Citropin / EU

What kind of argument is this!

Many sources offer store credit or offer to pay the testing especially when they are new. If you think that everybody would test their own order you have no clue of how shit works. You are lucky if 5% will test it. Ppl are lazy.

Reimburse the test and I'll do the testing.
I'm not gonna spend a dime on your HGH until it's clear that you have good quality GH.

You have not proven ANYTHING about the quality of your HGH for now, after that if you keep posting test every few months then you can offer 50/50 or whatever.

At the moment you are like everyone just a guy saying he has good shit. Well prove it or go home.
I have to admit i understand both sides.
There is a difference between gear testing which costs 80$ or HGH full test which is 350$.
I dont know any other GH Source that offers unlimited testing fees for members.
One should do such a thing for a limited amount each batch. Lets say 3 members for each order or something like that would make sense imo.
I have to admit i understand both sides.
There is a difference between gear testing which costs 80$ or HGH full test which is 350$.
I dont know any other GH Source that offers unlimited testing fees for members.
One should do such a thing for a limited amount each batch. Lets say 3 members for each order or something like that would make sense imo.
Yeah because when you test 5-6 compounds what's the price for a source?
each compound 80$.
now i order 1 kit of hgh, 1 kit of bpc and 1 kit of tb500, sent in 1 vial and expect the source to pay almost 700$ for it when ive paid 250$ to him for those kits.
if i were a competitor i would create 50 accounts/emails and just destroy him
each compound 80$.
now i order 1 kit of hgh, 1 kit of bpc and 1 kit of tb500, sent in 1 vial and expect the source to pay almost 700$ for it when ive paid 250$ to him for those kits.
if i were a competitor i would create 50 accounts/emails and just destroy him
I'm talking about testing HGH not peptides or other means and btw even with 50% testing you can destroy him so what are we talking about?
You are not happy for the treatment your friend is receiving?

Again you don't really read I guess because I said if I buy 6 compounds from a sources and get the sources to pay for my tests like many does that's 80 euro multiplied by 6 that's 480 euro, so even more then if I was testing one vial of HGH from Citropin.
i am reading, dont worry @Sampei.
And also, i do not stand in for anyone. I made good experience with him but i still have my own opinion which will not change for anyone.
Yes, even 50% would destroy him if he offers unlimited. Which i would never do if i was a source.
Maximum 3 tests each batch. If those 3 tests differ a certain % from each other, another 3 tests are allowed. Simple.
No other GH Source allows unlimited testing and pays for it. If i missed one, tell me which it is.
We have sources that resell without testing at all. One recently posted results with just IU amount and not even this was what was promised.
Idc if you guys do not like Ci or whatever, but you have to be realisitc, and some of you clearly are not.
The cheapest testing costs $300
If everybody tests it in their order, I'll be broke soon.

I have to admit i understand both sides.
There is a difference between gear testing which costs 80$ or HGH full test which is 350$.
I dont know any other GH Source that offers unlimited testing fees for members.
One should do such a thing for a limited amount each batch. Lets say 3 members for each order or something like that would make sense imo.

i am reading, dont worry @Sampei.
And also, i do not stand in for anyone. I made good experience with him but i still have my own opinion which will not change for anyone.
Yes, even 50% would destroy him if he offers unlimited. Which i would never do if i was a source.
Maximum 3 tests each batch. If those 3 tests differ a certain % from each other, another 3 tests are allowed. Simple.
No other GH Source allows unlimited testing and pays for it. If i missed one, tell me which it is.
We have sources that resell without testing at all. One recently posted results with just IU amount and not even this was what was promised.
Idc if you guys do not like Ci or whatever, but you have to be realisitc, and some of you clearly are not.

You're getting it all wrong.

Most people wont test.
You get 2 or 3 reputable members here post testing... no one else will bother.
Furthermore, if you combine that with regular testing from the Source (Especially if it matches up with member testing)
Then nobody will test anymore because the product has been prove ln to be good.

Thos is the basics of sources on Boards
It happens everywhere, its tested and true.

EVERY SINGLE successful source offers this.
They all have that in common.

You know what the unsuccessful sources have in common?
They refuse to offer a PROPER testing incentive.

Your choice.
i am reading, dont worry @Sampei.
And also, i do not stand in for anyone. I made good experience with him but i still have my own opinion which will not change for anyone.
Yes, even 50% would destroy him if he offers unlimited. Which i would never do if i was a source.
Maximum 3 tests each batch. If those 3 tests differ a certain % from each other, another 3 tests are allowed. Simple.
No other GH Source allows unlimited testing and pays for it. If i missed one, tell me which it is.
We have sources that resell without testing at all. One recently posted results with just IU amount and not even this was what was promised.
Idc if you guys do not like Ci or whatever, but you have to be realisitc, and some of you clearly are not.

Show me a successful source that doesnt!
The HUGE guys dint have to anymore
Guys like TP
Because hes proven himself and publishes testing on every batch

CI is a new puppy in town.
He needs to fuckinf prove himself before anyone will take his word for ANYTHING
You're getting it all wrong.

Most people wont test.
You get 2 or 3 reputable members here post testing... no one else will bother.
Furthermore, if you combine that with regular testing from the Source (Especially if it matches up with member testing)
Then nobody will test anymore because the product has been prove ln to be good.

Thos is the basics of sources on Boards
It happens everywhere, its tested and true.

EVERY SINGLE successful source offers this.
They all have that in common.

You know what the unsuccessful sources have in common?
They refuse to offer a PROPER testing incentive.

Your choice.
well, i would not hesitate one second to let the stuff test ive received if it gets paid for. Dunno why only 2-3 ppl would do it?
But i have not come across a HGH source that does that. Can you tell me one?
Show me a successful source that doesnt!
The HUGE guys dint have to anymore
Guys like TP
Because hes proven himself and publishes testing on every batch

CI is a new puppy in town.
He needs to fuckinf prove himself before anyone will take his word for ANYTHING
I am not aware Opti or Meditrope do that and they sell quite a lot..
Of course he has to prove himself. And he offers testing fee but i would only do it, as i said, for 3 Users each batch.
This would not even contradict with what you said since you said only 2-3 people will do it. So there would be no issue and everyone would be happy
well, i would not hesitate one second to let the stuff test ive received if it gets paid for. Dunno why only 2-3 ppl would do it?
But i have not come across a HGH source that does that. Can you tell me one?

Off the top of my head
Even Godt240 reimbursed for testing and he had contaminated GH!

I gotta ask, why it's so important for you to defend this source?

Like I said, IF (Big IF) this guy gets established, he can offer the 2-3 per batch, to prove it's still good GH.
But nobody knows this guy.
He isnt shit in the source game yet.

He can the testing in the future.
For now... fuck that
I am not aware Opti or Meditrope do that and they sell quite a lot..
Of course he has to prove himself. And he offers testing fee but i would only do it, as i said, for 3 Users each batch.
This would not even contradict with what you said since you said only 2-3 people will do it. So there would be no issue and everyone would be happy

Everyone, even TP started like that. prove you have a qaulity product, you can back off
Until then, I dont know him.... you dont know him.
Hes a drug dealer and should be trusted/treated as such
You're getting it all wrong.

Most people wont test.
You get 2 or 3 reputable members here post testing... no one else will bother.
Furthermore, if you combine that with regular testing from the Source (Especially if it matches up with member testing)
Then nobody will test anymore because the product has been prove ln to be good.

Thos is the basics of sources on Boards
It happens everywhere, its tested and true.

EVERY SINGLE successful source offers this.
They all have that in common.

You know what the unsuccessful sources have in common?
They refuse to offer a PROPER testing incentive.

Your choice.
this can be a good one
You are coming off really bad Manu, dunno if you have a stake in this game or you are just retarded, because man you are defending this little shit of a source that FOR NOW the only contribute he gave it has been to insult customers in Chinese language.

He hadn't prepared test beforehand he doesn't incentive senior members to anonymously test his product, so go tell me what the fuck are we talking about?

You should probably step aside and watch from the bench how a source properly establish here on Meso. We are not making discount to anyone, I don't give a fuck if it's raw are fire (and I have bought it and currently using it and I have left a good review as well) we are here for a completely different product and I treat this guy as a completely new source.

So fucking stop making a fool of yourself. God damn it!
Off the top of my head
Even Godt240 reimbursed for testing and he had contaminated GH!

I gotta ask, why it's so important for you to defend this source?

Like I said, IF (Big IF) this guy gets established, he can offer the 2-3 per batch, to prove it's still good GH.
But nobody knows this guy.
He isnt shit in the source game yet.

He can the testing in the future.
For now... fuck that

I would not defend him if everyone is being realistic here.
Meditrope sold kits for months and was not attacked on the level that Ci is being attacked here for not having tests (Well, he has some but they prove nothing, i am totally on your side there).
The blind tests that will now follow are better prove.
I just do not understand where some of you guys draw the line:
some sources send in there stuff by their own and everyone is happy with it - i wouldnt because it proves shit.
now we have a source that allows SOME blind tests and people are still not happy because SOME is not enough and he has to offer unlimited - which makes no fucking sense for me. If we have 3 tests for one batch that look very similar, what does a 4. test prove? Oh surprise, anyother one that is 1% away from the other results..
You are coming off really bad Manu, dunno if you have a stake in this game or you are just retarded, because man you are defending this little shit of a source that FOR NOW the only contribute he gave it has been to insult customers in Chinese language.

He hadn't prepared test beforehand he doesn't incentive senior members to anonymously test his product, so go tell me what the fuck are we talking about?

You probably step aside and watch from the bench how a source properly establish here on Meso. We are not making discount to anyone, I don't give a fuck if it's raw are fire (and I have bought it and currently using it and I have left a good review as well) we are here for a completely different product and I treat this guy as a completely new source.

So fucking stop making a fool of yourself. God damn it!
You should by now know that i am no retard. I am no vet here but i still contributed to some posts. And i agree when someone is correct and i disagree if i think someone misses something. I can agree with you in one thread and disagree with you in another thread without being a retard or coming of bad imo.
No, no stakes involved. Regular customer who, until now, made good experience with the source.
edit: and he offers to pay for testing fee, i dont see the issue here? He still does it, especially for vets (i bet he would allow you to do), so i do not see the issue here?
I would not defend him if everyone is being realistic here.
Meditrope sold kits for months and was not attacked on the level that Ci is being attacked here for not having tests (Well, he has some but they prove nothing, i am totally on your side there).
The blind tests that will now follow are better prove.
I just do not understand where some of you guys draw the line:
some sources send in there stuff by their own and everyone is happy with it - i wouldnt because it proves shit.
now we have a source that allows SOME blind tests and people are still not happy because SOME is not enough and he has to offer unlimited - which makes no fucking sense for me. If we have 3 tests for one batch that look very similar, what does a 4. test prove? Oh surprise, anyother one that is 1% away from the other results..

Who are the guys that sent in Tests?
I dont know them.
If a respected member were to send on a Test (I've been shooting the shit with these guys for a couple years now and I know they're on the level... especially for harm reduction)
Thrn I'd trust it.

10 Post Timmy could be anyone.

Fuck, I can change my IP, create a new handle and post here in less than 5 minutes (Pending Millards approval of course)

So the tests are meaningless at best.
Potential Alts at worst.
I would not defend him if everyone is being realistic here.
Meditrope sold kits for months and was not attacked on the level that Ci is being attacked here for not having tests (Well, he has some but they prove nothing, i am totally on your side there).
The blind tests that will now follow are better prove.
I just do not understand where some of you guys draw the line:
some sources send in there stuff by their own and everyone is happy with it - i wouldnt because it proves shit.
now we have a source that allows SOME blind tests and people are still not happy because SOME is not enough and he has to offer unlimited - which makes no fucking sense for me. If we have 3 tests for one batch that look very similar, what does a 4. test prove? Oh surprise, anyother one that is 1% away from the other results..
What?? I have blasted meditrope since I have seen his thread and you know what? Ppl similar to you here fucking attacked me for being to harsh on meditrope ahhahaha you are doing the same here!

We are being very very realistic and we are not asking for 10000 of dollars of free testing! Other sources do their own test and they fucking do it beforehand trying to source here! Go look Deus medical, go look HL labs, and they still offer credit store for any testing done on their products.

Again you are making a fool of yourself, be my guest if you feel like keeping on with this charade.
Who are the guys that sent in Tests?
I dont know them.
If a respected member were to send on a Test (I've been shooting the shit with these guys for a couple years now and I know they're on the level... especially for harm reduction)
Thrn I'd trust it.

10 Post Timmy could be anyone.

Fuck, I can change my IP, create a new handle and post here in less than 5 minutes (Pending Millards approval of course)

So the tests are meaningless at best.
Potential Alts at worst.
yeah, i do not know them either, so i would be happy if you or @Sampei would order and send it in for tests :D
You should by now know that i am no retard. I am no vet here but i still contributed to some posts. And i agree when someone is correct and i disagree if i think someone misses something. I can agree with you in one thread and disagree with you in another thread without being a retard or coming of bad imo.
No, no stakes involved. Regular customer who, until now, made good experience with the source.
edit: and he offers to pay for testing fee, i dont see the issue here? He still does it, especially for vets (i bet he would allow you to do), so i do not see the issue here?

The biggest nail in his coffin is hes a mouthy fuck.
Shit wouldnt jave gone down like this if he was respectful.

He comes to our house and talks a bunch of shit in Chinese?
He can suck some dick and prove his shit.
This is Meso, not a place a little Chinaman cam buy shit off.
Motherfucker needs to take his shoes off before he walks into the house.

His choice
Go check other threads, even Pharma ones.
im going light on this guy.
The tests will be sent by guy registered yesterday lol

I really do trust those testes, gimme 100 kits I'll buy it! Are we serious or what?