Citropin / EU

Hi, everyone, I'm Wang, a member of Ci team.

I will be the rep of this thread and take care of the customer service of Citropin.

Contact me if you have any questions.

wickr: citropin

How’s it hanging, Wang?

This is my friend Mr. Wang . . . no offense!

This place is restricted Wang, so don't tell them you're Jewish!

Is your name really Wang? LOL
you are funny dude :D i will send my parcel to janoshik for testing xD
nah but as soon as it arrives you are the one to give me 2 numbers from 1 to 10 to decide which vial will get sent to him

You are customer and friend though.

That can definitely be perceived as a conflict of interest.

A “blind sample” means the source is sending out product w/o knowing it’s going to be tested. If the source already knows the products hes sending will be tested, of course he’s sending “the good stuff”. That would be linked to you here if a truly blind sample is sent by someone else and it comes back entirely different.

I don’t even use HGH so I don’t have a dog in this race. I’m just familiar with how MESO does things, and it works. If you deviate from that, it becomes suspicious.

I’d also caution you, sources aren’t “friends”. They can seem like standup, awesome guys, but that’s an act. They’re in it for the money, not the friendship. It’s in their best interests to remain anonymous too and yet you gave this source a lot of personal information and linked it to your handle here. That’s not the best scenario if you need to post bad results or a bad review.
You are customer and friend though.

That can definitely be perceived as a conflict of interest.

A “blind sample” means the source is sending out product w/o knowing it’s going to be tested. If the source already knows the products hes sending will be tested, of course he’s sending “the good stuff”. That would be linked to you here if a truly blind sample is sent by someone else and it comes back entirely different.

I don’t even use HGH so I don’t have a dog in this race. I’m just familiar with how MESO does things, and it works. If you deviate from that, it becomes suspicious.

I’d also caution you, sources aren’t “friends”. They can seem like standup, awesome guys, but that’s an act. They’re in it for the money, not the friendship. It’s in their best interests to remain anonymous too and yet you gave this source a lot of personal information and linked it to your handle here. That’s not the best scenario if you need to post bad results or a bad review.

well BBBG, i know that you are right with most of your posts.
also with this one. It is not a blind test and as i already said (i think it is in the ciraws thread) it can not be changed now and we need a third party (another guy is also waiting for the package and will send to janoshik, but it is also not blind since he also discussed this prior to the shipment being made) to really blind test.

And about the friend thing. We got friends "due to business" (lets call it that way). You really think i would hesitate even 1 minute to post bad results if they are indeed bad and ive lost close to 1k money? you know the saying.. money ends friendships and if he truely betrayed me then i would not hesitate
And about the friend thing. We got friends "due to business" (lets call it that way). You really think i would hesitate even 1 minute to post bad results if they are indeed bad and ive lost close to 1k money? you know the saying.. money ends friendships and if he truely betrayed me then i would not hesitate

That’s the point. If you posted a bad review, you gave the source all of your info. He could mail you a “hot box”. Crazier shit has happened. A box with “contains illegal drugs” written on the outside. A box filled with ecstasy tabs that would get you busted. A number of different things.

That’s why you (and everyone) should keep your handle here separate from your orders.
That’s the point. If you posted a bad review, you gave the source all of your info. He could mail you a “hot box”. Crazier shit has happened. A box with “contains illegal drugs” written on the outside. A box filled with ecstasy tabs that would get you busted. A number of different things.
Not a problem
That’s why you (and everyone) should keep your handle here separate from your orders.
There are workarounds
That’s the point. If you posted a bad review, you gave the source all of your info. He could mail you a “hot box”. Crazier shit has happened. A box with “contains illegal drugs” written on the outside. A box filled with ecstasy tabs that would get you busted. A number of different things.

That’s why you (and everyone) should keep your handle here separate from your orders.
this is something i didnt have in mind..
thanks, learned something new again
If the results are good I think a lot of people will order your hgh since you are EU domestic and have a very good price.

But why do your hgh caps have different coloring?
Der Kontakt ist sehr freundlich und schnell. Sie kommen auch preislich auf Sie zu, wenn Sie mehr nehmen. Ich freue mich schon auf den Rohstoff. Gh wird ebenfalls getestet. Sie übernehmen die Kosten für den HGH-Serumtest
Sorry the translator spins a bit.
The contact is very friendly and fast. They also come to you in terms of price if you take more. I'm looking forward to the raw material. Gh is also being tested. You will cover the costs of the HGH serum test
sorry dumb question, but would it work too with orals like anavar? or are they to hars in the stomach and have to be capped?

