I have to admit i understand both sides.What kind of argument is this!
Many sources offer store credit or offer to pay the testing especially when they are new. If you think that everybody would test their own order you have no clue of how shit works. You are lucky if 5% will test it. Ppl are lazy.
Reimburse the test and I'll do the testing.
I'm not gonna spend a dime on your HGH until it's clear that you have good quality GH.
You have not proven ANYTHING about the quality of your HGH for now, after that if you keep posting test every few months then you can offer 50/50 or whatever.
At the moment you are like everyone just a guy saying he has good shit. Well prove it or go home.
There is a difference between gear testing which costs 80$ or HGH full test which is 350$.
I dont know any other GH Source that offers unlimited testing fees for members.
One should do such a thing for a limited amount each batch. Lets say 3 members for each order or something like that would make sense imo.