Cut cycle advice and tips

So I have run plenty of cycles and would just like to see if there is anything I can do to make the best out of it. Please do not suggest Tren as I have retired that compound for the time being.
I’m on a bulk now TestE, Dynabol( not Dianabol but Nandrolone Cypionate which is not very common) and Dbol but switched to Tbol for less bloat. Also 1mg of Anastrazole ED and Milkthisle.
AGE 25
Height 5’9
Weight 195lbs
Last Cycle 225lbs
Roughly 12-14%
Best 7-8%
Bench Currently 285
PR 365
Squat currently 430
PR 600
Dumbbell curls 50lbs
PR 70lbs

So here we go

Test Enanthate @ 500mg EW Monday/Thursday( maybe thinking about lowering it to 400. 2 shots @ 250 a week

Masteron Enanthate @ 300-400mg EW Monday/Thursday 2 shots at 200 or 150.

Anavar 50mg ED for 6 Weeks

Winstrol 50mg ED for last 6 weeks to dry out more but still look full

GW @10mg ED throughout the 12 weeks

T3 @ 100mcg ED

Helios Clenbuterol/Yohimbine 40mcg (for any stubborn belly or love handle fat.

i have ran everything in the cycle aside from T3 so I know how I react to all compounds.

12 weeks cycle
Not my first I’ve ran all of these compounds so I know how I react to everyone of them collectively. I have just about every AI you can name and just purchased some HCG too.
This post is for advice on my next Cut Cycle not criticizing and name calling only mature Bodybuilding advice. I’m open to all suggestions. The pics I have posted are results the first is my bulk results and second Cut results. First was end of bulk the rest is overall after cut.
Nice physique, yeah so when I cut I recently found tbol to be my new favorite. I stopped using winny due to joint issues but npp helped big time with 400 a week, 50 winny ed, masteron at 300-400 towards the end. I was very surprised by tbol. My diet wasnt bad but jt wasn’t solid pre contest diet by any means. I kept most of my size and leaned out quite significantly. I was just on 200 test c and 50 mg tbol (first time) then bumped it to 70 the last few weeks (test 200 tbol 50 first 4 then 70 second 4) chiseled me out big time. I also think it matters where you get it from. I stopped doing Ugls and stick straight with pharmacy grade so that is a big difference as well. I won’t mess with t3 or clen anymore so I guess tbol with mast would be nice to try if tren is out if the question.
Nice physique, yeah so when I cut I recently found tbol to be my new favorite. I stopped using winny due to joint issues but npp helped big time with 400 a week, 50 winny ed, masteron at 300-400 towards the end. I was very surprised by tbol. My diet wasnt bad but jt wasn’t solid pre contest diet by any means. I kept most of my size and leaned out quite significantly. I was just on 200 test c and 50 mg tbol (first time) then bumped it to 70 the last few weeks (test 200 tbol 50 first 4 then 70 second 4) chiseled me out big time. I also think it matters where you get it from. I stopped doing Ugls and stick straight with pharmacy grade so that is a big difference as well. I won’t mess with t3 or clen anymore so I guess tbol with mast would be nice to try if tren is out if the question.

Pharma grade turinabol? bro where do you find that..