Wow! Do you really think we should take this thread seriously?
I mean we know who are the rep and even if we don't who cares? Do you really believe any words when someone says: yeah lab is great gtg, got massive gain!
Ahahahah! Who give a flying fuck of these rep, writing shit here and there, let them be. Their opinion is worth zero. And the fuckers that believe them it's because they didn't do enough researches. So if they get fucked it's their fault.
Banning ppl because they didn't disclose that they rep?
Let's ban all the motherfucker that sell shit via pm. Or the one selling stuff behind the counter, oh no wait we would have to ban almost half the WKM members here.
I have never got PMed by a rep or got invited to use any products by rep or shill but sure as hell in my stay here I got WKM trying to sell me shit or making it obvious that you could buy stuff from them and I'm not even from USA... Imagine if I was!
So srsly I understand your intent is noble but be serious... We get so angry about Dema or ironjulius when someone here got a free of jail card while pushing via PM gear from an unknown source?
The justification: I didn't know it was malpractice or I didn't have that intention, I wanted just to help!
Yeah everyone want to help! I help you with gear you help me with money lol
In my country the law doesn't admit ignorance. Neither good intention is an excuse to break the rules.
Oh by the way I write probably better then many ppl that are here and they are English mothertoungue.
Not my fault if you can't catch sarcasm.
Out and over