I mean, you are gonna feel like shit. I feel bad after just going from 1g a week to 200mg a week.
Now extend that onto going to near 0 and not having any natural production for a few weeks.
I do not know the extent of damage that can occur from being on a cycle for 4 months vs BNC for 3 years.
I also feel its a staple, most of us would want TRT at 50 on out.
I hate to ask
@Type-IIx for his input because we harass him so much.
Maybe he can answer his opinion the damage of BNC on our HPTA system and if someone still wants to maintain testicular function during 10 years of AAS use.
Would it be better to BNC for 2-3 year intervals and allow fully recovery to BNC again? or is the damage the same during every shutdown.
or would it be better to go back to cycling?
Even if there is no evidence, just his opinion
Well, about a decade ago, virtually everyone cycled instead of blasting and cruising. Virtually all recovered after what were typically 8 - 12 week cycles in a few weeks. Yes, you do absolutely feel like shit typically - though the use of hCG throughout the cycle would tend to make you feel less terrible during withdrawal/suppression.
I'd say with virtual certainty that 2 cycles (10 week +/-2) can be ran in 3 years time and full recovery can be achieved unless an extreme outlier. Indeed, there will be reversal to base-line of cardiac maladaptations also.
If one is very serious about doing this and maximally retaining LBM gains (very difficult to do) post-cycle, some combined use of hCG & hMG (and where necessary, AI & SERM)
during the cycle is optimal.
My preference for the use of hCG is to use intramuscular or subcutaneous doses of 1000 – 2500 IU hCG applied twice a week (Monday and Friday) and 75 – 150 IU hMG applied three times a week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday). HCG is effectively long-acting LH & hMG (Menopur, Menotropin) provides FSH & LH.
If spermatogenesis & HPG axis functioning is a goal, this protocol should be implemented ASAP, whether on a blast or a cruise.
Now, if on a moderate dose cruise (e.g., 100 +/- 25 mg Test weekly), there may in
prone users be some concern for a trend increase in E2 (elevating the E/T ratio) [arguing for AI use]. The following guidance is for the average or typical user (neither sensitive nor resilient to the effects of estrogens nor to the tendency of progestins to sensitize breast tissue to estrogens, etc.).
EXAMPLE 1: Test/Primo 375/400 weekly: ASAP introduce 1000–2500 IU hCG applied twice a week (Monday and Friday) and 75–150 IU hMG applied three times a week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday)
EXAMPLE 2: Test/Tren/Deca 500/500/500 weekly: ASAP introduce 1000–2500 IU hCG applied twice a week (Monday and Friday) and 75–150 IU hMG applied three times a week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) + Aromasin 25 mg e3d (titrate as needed) + Raloxifene 60 mg eod
EXAMPLE 3: Test 750 mg weekly: ASAP introduce 1000–2500 IU hCG applied twice a week (Monday and Friday) and 75–150 IU hMG applied three times a week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) + Aromasin 25 mg e3d (titrate as needed)