DashPCT - US & International generic pharma

Pack landed. Everything looks great , just hoping it works great. First time using Dash’s AI’s and or serms.
Oh and I got my International order in 9 days from the day I purchased it. Domestic was the same day so 9 on that too. The holiday must have held it up.
Pack should be landing today. Would've been yesterday but USPS fucked things up and (I believe) scanned it "in transit" to the destination USPS facility but never actually loaded it on the USPS vehicle lmao.
I've used Dash multiple times since ExpressPCT stepped off. I've been very satisfied with thier products and thier service and posted reviews reflecting this. Although I haven't been on Meso as often as i used to and am not caught up on this thread ( as far as any issues). Must take the good with the bad so this review will not ne positive. Upon placing order and hearing nothing as far as tracking for 6 days ( previous tracking was always within a day, and I've received a previous international order from Dash to the Midwest US in a Lil over 7 days) I contacted them via email and was told they would check on order. Another day passed and was told a product I ordered was out of stock and what would I like to replace it with. Got back to them with what I preferred and was told they would fill and ship asap. I'm well aware of the time difference and I do attempt to communicate on thier time zone. Emails from them always seem to come towards the end of THIER business day so I assume any attempt to deliver my pack will be put off to next business day. Going on day 8 with no tracking info or movement as far as info provided by the website. Always had positive experience with these guys and posted reviews reflecting that, so only fair to post the not so positive reviews as well. Hey Dash, can you please get my pack out??? Lol......thank you
International pack in am very pleased took only 6 DAYS once I got the email that it was shipped for international to arrive in USA lmao (8 days from when I ordered)... I also made a domestic order in the same order and it says it wont be here for another 4 days lol.... International pack is only sent 4 x Enclomiphene and ordered 5 though :(
International pack in am very pleased took only 6 DAYS once I got the email that it was shipped for international to arrive in USA lmao (8 days from when I ordered)... I also made a domestic order in the same order and it says it wont be here for another 4 days lol.... International pack is only sent 4 x Enclomiphene and ordered 5 though :(
I've had the same experience a few orders ago. I'd have to.find the post but i.believe it was also 8 days to Midwest US.
View attachment 169187
Decided to test Dash’s HCG on a pregnancy test. Tests legit. This is the ZyHCG brand.
Another victim of roe v wade

I've used Dash multiple times since ExpressPCT stepped off. I've been very satisfied with thier products and thier service and posted reviews reflecting this. Although I haven't been on Meso as often as i used to and am not caught up on this thread ( as far as any issues). Must take the good with the bad so this review will not ne positive. Upon placing order and hearing nothing as far as tracking for 6 days ( previous tracking was always within a day, and I've received a previous international order from Dash to the Midwest US in a Lil over 7 days) I contacted them via email and was told they would check on order. Another day passed and was told a product I ordered was out of stock and what would I like to replace it with. Got back to them with what I preferred and was told they would fill and ship asap. I'm well aware of the time difference and I do attempt to communicate on thier time zone. Emails from them always seem to come towards the end of THIER business day so I assume any attempt to deliver my pack will be put off to next business day. Going on day 8 with no tracking info or movement as far as info provided by the website. Always had positive experience with these guys and posted reviews reflecting that, so only fair to post the not so positive reviews as well. Hey Dash, can you please get my pack out??? Lol......thank you
Should be out now! If you were one of the people who had vidalista OOS on their order checkout (That was a miscount on my part, my bad) but vidalista restocked as of before yesterday and should be all g to go.

International pack in am very pleased took only 6 DAYS once I got the email that it was shipped for international to arrive in USA lmao (8 days from when I ordered)... I also made a domestic order in the same order and it says it wont be here for another 4 days lol.... International pack is only sent 4 x Enclomiphene and ordered 5 though :(
Damn, do email us and I can credit this.
Anyone tried the USA domestic rolaxifene?
I’m running International Raloxifene right now. I imagine it’s the same thing. I can tell you with 100% confidence that it’s legit. Because my sensitivity in my nipples has disappeared with less than a week and I have had hints of side effects (nausea and hot flashes). I started at 120 mg a day but cut down to 60 bc of the side effects, and bc I’ve read everywhere that 120 is too much anyway.