Clenbuterol overdosed - feel like dying, need opinions ASAP


New Member
Ok so long story short I took .80 mcg of clen this morning, pill form but I think it was extremely overdosed. My resting heart rate is 120 bpm and Ive vommited 4 times, also starting to get pale and feel like passing out. If I went to the hospital and got a beta blocker would this help? If not what do I do, I took the Clen at 8am eastern this morning.
you took 80mcg, not .80 mcg. 80mcg is a VERY HIGH dose to start with straight out of the gate if you have never used it before. I usually recommend that people start with 20mcg and at most 40 mcg and then work their way up as they feel comfortable. Just be safe about this man. I would be wary of the person who told you to dose 80mcg when starting. If that person was yourself then now you know to always refer to multiple forms of research and make a conclusion rather than taking advice from one source.
There's a time to keep your mouth shut but this isn't one of them. Where your health is concerned, tell medical professionals the truth.
They will not contact the "Pigs"! You can go in the hospital all whacked out on pretty much anything and they won't call the police.

They will not contact the "Pigs"! You can go in the hospital all whacked out on pretty much anything and they won't call the police.


Actually, I believe they do contact certain governmental authorities depending upon the injury/illness. In this case, nada! [I think Dr. JIM is an ER doc. He would know.]
This isn't the first time I've taken clen but is the last, I normally take 80 mcg but normally I take gp clen, I took mpre******supply clen this time. Went to the hospital and EKG showed 134 Bpm they immediately rushed me into a room with a doctor waiting and gave me a beta blocker all while telling me I was on the verge of cardiac arrest, which really didnt help my anxiety. Still beating at 90-95 bpm but I'll live to see another day, although there is no way to tell what permanent damage has been done, they told me they think it will be extensive.
This isn't the first time I've taken clen but is the last, I normally take 80 mcg but normally I take gp clen, I took mpre******supply clen this time. Went to the hospital and EKG showed 134 Bpm they immediately rushed me into a room with a doctor waiting and gave me a beta blocker all while telling me I was on the verge of cardiac arrest, which really didnt help my anxiety. Still beating at 90-95 bpm but I'll live to see another day, although there is no way to tell what permanent damage has been done, they told me they think it will be extensive.

Damn! Best wishes to you man.
We ED docs or nursing staff do not report patients to LE whom have "over-medicated" themselves or "overdosed" unless it is in your best interest. Thus if we believe your ingestion was a suicide attempt the police are only then contacted to file an EOD (emergency order of detention). Since this document is a medical-legal writ a judge must certify it within a reasonable time period (less than twelve hours in most states) The EOD is typically "active" for no more than 72 hours and an psychiatry evaluation must occur within the "actionable period". The only other exceptions (reported by the medical examiner as suicide-homocide) are when someone consumed a lethal quantity of an illicit drug. If several more deaths have occurred that exceed the "community norm" an inquiry may commence to determine the causation. Such as which transpired in NewYork several years back, where routine heroin users were dying at an extraordinary rate. They prosecuted the dealer for homicide because the stuff was highly concentrated "black tar heroin" and he "should have know deaths were possible". Whatever you do TELL THE TRUTH ABOUT the drug or drugs ingested.
Because doing otherwise can lead to your DEATH! For instance taking as little as THIRTY of ES TYLENOL can cause liver failure!
Lastly the police have "absolutely no interest in creating a conflict within the doctor-patient relationship especially an adverse one".
This isn't the first time I've taken clen but is the last, I normally take 80 mcg but normally I take gp clen, I took mpre******supply clen this time. Went to the hospital and EKG showed 134 Bpm they immediately rushed me into a room with a doctor waiting and gave me a beta blocker all while telling me I was on the verge of cardiac arrest, which really didnt help my anxiety. Still beating at 90-95 bpm but I'll live to see another day, although there is no way to tell what permanent damage has been done, they told me they think it will be extensive.

Did you miscalculate dosage? Or was product overdosed? This is serious. I'm glad you went to hospital.
Did you miscalculate dosage? Or was product overdosed? This is serious. I'm glad you went to hospital.

Man P.... Research is pretty spot on with their dosages in my experience. I think maybe his other suppliers were way under-dosed. Who knows?

I'm not familiar with Clen toxicity since it's not FDA approved for human use in the US .
However it's effects and mechanism of action are similar to ephedrine. Since it stimulates "adrenaline receptors" to KIS. The effects are elevated heart rate, blood pressure. In addition it induces a more "wakeful state" and also dilates the bronchial airways one reason it's useful in thoroughbred horses and for patients whom suffer from "airway diseases" (asthma, COPD, emphysema) in countries of approval.
The recommend dose in the latter circumstance is 10-20 mcg BID. Is also has a very broad therapeutic window since the LD50 (lethal dose in 50 percent) ranges between 100-1000 MG/KG ( Google Clenbuterol MSDS for more info). Even though the adverse effects are highly idiosyncratic try to ensure your suppliers reliability by purchasing this product through a European, Canadian or Japanase source where it's sale is "governmentally approved and supervised" rather than an Asian market,