Cycling off HGH for cellular health?

I'm running 8 IU now and would not want to take 2 days off because it took me a while to get to this dose. I don't care to experiment to see if I'd need to re-adapt and/or adjust dose every week.

Tbh I really think it's a cost thing for most people which is understandable.

Good shit my man thanks for sharing. Definitely glad this thread popped up right before I got my pack. I was going to stick with ED at night, but I still had the lingering questions about the 5on/2off + all the people who say it "doesn't work" for a few months.

There are studies that Type-IIX posted somewhere here that showed shutdown was 3-6 days dose dependent with a return to full normalcy. I personally didn’t really notice much coming off it, but definitely noticed a whole bunch going back on it if that makes any sense.

I'll have to check when I get to my desktop but I think this is what I saw references to. It said something along the lines of "the mechanism isn't fully understood, but the body recovers natural gh production very quickly after stopping of exogenous use"

Thanks for the answers brothas. I'll make sure to come back to this thread and blame y'all if it fucks me up lmao (kidding)
I'll have to check when I get to my desktop but I think this is what I saw references to. It said something along the lines of "the mechanism isn't fully understood, but the body recovers natural gh production very quickly after stopping of exogenous use"

I wish I could save you the time by posting studies but there are many hormones that aren't seriously shut down after blasting exogenous.

GH, GLP1s, insulin, et cetera (in BB context)

Different with testosterone, serotonergics, gabanergics, and possibly some thyroid hormones, et cetera