DashPCT - US & International generic pharma

seems to really have uploaded the wrong bunch of pics in the intro xD
now i understand why most of the products from the intro were not listed.
But why are they both there, i dont get it. Bodypharm and dash?
Gotta be the same asshole that was behind the brewly handle. Neither knew/know when to shut the hell up. No way two guys equally annoying that are connected to DO aren’t one in the same.
Hehehe, what do you have against the lil dude? Always see you and him going at it, its a fun read.

Im under the impression you both are in some gay relationship ;)

He's a POS.

Pfft, i have standards and i like em pretty. His goofy ass wouldn't get a second look from me.
Gotta be the same asshole that was behind the brewly handle. Neither knew/know when to shut the hell up. No way two guys equally annoying that are connected to DO aren’t one in the same.
Nah, that dude is long gone. Dude didn't know how to chill tbh. But hey guys, I can be anyone you want me to be.

He's a POS.

Pfft, i have standards and i like em pretty. His goofy ass wouldn't get a second look from me.
Oooomph. I'm going to tell him this. I love this, you're hilarious. He's not that bad on the inside tho. Thats all that matters!
Nah, that dude is long gone. Dude didn't know how to chill tbh. But hey guys, I can be anyone you want me to be.

Oooomph. I'm going to tell him this. I love this, you're hilarious. He's not that bad on the inside tho. Thats all that matters!

i never want to find out what he's like on the inside. Sure i'm a little curious, maybe even a little turned on, but no! The answer is no! Never!
What is it with new sources and pictures lately?
More dishonest fuckery....
Can't even own up to it let alone come up with a plausible explanation.:rolleyes: No wonder you're friends with Dragon who can never admit to anything. Just lie, lie lie. Deflect, deflect, deflect. You guys are worse than the fucking politicians.

You had a seriously great opportunity and you fucked it up right out of the gate. It's too bad; I was genuinely looking forward to having a new expresspct alternative. I should have known it being even tangentially associated with Dragon was a seriously bad omen.

Dashpct is now and forever tainted by your blatant dishonesty.
You simply can't be trusted. Who knows what else you'll do in your own self interest, and at the expense of customers?

Here's what I think happened...just a theory:
Inbetween bouts of party drugs and furious ass-to-mouth, you and Dragon saw that expresspct was closing up shop. You cobbled together a website real quick and began to source product. You were frothing at the mouth, eager to get the bitcoins rolling in, so you launched before you had anywhere near enough stock for impressive intro photos. Instead, you had your and dragon's part-time gimp from bodypharm take pics of his completely unrelated products and threw that up in your intro.
The wimpy pics of meager stock you finally posted today further support this theory.

You're so dumb, you thought no-one would notice.

You're such a dishonest piece of shit, you lied to us right off the bat, and even now, you keep trying to lie your way out of it.

Is it too early to ask for Canadian shipping success rate.
Going off by test runs and data provided to me by the pharmacy, it seems its pretty safe bet.

Their method is they use the customs declaration as personal usage of medication. You are usually allowed to bring in up to 6 months worth (depending on the meds) in.

Going off this, its usually arriving all the time. I can say in my experience, I've never had a seizure when ordering for personal use.

But anyway - we give one free reship as well.
i never want to find out what he's like on the inside. Sure i'm a little curious, maybe even a little turned on, but no! The answer is no! Never!
I knew there was something going on. The tension is always rock hard between you two. Never ending edging of each other wew

@lynks8 I understand.
Heya. Can you name a few brands you'd like to see? Or compounds? I can check them for you.
semaglutide/Ozempic would be the most popular one, due to once a week injection rather than daily for others like Liraglutide (which i think you already have).

some other GLP-1 agonists:
  • Dulaglutide (Trulicity), taken by injection weekly
  • Exenatide extended release (Bydureon), taken by injection weekly
  • Exenatide (Byetta), taken by injection twice daily
  • Semaglutide (Ozempic), taken by injection weekly
  • Semaglutide (Rybelsus), taken by mouth once daily
  • Liraglutide (Victoza), taken by injection daily
  • Lixisenatide (Adlyxin), taken by injection daily
semaglutide/Ozempic would be the most popular one, due to once a week injection rather than daily for others like Liraglutide (which i think you already have).

some other GLP-1 agonists:
  • Dulaglutide (Trulicity), taken by injection weekly
  • Exenatide extended release (Bydureon), taken by injection weekly
  • Exenatide (Byetta), taken by injection twice daily
  • Semaglutide (Ozempic), taken by injection weekly
  • Semaglutide (Rybelsus), taken by mouth once daily
  • Liraglutide (Victoza), taken by injection daily
  • Lixisenatide (Adlyxin), taken by injection daily
and dont forget the most interesting one but i havent seen a source carrying it here.. esp indicated for weight loss
Wegovy- Semaglutide, 1 weekly injection, dosed at 2,4mg