saying you dumb fuck it was ok to screw the customers ?Oh yeah testing was from whom Jano?Another fuck who lies about testing results.Theres numerous threads dedicated to him and his scammings!
Go pin your watered down Orion fuck use some body tech to calling Nordic down wile he’s running Orion ,Orions been trash since PDH left there 4 years ago and anyone who no s anything no s it
Geez read what the fuck your writing.Can even make a sentence.
So what your saying you dumb fuck it was ok to screw the customers ?Oh yeah testing was from whom Jano?Another fuck who lies about testing results.Theres numerous threads dedicated to him and his scammings!

Who exactly got screwed? I don't think you understand the situation. As far as I can tell they tested their own product and it cam back as 20mgs lower than expected so they sold it at a discounted price and made customers aware so either you are just looking to cause trouble or you've been misinformed.

And jano has thousands of legit tests done so you just have no legs to stand on here!
So what your saying you dumb fuck it was ok to screw the customers ?Oh yeah testing was from whom Jano?Another fuck who lies about testing results.Theres numerous threads dedicated to him and his scammings!

You realize Jano is a sponsor on Canadian Brawn forums right?
You realize Jano is a sponsor on Canadian Brawn forums right?
Yes but he's also on here too!
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And if you got something of jet that you were not happy with contact the man and he s bend over backwards to make you happy instead of calling him down with no evidence on a open board your the type sources don t want to deal with
Who exactly got screwed? I don't think you understand the situation. As far as I can tell they tested their own product and it cam back as 20mgs lower than expected so they sold it at a discounted price and made customers aware so either you are just looking to cause trouble or you've been misinformed.

And jano has thousands of legit tests done so you just have no legs to stand on here!
Well I guess you didn't actually read about the fake testing he was doing.Maybe so, 20 mgs which I doubt because it ain't no big thing.But he should have made it up to the customers he sold it to but didn't!
That’s story’s bro story’s don’t believe anything you here in this game spend some time around you’ll learn who’s trustworthy
How many of nordics products have you used and what was the the issues really tell me what’s wrong with Nordic because am running his power stack no and believe me it’s on the level
Anyway bro am not gunna fight with ya I just hate got mad over the jet comment because the guys solid and if you had of just contacted him he’d of gladly taken care of you he way more then fair to everyone he not at it just for money with his price reflect he truly has a passion to bring quality products to us
So the story is he was selling underdosed gear .He admited to it and instead of doing it right what did he do?He sold the gear half price to his clientele.Very fucken professional.
Hold on, you’re upset because Jet tested his own products, found it was within 10% of labeled dose (FDA standard) but not up to his own standard and offered it publicly at a discount? That’s what you’re upset about?

Yet you named 3 sources you use none of which test or post results for their own products as your own preference? So you prefer untested gear to gear that the source tests and is honest about?

You must have some sense of self-awareness as to how stupid this is, right? You must know the gear you’re using from those other sources can’t be assumed to be accurately dosed. In fact recent customer testing of some of it would tell you your favourite sources might be selling 20-50% underdosed gear and not telling you at all…
Hold on, you’re upset because Jet tested his own products, found it was within 10% of labeled dose (FDA standard) but not up to his own standard and offered it publicly at a discount? That’s what you’re upset about?

Yet you named 3 sources you use none of which test or post results for their own products as your own preference? So you prefer untested gear to gear that the source tests and is honest about?

You must have some sense of self-awareness as to how stupid this is, right? You must know the gear you’re using from those other sources can’t be assumed to be accurately dosed. In fact recent customer testing of some of it would tell you your favourite sources might be selling 20-50% underdosed gear and not telling you at all…
So Syn,Inno, are shit labs is that what you are saying because that's what it sounds like.As for me I don't care I didn't buy from him and wont.
So Syn,Inno, are shit labs is that what you are saying because that's what it sounds like.As for me I don't care I didn't buy from him and wont.
You’re a simple minded fella if that’s what you take from my comment. My point is that you’re attacking a source that tested their products and disclosed the result, while endorsing sources that don’t test or at least won’t share the results. Try to be objective for 30 seconds. What’s worse, being upfront about missing on dose by 5% or not testing what you sell at all?

Can you do that? Can you think critically?
You’re a simple minded fella if that’s what you take from my comment. My point is that you’re attacking a source that tested their products and disclosed the result, while endorsing sources that don’t test or at least won’t share the results. Try to be objective for 30 seconds. What’s worse, being upfront about missing on dose by 5% or not testing what you sell at all?

Can you do that? Can you think critically?
Ya he pretty just glazed over those important points and reverted back to Syn and Inno but left out Orion.

@Crybaby Can you post testing for Orion products please so we can compare to Jets?
Ya he pretty just glazed over those important points and reverted back to Syn and Inno but left out Orion.

@Crybaby Can you post testing for Orion products please so we can compare to Jets?

Ya he pretty just glazed over those important points and reverted back to Syn and Inno but left out Orion.

@Crybaby Can you post testing for Orion products please so we can compare to Jets?
Yeah where did I say in any ofmy comments it was a top lab.I just said I use 3 .Good try ...
You’re a simple minded fella if that’s what you take from my comment. My point is that you’re attacking a source that tested their products and disclosed the result, while endorsing sources that don’t test or at least won’t share the results. Try to be objective for 30 seconds. What’s worse, being upfront about missing on dose by 5% or not testing what you sell at all?

Can you do that? Can you think critically?
Bro, If they were crap , there would have been a lot of complaints and shitting about them.