DashPCT - US & International generic pharma

You order the 9th and below on Wednesday the 10th you said …..

So you ordered a day before then sent many emails, PM etc …

This source has shown that he doesn’t communicate, gets on once a week and responds to 5-6 posts then goes away again. Two other sources on same page get high reviews and are cheaper. Why continue to go with Dash after the past 6 months of negative after negative comments ?!
my inquires are for noticing what is happening, and comments...my personal experience has been good and a certain way, I do not speak for anyone else. I have noticed change, so I have asked and left details...In no way shape or form am I pushing.. Its conversation regarding the changes I have noticed.. People take shit way too personal by reading. Why is it an issue to challenge services or change? one persons experience is not someone else's. like you stated, its been this way with him for a long time, he comes on and disappears, TRUE. He also goes on dragon ordinance and chooses to avoid here, Why not question things? and why is it such a bother to anyone else and the situation someone is going through? If you are getting good service GREAT, doesn't mean others are not going through shit or curious as to why it has changed for them. All my orders were next day contact and shipped within 2, great! This time around has been completely different and yea I am noticing MORE complaints lately compared to before. that's it
I did an order right before Xmas it took about 2 weeks like normal it’s shipped right away I remember and it landed a couple days after xmas
just curious did status change on site of the order? and or did you receive tracking at all...I have sources where no tracking given but ever since I tried this source it just seemed way better communication and quicker shipping etc... understandable things take time of course....im going off what I was replied with and told there would be an answer back right away and nothing...so like most it sparks curiosity and then seeing how many people having issues....but as I stated any other time was next day shipped and arrived in 2 weeks... this time just seems different and why not always hold sources to a standard. It shouldn't ever be personal. it is the unknown that makes some people question things..everyone has there own opinion.
just curious did status change on site of the order? and or did you receive tracking at all...I have sources where no tracking given but ever since I tried this source it just seemed way better communication and quicker shipping etc... understandable things take time of course....im going off what I was replied with and told there would be an answer back right away and nothing...so like most it sparks curiosity and then seeing how many people having issues....but as I stated any other time was next day shipped and arrived in 2 weeks... this time just seems different and why not always hold sources to a standard. It shouldn't ever be personal. it is the unknown that makes some people question things..everyone has there own opinion.
I believe they changed it to paid / processing very and then preparing pack very quick within 2-3 days shipped…it stayed at processed through customs longer than normal but arrived almost right on time as every other in about 2 weeks…I’ve done a lot of orders prob 10-12 over two years
yeah im on day 6 of "preparing package" with no response to email. ordered on the 9th still "preparing". only ordered from here because didnt see any armodafinil anywhere else and searching this thread people posted good reviews. only time ive just seen no communication/update from someone on meso. usually its 2/3 emails and done and settled within the day. really wish id scrolled back a few pages in this thread.
yeah im on day 6 of "preparing package" with no response to email. ordered on the 9th still "preparing". only ordered from here because didnt see any armodafinil anywhere else and searching this thread people posted good reviews. only time ive just seen no communication/update from someone on meso. usually its 2/3 emails and done and settled within the day. really wish id scrolled back a few pages in this thread.
I’m not with them at all I’m telling you I’ve done a lot of orders who knows what they have going on I’ve never been scammed and don’t think they would at all! Not one bit! I’m concerned bc I got a bunch of Zyhcg and you can read what people been saying…my nuts would double in size when I did it on cycle and that didn’t happen last couple times but I got 5 more th last order I did that landed right after Xmas…but I can tell you I’ve deal with dragon ordnance too and they would take care of it if they thought they got bullshit and sent it out…I believe you will get your pack but what forever reason yours hasn’t moved or moved and didn’t get updated I don’t know…and I’m not anyone I’m a normal guy in south Florida that has order history over a long time I do t think they would just fuck people out of nowhere…if you need to pm me
I post the truth about @DashPCT ghosting his domestic shipper in the telegram group chat, and get blocked. Not sure what’s going on exactly, but I do know they have not heard from Dash since 1/10/24.


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Just got an update that domestic vendor can't deliver to me and asked if it's ok to ship it from India. Probably fine but I just want my bitcoin back honestly and ill buy from someone else stateside. We'll see if that happens.
Just got an update that domestic vendor can't deliver to me and asked if it's ok to ship it from India. Probably fine but I just want my bitcoin back honestly and ill buy from someone else stateside. We'll see if that happens.
See above, domestic shipper can’t get ahold of anyone so I’m not sure what they are telling customers.
I post the truth about @DashPCT ghosting his domestic shipper in the telegram group chat, and get blocked. Not sure what’s going on exactly, but I do know they have not heard from Dash since 1/10/24.
Why wouldn’t he just come here and say that? Wouldn’t it cause less headaches for him? Strange.
I placed a domestic US order with @DashPCT on 1/11. On 1/14 checked my email for an order confirmation, and initially I didn't see it. It turned out to be in my spam folder, but with a warning from Proton that the email may have been spoofed. I went to the dash website to check my order there, and the US warehouse had been completely removed from the site.

With Dash's recent email changes, these odd warnings from Proton, and now post-hoc changes to their website, I emailed them at their new support email to check about my order. On Monday 1/15, Kiki, in a reply email, acknowledged that the US shipper could not fulfill the order and offered to ship the items (Modalert 200) from India.

I simply asked that the item quantity be adjusted to reflect the India-based warehouse price. As of today, however, I have not received any further communication.
Maybe he’s tied to the Liska bust?

Would explain the info from his domestic shipper about not being able to reach anyone
Guys, please don't send these guys your hard earned money. Full stop. No more orders! Between Dash's problems and DO's problems, something extreme has obviously happened to the business. Maybe someone stole money/products and split. Maybe someone got arrested. Whatever the case, why risk it? I personally wouldn't even accept an international package from them unless everything in it was non-scheduled in my country.