Citadel Labs (Canada Domestic)

Orion was a great labs for 10 solid years ran buy a dude called pdh great solid guy unfortunately he has passed away 4 years ago and things at Orion have gone down hills steadily anyone who’s been around a wile no s this it’s not speculation it’s fact
So Syn,Inno, are shit labs is that what you are saying because that's what it sounds like.As for me I don't care I didn't buy from him and wont.
Where did he say they were shit? He said they were untested as opposed to Jets who actually tested his products therefore you would rather buy from untested sources? Correct?
Yeah where did I say in any ofmy comments it was a top lab.I just said I use 3 .Good try ...
So you use labs that do less testing than Jets. Got it.
Well I guess you didn't actually read about the fake testing he was doing.Maybe so, 20 mgs which I doubt because it ain't no big thing.But he should have made it up to the customers he sold it to but didn't!
What specifically are you referring to regarding fake testing and who is making those allegations? Posted on another board that's owned and run by a competitor perhaps?

Bro, If they were crap , there would have been a lot of complaints and shitting about them.

Well same thing goes for the jets stuff. They been going well over a year now and their thread is full of positive reviews and there's good bloods posted as well so what the fuck you keep going on about is just beyond me?

Meso has an outstanding history of shining a big fat light on shit labs and if this particular lab was garbage it would have been outed by now which it hasn't so as far as I can tell you're just a troll talking trash!

I've been around the boards a long ass time and 9/10 the best labs around are the one's who don't trash talk everyone else.
So it's not true he was selling underdosed test to his customers and did nothing about it to make it good?Ok fuck face!You sound like a fucken shill for this bathtub lab!
Blood work while cruising on 150mg/week of Jet’s Test lol you sound exactly like that worthless, cock sucking shit weasel KP300.