DashPCT - US & International generic pharma

Finally, after more than 70 days, the international order arrived. that if 10 days ago I wrote to them by email and they have not even been able to respond, terrible customer service
This is my first time ordering and I am just testing the waters, lets see if dash delivers and lives up to its name. looking at this thread I am lowkey glad I didn't put in a large order
A few days short now of 4 weeks with no movement (not dash’s fault) looks to be seized, hoping we can get this reship sent out nice and quickly here, I will say that dash’s customer service response time hasn’t been the greatest, but when I placed my order it was shipped out quickly, arrived in my country quickly, and also unfortunately it was ultimately seized quickly.
Dam alot of seizures going on… for many sources.
I just got an email saying that the label had been generated (ig they are just ignoring my address change requests). I’ll keep everyone posted!
Ah that’s unfortunate. The customer service, or lack of is the main thing holding me back from placing an order here. I’ll keep checking back, good luck man
@DashPCT lets resolve this please, I understand your policy regarding the 1 month in transit no movement and you will reship, but we’re a few days short of that time and I really need that package re shipped. The majority of its contents are modafanil for my mom who has narcolepsy and no insurance and buying the medication in Canada is retarded expensive, if you could answer my pm and help me get this resolved and re shipped that would be great, I hope we can work something out here mate.
Can anyone or @DashPCT tell me if signatures are required for international orders? Also, what’s the T/A looking like lately?
T/A really depends - 9-15 days is what I'd say, but it can be more.

As for signatures - they are sent without sig requirement, however, your post worker decides it at the end of the day.
Have placed a couple orders with dash. Menodac is bunk from my experience. Id stay away from that. Some other stuff I have received was fine. Very quick shipping.
Whats wrong with the Menodac? We pay you for testing by the way. If you want to send one out to be tested by @janoshik, please contact him and tell him we are paying for it. They'll email us, we'll get it paid, and you just follow his instructions.

That goes for anyone here wanting to test their stuff from us. All I ask is you give us the test results.
Finally, after more than 70 days, the international order arrived. that if 10 days ago I wrote to them by email and they have not even been able to respond, terrible customer service
That definitely sucks. I'm sorry to hear that man. Is that to the U.S?
Dam alot of seizures going on… for many sources.
Seizures seem to go in cycles. They'll up their game for a few weeks, then we'll up our game, then the cycle continues. It's always dynamic.

@DashPCT lets resolve this please, I understand your policy regarding the 1 month in transit no movement and you will reship, but we’re a few days short of that time and I really need that package re shipped. The majority of its contents are modafanil for my mom who has narcolepsy and no insurance and buying the medication in Canada is retarded expensive, if you could answer my pm and help me get this resolved and re shipped that would be great, I hope we can work something out here mate.
Of course! Can you email my email girl Jen @ DashPCT(AT)Proton.me? She'll get you squared away.

I know a few individuals say here we don't answer timely, but our inbox is currently empty. I pay these girls to answer daily. It seems like some emails simply don't make it to us (secure net emails vs gmails etc) or some mistakes. But most emails are resolved - or I wouldn't be here.
T/A really depends - 9-15 days is what I'd say, but it can be more.

As for signatures - they are sent without sig requirement, however, your post worker decides it at the end of the day.

Whats wrong with the Menodac? We pay you for testing by the way. If you want to send one out to be tested by @janoshik, please contact him and tell him we are paying for it. They'll email us, we'll get it paid, and you just follow his instructions.

That goes for anyone here wanting to test their stuff from us. All I ask is you give us the test results.

That definitely sucks. I'm sorry to hear that man. Is that to the U.S?

Seizures seem to go in cycles. They'll up their game for a few weeks, then we'll up our game, then the cycle continues. It's always dynamic.

Of course! Can you email my email girl Jen @ DashPCT(AT)Proton.me? She'll get you squared away.

I know a few individuals say here we don't answer timely, but our inbox is currently empty. I pay these girls to answer daily. It seems like some emails simply don't make it to us (secure net emails vs gmails etc) or some mistakes. But most emails are resolved - or I wouldn't be here.
T/A really depends - 9-15 days is what I'd say, but it can be more.

As for signatures - they are sent without sig requirement, however, your post worker decides it at the end of the day.

Whats wrong with the Menodac? We pay you for testing by the way. If you want to send one out to be tested by @janoshik, please contact him and tell him we are paying for it. They'll email us, we'll get it paid, and you just follow his instructions.

That goes for anyone here wanting to test their stuff from us. All I ask is you give us the test results.

That definitely sucks. I'm sorry to hear that man. Is that to the U.S?

Seizures seem to go in cycles. They'll up their game for a few weeks, then we'll up our game, then the cycle continues. It's always dynamic.

Of course! Can you email my email girl Jen @ DashPCT(AT)Proton.me? She'll get you squared away.

I know a few individuals say here we don't answer timely, but our inbox is currently empty. I pay these girls to answer daily. It seems like some emails simply don't make it to us (secure net emails vs gmails etc) or some mistakes. But most emails are resolved - or I wouldn't be here
Is there a (dot)me or (dot)com at the end of you email? Because your website says com. I also tried reaching out on telegram. If i use (dot)me..I get a message saying email not found.E088F776-3013-400E-96E5-59037807BA57.jpeg
Yep. I just had one seized from another source. Fortunately, the reship landed.
Do you reship to the same address? It says in the letter if you do you could face criminal prosecution.

I just had mine seized too. I guess I can never ship controlled substances again without risking jail.
Do you reship to the same address? It says in the letter if you do you could face criminal prosecution.

I just had mine seized too. I guess I can never ship controlled substances again without risking jail.
A quick google search found this comment on Reddit which I believe to be true. Take it for what you will.

"I see a lot of advise in here so I will add mine even though it is totally anecdotal and contradicts what everyone else is saying so it's up to you if ya wanna follow any of it, YMMV.

I used to order lots of Methalone and MBDB from China. Customs caught a shipment, sent me notice (that I ignored) and sent it back to China which just turned it back around and reshipped it. I asked the supplier if I should change my address (use my PO box) and they explained it to me like this: Addresses are not flagged, Names are. If I have an address and move and someone else moves into my address (common in apartments) then US Customs will be inspecting a package of a non suspect making them have to target the persons name. Ex: You have a room mate with your address, if you are a suspect, customs can not inspect your room mates packages because it is you that is under suspect not the room mate. Since my PO Box was connected to my name, they could inspect my PO Box mail as it would be flagged by my name (and verified by current/previous address in previous inspection).

Now this was someone in China giving me legal advice but I just had it sent to my girlfriend at the same address and there was never a problem again. You may not wanna follow my footsteps but that is how it went down for me. Also I have heard shipping to a name that is not listed at the household can be risky (long term) if you and your mailman are close (AKA the mailman knows no one by that name lives there). I have wondered the consequences of shipping to my dog Winnie but not enough to really research on it."
Sent you a pm, also sent an email to your support, have not received a reply yet brother.hoping we can get this resolved soon!
Sent you a pm, also sent an email to your support, have not received a reply yet brother.hoping we can get this resolved soon!
He tells you to reach out to his “email girl” you do and still nothing…. There’s one man operations on here doing major business that get back to you usually in an hour or at least a day. No excuses for days and days.