Cycle Advise/Review Test+Npp+Eq


New Member
Hey everyone,
  • Not a first cycle
  • workout and nutrition , sleeping is on point
  • blood work usually pre,during,post cycle.
  • doing a lot of research and reading before a cycle.
i have decided so touch Nor-19 derivatives for the first time.
my next cycle will probably be ( depend on the comments and conclusions/Risks ) :

Cycle Planning Bulking

Weeks 1-16:

  • Testosterone E 250 mg 3D or E3.5D for a total of 500 mg per week.
  • Boldenone (Equipoise) – E7D for a total of 600 mg MAX per week- (Thinking of replace it to Mast/Primo)
  • Nandrolone Npp – EOD or E3D for a total of 300 mg MAX per week.
Weeks 16-20
Testosterone E 250 mg E3D or E3.5D for a total of 500 mg per week.

Weeks 20-22/3
(This allows the exogenous testosterone to clear your body to a reasonable amount).
  • HCG 500 UI twice a week for a total of 1000ui per week. (This allows the exogenous testosterone to clear your body to a reasonable amount).
  • Time to Wait After Last Pin Before Starting PCT (SERM)
Weeks 22/3

START PCT (4-6 Weeks)

  • SERMS – Nolvadex – 20mg Daily
  • Clomid – 50mg daily
Throughout Cycle (or at least on hand):
  • AI – Arimidex at 0.5mg E3.5D
  • HCG - 500UI E3.5D
  • Prolactin – Cabergoline at 0.5mg
  • Deca Dick - Proviron

if i forgot any medication needed like for lowering bp please mention
how you would use it and protocol etc...

please share your thoughts or concerns, advises.
im willing to learn and open minded to change the Cycle before starting it.

Thank you !
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Have you done eq or npp before?
Pct is going to be hard !
Why not cycle short ester test whit an oral if you wish to pct ?
first time touching npp ( nandrolone )
why PCT will be hard?

what cycle did you think of?
What are your goals? And what cycles have you done in the past?
Eq is a very long ester and will be in you in pct also.
Npp is short ester but it shuts you down hard and its metabolites will eliminate also in long time.
This are Blast and cruise drugs in my opinion sure it can be done but if pct is a must and you want to come off some test prop with dbol or winstrol/var can reach the goal of most people.
Maybe low dose primo this is my opinion again only if PCT ….
What are your goals? And what cycles have you done in the past?
Eq is a very long ester and will be in you in pct also.
Npp is short ester but it shuts you down hard and its metabolites will eliminate also in long time.
This are Blast and cruise drugs in my opinion sure it can be done but if pct is a must and you want to come off some test prop with dbol or winstrol/var can reach the goal of most people.
Maybe low dose primo this is my opinion again only if PCT ….
Thank you for the replay,
Goal is Lean bulking ( can be some water retention)

Yes,EQ indeed has long ester, this is why i think of replacing it with primo/mast.

but i cant find replacement for nandrolone in terms of amount of gains in the short period of time, unless im wrong.

actually i have posted another thread here regards the Metabolites of the nandrolone and i have done plenty of research about it.
( can link the thread here if you want to )

First Cycle-
Test E 500mg weekly
+ sarms like lgd and rad.

2nd cycle-
Test E 500mg weekly
Var up to 60mg

i prefer to take oils instead of orals now.

so Test + Npp + Primo ?
Thank you for the replay,
Goal is Lean bulking ( can be some water retention)

Yes,EQ indeed has long ester, this is why i think of replacing it with primo/mast.

but i cant find replacement for nandrolone in terms of amount of gains in the short period of time, unless im wrong.

actually i have posted another thread here regards the Metabolites of the nandrolone and i have done plenty of research about it.
( can link the thread here if you want to )

First Cycle-
Test E 500mg weekly
+ sarms like lgd and rad.

2nd cycle-
Test E 500mg weekly
Var up to 60mg

i prefer to take oils instead of orals now.

so Test + Npp + Primo ?
I would say Test + Primo +dbol/tbol /var in that order.
Edit: if you already have the npp use it its just not the best if you pct but ending it 4 week before the test and using more hcg you could pull it off .
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I would say Test + Primo +dbol/tbol /var in that order.
Edit: if you already have the npp use it its just not the best if you pct but ending it 4 week before the test and using more hcg you could pull it off .

i will be able to do a mini cruise of 8 weeks, is that better?
week 1-16 blast
week16-24 test E only
week 26 start pct

and then i will be able to come off completely.
also i will attach my post about the nandrolone metabolites which contain attached another threads about this subject

i will be able to do a mini cruise of 8 weeks, is that better?
week 1-16 blast
week16-24 test E only
week 26 start pct

and then i will be able to come off completely.
also i will attach my post about the nandrolone metabolites which contain attached another threads about this subject

As i said its going to work probably but when ever i use nandrolones get shut down way harder then when i don’t.
24 weeks is a long time to be on and pct .
I would do 10-12 weeks test prop with dbol and reach the desired goal and do pct.
But you will get other opinions here don’t just go of one opinion !
Good luck with your cycle !
As i said its going to work probably but when ever i use nandrolones get shut down way harder then when i don’t.
24 weeks is a long time to be on and pct .
I would do 10-12 weeks test prop with dbol and reach the desired goal and do pct.
But you will get other opinions here don’t just go of one opinion !
Good luck with your cycle !
Thank you !
waiting to hear more opinions and options !
Have you ever thought of a blast/cruise for 1.5 years and then PCT off?

what are your stats?
Have you ever thought of a blast/cruise for 1.5 years and then PCT off?

what are your stats?
Yes, when I started to research about nor-19 derivatives.
Wouldn’t be worst to PCT after 1.5years of blast and cruise than 4 months cycle?

Im 25 years old and I’m single, but im not ready to lose my fertility.
This is the reason i have chosen to cycle and PCT.

(Also, it will be hard for me to cruise during the summer due to many traveling).
Yes, when I started to research about nor-19 derivatives.
Wouldn’t be worst to PCT after 1.5years of blast and cruise than 4 months cycle?

Im 25 years old and I’m single, but im not ready to lose my fertility.
This is the reason i have chosen to cycle and PCT.

(Also, it will be hard for me to cruise during the summer due to many traveling).
technically every time you shut down there is a chance, not very likely.

I have asked @Type-IIx, who has a more educated opinion about this. he said 3 years might be best to maintain normal function

I think the constantly cycling on and off would be more detrimental to your health, but this is what I think and not any hard evidence. and if anyone has any evidence to help support/go against my thoughts I am always more than happy to learn.
technically every time you shut down there is a chance, not very likely.

I have asked @Type-IIx, who has a more educated opinion about this. he said 3 years might be best to maintain normal function

I think the constantly cycling on and off would be more detrimental to your health, but this is what I think and not any hard evidence. and if anyone has any evidence to help support/go against my thoughts I am always more than happy to learn.
Thank you for the answer,
i hope @Type-IIx and @PeterBond will be able to shed some light here
and educate everyone
Thank you for the answer,
i hope @Type-IIx and @PeterBond will be able to shed some light here
and educate everyone
I don't think you will want to come of after 3 years of BC being normal feels like being 70 after having high levels for that long .
My personal opinion is its mot worth it for the average folk to takes steroids if they plan to come off.
Better of staying natty in my opinion.
technically every time you shut down there is a chance, not very likely.

I have asked @Type-IIx, who has a more educated opinion about this. he said 3 years might be best to maintain normal function

I think the constantly cycling on and off would be more detrimental to your health, but this is what I think and not any hard evidence. and if anyone has any evidence to help support/go against my thoughts I am always more than happy to learn.
I don't think 3 years is an optimal duration for staying on gear, I think if you dig up the discussion it was a hypothetical A vs. B, A > B or B > A question.

Seeing these sorts of recollections of these stupid hypos makes me think I should stop answering them (not your fault; whoever gave the hypo is to blame).

Cycling off and on is far superior for maintaining natural T secretion, spermatogenesis, HPG axis functioning, etc. vs. blast and cruising.

It's less advantageous for maintenance of muscle size & strength (GAINZ).
I don't think 3 years is an optimal duration for staying on gear, I think if you dig up the discussion it was a hypothetical A vs. B, A > B or B > A question.

Seeing these sorts of recollections of these stupid hypos makes me think I should stop answering them (not your fault; whoever gave the hypo is to blame).

Cycling off and on is far superior for maintaining natural T secretion, spermatogenesis, HPG axis functioning, etc. vs. blast and cruising.

It's less advantageous for maintenance of muscle size & strength (GAINZ).

I may have misunderstood it then.

I was asking what a safe duration of BnC is for who wants to maintain function, not of which is better.

My bad