Cycling off HGH for cellular health?


New Member
Are there any benefits to cycling off HGH to create a low GH environment every so often? What are some protocols for this?

It's seen in studies (link at the bottom) that continuously high HGH causes worse cell senescence. Some of the pathways cells are able to repair dna, and the ability to cannibalize old cells are both negatively affected.

This got me thinking about specific timing of off periods, and things that could counteract some of the negative effects of HGH on cell aging. Berberine is one that seems to do the exact opposite. It can clear out these old damaged cells, and help repair damaged cells so they can functionally replicate again.

I was thinking every few months, taking two weeks off, and using berberine. I don't understand enough about the time frames any of these actions take place though.

5 months on and 1 month off, year round. (Towards the 4- 4.5 month mark, I start to get lethargy which I attribute to adrenal fatigue). But you need to find what works for you as there is no all-encompassing protocol.
don't you start reaping the true benefits of hgh at around 4 months? I thought this to be true , but everyone is different, am i wrong thinking this??
don't you start reaping the true benefits of hgh at around 4 months? I thought this to be true , but everyone is different, am i wrong thinking this??
After 6 weeks you’re in essence getting the full benefit of hgh. If diet and training are locked it gives me benefit from first pin. The standard dogma is running it 4-6 months is necessary for the benefits but I notice awesome positives very quickly after starting the hgh cycle. I’m more trying to find the safest way to use hgh the rest of my life essentially lol. This way I get none of the insulin insensitivity problems that come with long term hgh use.
After 6 weeks you’re in essence getting the full benefit of hgh. If diet and training are locked it gives me benefit from first pin. The standard dogma is running it 4-6 months is necessary for the benefits but I notice awesome positives very quickly after starting the hgh cycle. I’m more trying to find the safest way to use hgh the rest of my life essentially lol. This way I get none of the insulin insensitivity problems that come with long term hgh use.
i'm just past 4 months of daily hgh use and its really good as far as my fat burning, energy level, skin, pumps in the gym etc, i never considered coming off in terms of cycling it ,that's something i'm going to research more
i'm just past 4 months of daily hgh use and its really good as far as my fat burning, energy level, skin, pumps in the gym etc, i never considered coming off in terms of cycling it ,that's something i'm going to research more
I got the idea from Type-IIX who promotes cycling hgh because your body down regulates igf1 after 6 months of hgh use.
i'm just past 4 months of daily hgh use and its really good as far as my fat burning, energy level, skin, pumps in the gym etc, i never considered coming off in terms of cycling it ,that's something i'm going to research more
How have ur blood sugar and side effects been?
Pre-excisting cts has gotten noticeably worse mild water retention but thats under control now through supps water and cardio my fasted bc in am is usually around 85-95 been taking dyhdroberberine for that but my average weekly bc fasted is 92 other than that im feeling and looking fuller and recovered
I can feel the difference in my skin after a week. Recovery after two. I'm not sure what benefits take months, or if that's just bro science.
As for long term health. The animal studies i have seen tend to show that those at the higher end have shorter lifespans then the rest on the average. Which in the long run can make sense as cells that work harder, reproduce more etc tend to have shorter life spans and end up less healthy. In the short to moderate term GH may play a good role but for long term it seems not so much. I have been on it to some degree for more then 10 years mostly. So i am not anti-HGH.
It might shorten your life, maybe. What you get in return though is inproved quality of life. I think it's a fair trade off.

Look at those old depressed fucks with zero hormonal production, can barely walk and shitting their diapers.

I think the trick lies in the dose. Longterm you don't want to exceed 3-4 iu HGH and TRT doses
As for long term health. The animal studies i have seen tend to show that those at the higher end have shorter lifespans then the rest on the average. Which in the long run can make sense as cells that work harder, reproduce more etc tend to have shorter life spans and end up less healthy. In the short to moderate term GH may play a good role but for long term it seems not so much. I have been on it to some degree for more then 10 years mostly. So i am not anti-HGH.
And how's your health?
And how's your health?
Well my skeleton is well on it's way to worn out. But working out over 50 years can do that it would seem. But i go years at a time typically without a day sick. My cholesterol is lower then what longevity studies how is optimal. BP and most blood markers are where Dr.s think it is good. But how old my DNA is is up for grabs compared to my biological age.