Citadel Labs (Canada Domestic)

This is what an actual retard says when they know they can’t produce any actual evidence to their claims.

If it were a real thing it would be easy to back it up. I see you, rat boy.
So it's not true he was selling underdosed test to his customers and did nothing about it to make it good?Ok fuck face!You sound like a fucken shill for this bathtub lab!
So it's not true he was selling underdosed test to his customers and did nothing about it to make it good?Ok fuck face!You sound like a fucken shill for this bathtub lab!
Can you provide any evidence to support the claim that he was selling underdosed test to his customers? If you can I’ll definitely consider the possibility that I’m uninformed. Hence why I ask for the evidence to begin with.

You think I’ve been around here for nearly 10 years to shill for Jet or any other lab? I just call out bullshit indiscriminately. It’s a fun pastime for me. I don’t endorse him, either, just not a fan of seeing people sling lies about labs that appear to be doing a good job. He has done more testing than most “top” labs in Canada and his customers seem happy to me.
Can you provide any evidence to support the claim that he was selling underdosed test to his customers? If you can I’ll definitely consider the possibility that I’m uninformed. Hence why I ask for the evidence to begin with.

You think I’ve been around here for nearly 10 years to shill for Jet or any other lab? I just call out bullshit indiscriminately. It’s a fun pastime for me. I don’t endorse him, either, just not a fan of seeing people sling lies about labs that appear to be doing a good job. He has done more testing than most “top” labs in Canada and his customers seem happy to me.
As soon as possible I will post it.And I've been around for more than 30 years in the scene so I know good labs and crap labs and I don't just go around blowing smoke out of my ass for no reason!
Can you provide any evidence to support the claim that he was selling underdosed test to his customers? If you can I’ll definitely consider the possibility that I’m uninformed. Hence why I ask for the evidence to begin with.

You think I’ve been around here for nearly 10 years to shill for Jet or any other lab? I just call out bullshit indiscriminately. It’s a fun pastime for me. I don’t endorse him, either, just not a fan of seeing people sling lies about labs that appear to be doing a good job. He has done more testing than most “top” labs in Canada and his customers seem happy to me.
There you go that's where I saw it.Sign up and start reading.
There you go that's where I saw it.Sign up and start reading.
CanadianBrawn is a private forum owned by the owner of Dracorex. I can’t even see the thread you’re linking as a result, but it is inherently less than trustworthy due to the bias of the forum owner. Unless they’re bringing it public on Meso where a source can actually respond then it’s not worth a damn
As soon as possible I will post it.And I've been around for more than 30 years in the scene so I know good labs and crap labs and I don't just go around blowing smoke out of my ass for no reason!
I’m not here to fight, but I was always happy with jets and citadel, tren from both those labs was on point, that being said I’ll hear ya out - what labs do you consider reliable ? I’m always willing to try a lab out ….
I’m not here to fight, but I was always happy with jets and citadel, tren from both those labs was on point, that being said I’ll hear ya out - what labs do you consider reliable ? I’m always willing to try a lab out ….
I'm using 3 right now.Innovagen,Syn,Orion and I'm happy with them.
I'm using 3 right now.Innovagen,Syn,Orion and I'm happy with them.
But have you tested any of them to compare to Jets testing? Seems like something you ought to do if you really believe in testing and accuse a tested lab of underdosing product
I'm using 3 right now.Innovagen,Syn,Orion and I'm happy with them.
Your compairing Orion to syn and inno that fucking shows what you no Orion is dracorex relabeled no one should even bother to argue with you your a troll jam that Orion In to yourself old buddy fabulous bathtub brew
He's known to underdose his shit.Do some reading before pushing his crap with your agenda.
Jets a respected member of this board and has given back to the board time after time and stepped up and helped members when they needed it he gives a good percentage of his auction proceeds to Animals in need the man is off do to personal reasons with we all no means he’s dealing with some form of heartache and then we have a guy meaning you that’s new and gave nothing to this board on his cutting the man up when he’s not on here to defend himself am putting you on ignore and I hope many more follow me you piece a shit troll no integrity.
But have you tested any of them to compare to Jets testing? Seems like something you ought to do if you really believe in testing and accuse a tested lab of

Jets a respected member of this board and has given back to the board time after time and stepped up and helped members when they needed it he gives a good percentage of his auction proceeds to Animals in need the man is off do to personal reasons with we all no means he’s dealing with some form of heartache and then we have a guy meaning you that’s new and gave nothing to this board on his cutting the man up when he’s not on here to defend himself am putting you on ignore and I hope many more follow me you piece a shit troll no integrity.
I am way longer than you here so shut your trap boy.How do you know he's gone ?You pushing his shit you fucken shill dick licker?
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Your compairing Orion to syn and inno that fucking shows what you no Orion is dracorex relabeled no one should even bother to argue with you your a troll jam that Orion In to yourself old buddy fabulous bathtub brew
Lol shows how stupid you are!Orion has been in the scene for many years you idiot.You don't even know the story behind this lab.
So the story is he was selling underdosed gear .He admited to it and instead of doing it right what did he do?He sold the gear half price to his clientele.Very fucken professional.
I got no agenda brother I run his gear same as I run syn Nordic and ace and it works you didn’t t put 30 lbs on off your test cycle so it’s no good go cry somewhere it’s fucking troll
Shows how retarded you are for running Nordic.
So it's not true he was selling underdosed test to his customers and did nothing about it to make it good?Ok fuck face!You sound like a fucken shill for this bathtub lab!

Make what good? He tested his own product and then sold it at a discounted price as it was 230mg instead of 250mg....was test-c or test-e I believe. 99% of their testing was very good so sounds like you're the shill here!

I do my research before trying a new source and If you go read over the jet thread you will see that all the shit talking/trolling started right when they were gaining momentum and lot's of positive reviews so aside from shit talkers such as your self I don't see anything in their thread that would sway me from giving them a go.