Cut cycle advice and tips

None of that is fact, it’s conjecture, ergo, not safe to accurate claim as truth.
Bro you know what I’m just gonna go ahead and say maybe I was wrong for stating my opinion without also stating it may not be a fact for most people. Respectfully I apologize for going overboard insulting you it’s childish. No I’m not contest prepping but I want to be one day.
Bro you know what I’m just gonna go ahead and say maybe I was wrong for stating my opinion without also stating it may not be a fact for most people. Respectfully I apologize for going overboard insulting you it’s childish. No I’m not contest prepping but I want to be one day.
Spoken like a gentleman, I apologize for being a pedant. If no show prep, too much gear in a deficit, well, just kind of a waste of gear, really. I’ve cut successfully plenty of times on cruise dosages, 200 test, 200 mast should be plenty to hold muscle. I wouldn’t do 8 straight weeks of an oral. Your lipids will be completely trashed, your joints will be sawdust. If you must run 2 orals, 4 weeks anavar, 4 weeks off, 4 weeks winny. Save the gear for bulking. Clen is poison, try salbutamol, it’s clen without the sides. I hate T3, too catabolic, but, if you must, start with just a replacement dose of 25mcg and go from there. Don’t recall whether or not I saw GH, but, if the budget allows, no brainer.
Spoken like a gentleman, I apologize for being a pedant. If no show prep, too much gear in a deficit, well, just kind of a waste of gear, really. I’ve cut successfully plenty of times on cruise dosages, 200 test, 200 mast should be plenty to hold muscle. I wouldn’t do 8 straight weeks of an oral. Your lipids will be completely trashed, your joints will be sawdust. If you must run 2 orals, 4 weeks anavar, 4 weeks off, 4 weeks winny. Save the gear for bulking. Clen is poison, try salbutamol, it’s clen without the sides. I hate T3, too catabolic, but, if you must, start with just a replacement dose of 25mcg and go from there. Don’t recall whether or not I saw GH, but, if the budget allows, no brainer.
Yea I was going to ask about if I’d get the benefit of the anavar if I did the 4 weeks on. Winstrol was definitely going to be a cycle ender too. Is it if any use if I use GW for endurance? Honestly originally I was going to do low doses of all my injectables bc I thought it was over kill to do it but like so many people said it was too low.
Yea I was going to ask about if I’d get the benefit of the anavar if I did the 4 weeks on. Winstrol was definitely going to be a cycle ender too. Is it if any use if I use GW for endurance? Honestly originally I was going to do low doses of all my injectables bc I thought it was over kill to do it but like so many people said it was too low.
I ran cardarine and my lipids were worse as well as my liver enzymes, so, the 2 benefits it was supposed to provide, not only did it not provide them, it made them worse, was from I’ve transitioned to a different PPAR agonist, telmisartan, which is a BP med that provides many other benefits on top BP. Metformin is a ground ball as well. I won’t recommend GW. As far as the nandrolone, it’s still nanadrolone, just a differnt ester. But, since you’re running longer esters, the cyp is perfect to keep on the same pinning schedule. I’ve sworn off nandrolone due to cardio and neuro toxic effects. However, if you must, use the aforementioned Telmisartan to help mitigate those effects.

The teams found that "each sweetener creates a specific fingerprint using three stripes of bacteria," with each stripe indicating a different type of damage, said study senior author Evgeni Eltzov, a researcher at the Volcani Center. The pattern of colors was unique for each sweetener; one might've caused more DNA damage than protein damage, for example. However, all sweeteners damaged the bacteria in some way, Eltzov said.

But Eltzov noted that these findings don't mean the chemicals are "toxic" to humans. More research is needed to make that determination. But based on this study, "I think it's better not to drink [diet soda]," he told Live Science.
Rother noted, however, that she is a critic of artificial sweeteners and recommends staying away from them. Studies in animals have always shown that "artificial sweeteners worsen the profile of the gut microbiome," she said. "I haven't seen a study that says any of these six FDA-approved sweeteners make the gut microbiome better.

"So, my recommendation is very simple and very difficult to achieve: Live a healthy life, eat little processed food," she said. And don't replace exercise with sports drinks, she added.

The teams found that "each sweetener creates a specific fingerprint using three stripes of bacteria," with each stripe indicating a different type of damage, said study senior author Evgeni Eltzov, a researcher at the Volcani Center. The pattern of colors was unique for each sweetener; one might've caused more DNA damage than protein damage, for example. However, all sweeteners damaged the bacteria in some way, Eltzov said.

But Eltzov noted that these findings don't mean the chemicals are "toxic" to humans. More research is needed to make that determination. But based on this study, "I think it's better not to drink [diet soda]," he told Live Science.

This is how it’s done. Nothing like an ambiguous study to further muddy the water.

However, some long-term prospective studies raise the concern that the consumption of artificial sweeteners might actually contribute to the development of metabolic derangements that lead to obesity, T2D, and cardiovascular disease (101). In addition, there are gaps in the evidence related to the effects of NNSs on appetite, short-term intake, and risk of cancer and diabetes (2). The effects of sweeteners on gut microbiota have not been completely elucidated. Within NNSs, only saccharin and sucralose shift the populations of gut microbiota. The ingestion of saccharin by animals and humans showed alterations in metabolic pathways linked to glucose tolerance and dysbiosis in humans. However, more human studies are needed to clarify these preliminary observations. Within nutritive sweeteners, only stevia extracts may affect gut microbiota composition. Finally, polyols, as they reach the colon, can induce dose-dependent flatulence, especially in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Several polyols, including isomalt and maltitol, increase bifidobacteria numbers in healthy subjects, and these polyols may have prebiotic actions. On the other hand, different human clinical trials showed that lactitol decreases the populations of Bacteroides, Clostridium, coliforms, and Eubacterium. In addition, lactitol increases the production of butyrate and IgA secretion without signs of mucosal inflammation and presents symbiotic effects. Xylitol reduces the abundance of fecal Bacteroidetes and the genus Barnesiella, increases Firmicutes and the genus Prevotella, and affects C. difficile in mice.
Now, the reality is that one diet soda once in a while will probably do almost nothing, just like eating vegetable oil once in a while won't kill you. BUT, why not do what you know is best consistently? Your body was not made to ingest all of these chemistry experiments.

And why jump on the OP for his consistency in eliminating something from his diet that is not going to be helpful to his goals, even if you don't think it will necessarily harm him?

The reality is that it is the kind of discipline he shows that results in a physique that he displays, which, lets face it, is above average for the users of this site (just being honest).

All kinds of effects.

I hope someone is paying attention. A thank you may be in order from someone. I’d argue drinking 6 diet sodas a day may be long run healthier than the shit we’re sticking in our glutes, while we’re on the subject of chemistry experiments, that is.
I hope someone is paying attention. A thank you may be in order from someone. I’d argue drinking 6 diet sodas a day may be long run healthier than the shit we’re sticking in our glutes, while we’re on the subject of chemistry experiments, that is.
You are probably quite right about that, but there is no way I am guzzling all those chemistry experiments. I feel like I get too many chemistry experiments in my diet as it is. I try to make everything from raw food, but sometimes, well, everybody eats things off diet once in a while, and it is hard to avoid all these new substances that make up all of the processed food available in grocery stores and restaurants.
You are probably quite right about that, but there is no way I am guzzling all those chemistry experiments. I feel like I get too many chemistry experiments in my diet as it is. I try to make everything from raw food, but sometimes, well, everybody eats things off diet once in a while, and it is hard to avoid all these new substances that make up all of the processed food available in grocery stores and restaurants.

I use diet soda/coffee as a crutch when cutting, fucking water nauseates me after 4L every day. The hunger becomes an issue, black coffee and diet soda keep it at bay a little. Don’t touch it in surplus, no room. You get your BP under control, finally?
So I have run plenty of cycles and would just like to see if there is anything I can do to make the best out of it. Please do not suggest Tren as I have retired that compound for the time being.
I’m on a bulk now TestE, Dynabol( not Dianabol but Nandrolone Cypionate which is not very common) and Dbol but switched to Tbol for less bloat. Also 1mg of Anastrazole ED and Milkthisle.
AGE 25
Height 5’9
Weight 195lbs
Last Cycle 225lbs
Roughly 12-14%
Best 7-8%
Bench Currently 285
PR 365
Squat currently 430
PR 600
Dumbbell curls 50lbs
PR 70lbs

So here we go

Test Enanthate @ 500mg EW Monday/Thursday( maybe thinking about lowering it to 400. 2 shots @ 250 a week

Masteron Enanthate @ 300-400mg EW Monday/Thursday 2 shots at 200 or 150.

Anavar 50mg ED for 6 Weeks

Winstrol 50mg ED for last 6 weeks to dry out more but still look full

GW @10mg ED throughout the 12 weeks

T3 @ 100mcg ED

Helios Clenbuterol/Yohimbine 40mcg (for any stubborn belly or love handle fat.

i have ran everything in the cycle aside from T3 so I know how I react to all compounds.

12 weeks cycle
Not my first I’ve ran all of these compounds so I know how I react to everyone of them collectively. I have just about every AI you can name and just purchased some HCG too.
This post is for advice on my next Cut Cycle not criticizing and name calling only mature Bodybuilding advice. I’m open to all suggestions. The pics I have posted are results the first is my bulk results and second Cut results. First was end of bulk the rest is overall after cut.
I'm gunna get a lot of hate for my 3rd paragraph - You look great mate and are very, very lean. Tbh, I think just carrying on with your diet longer and have a TWO DAY re-feed every two weeks until you shed that last couple of %. You get to about the same body fat and size as me every year and I just hit a plateau and struggle to get any leaner.

So, I either try dieting for longer and every two weeks or 10 days have a TWO DAY re-feed eating at your maintenance calories as this works wonders. One day re-feed just isn't enough to shock the metab system. Reference to the Canadian body builder Dr who studies this and also from my own personal experience.

I wouldn't suggest this - but the truth is that REAL DNP is the best and fastest way to lose body fat if you have literally tried absolutely everything. I'm not saying that you can't get any leaner another way and that DNP is the only way, but I do find a very low dose of REAL DNP always does the job for me. I'm sure you know what it is, but just in case you don't, do 4 weeks of research on it before taking it. I always say to people who ask me about taking it "if you can't confidently do a seminar on it in front of a Dr who knows all about it and get an A* then you shouldn't take it.) However, I have never had any issues at a low dose say 100-200mgs a day, usually that's one cap a day. I have gotten a little uncomfortable during summer taking 4-600mgs per day, but I think it was mainly anxiety/mild panic attack. One cap a day is all I need.... and you will sweat like mad. If I take it in winter I can literally sit outside topless with just shorts on and I'm from the UK.

If it purely for one day and looking the most shredded you can then I think a lot of it is just drying the shit out of your skin using a sauna or diuretics - (but fuck sake do not do a sauna if you take any diuretics haha. Also, be very, very conservative with them and don't use them for more than a day or two at max. Make sure to use the one that does NOT deplete your potassium levels!)

I reckon a two re-feed every 10-14 days at maintenance will work wonders! I don't set a deadline unless you're competing as it can sometimes take longer.

Now for all the hate I get for my comment haha!