DashPCT - US & International generic pharma

Looking now at back of the Enclomiphene (Signature Enclomisign 50) I noticed its actually just Clompihene Citrate containing 50 mg of enclomiphine and 30 mg of zuclomiphene. Is there actually any difference between this and the Signature Clomiphene 50 beside the dosage?
I had doubts not gonna lie. Just bc of mixed reviews out there but you have my business as long as you’re in business brother. Im very satisfied with your products.
Do we have mixed reviews? Where? =0 I just see stellar reviews everywhere.

Unless you're talking about the sham shill forums like anabolex/evolutionary. They do that to every single source to shill their shit russian source lmao.
I received my TD Friday. I did the “Dom” choice and it was decent speed. But it’s important I was very happy with Pepsi ta. Modanafil def works well and Cialis on point. And jus after 3 days of 12.5mg aromasin my nip puffiness has gone away. Thank you Dash
Do we have mixed reviews? Where? =0 I just see stellar reviews everywhere.

Unless you're talking about the sham shill forums like anabolex/evolutionary. They do that to every single source to shill their shit russian source lmao.
Just typing Dashpct reviews brother. But I’m the type of person who thinks for himself. I know that a lot of that shit is shills trying to direct people to another bogus source.
I also researched the counterfeit prescription medication market in India. I searched a lot. I looked as hard as I could to find anything that would lead me to believe my products were faked. Found nothing to make me believe that your products are anything but genuine.
Not to mention the results I’m getting with your shit. I have had lumps behind my nipples since puberty and they have gotten more sensitive through the years. I have worked my ass off on cutting body fat, developing my pecs, everything. I have been on your Raloxifene a little over a weeks I think, and I have lost 100% of the sensitivity and I see the shit shrinking daily. I can’t imagine what my chest will look like after 90 days. I’m happy as hell and I wasn’t trying to bash your products.
I doubt everything till I can know from experience and other peoples REAL testimonies that a compound it dosed right or works well. Just the way I am.
But as I said just search Dashpct reviews…
I actually just stopped and looked again and yes, it was both anbolex/evolutionary. That’s what I was referring to
Just typing Dashpct reviews brother. But I’m the type of person who thinks for himself. I know that a lot of that shit is shills trying to direct people to another bogus source.
I also researched the counterfeit prescription medication market in India. I searched a lot. I looked as hard as I could to find anything that would lead me to believe my products were faked. Found nothing to make me believe that your products are anything but genuine.
Not to mention the results I’m getting with your shit. I have had lumps behind my nipples since puberty and they have gotten more sensitive through the years. I have worked my ass off on cutting body fat, developing my pecs, everything. I have been on your Raloxifene a little over a weeks I think, and I have lost 100% of the sensitivity and I see the shit shrinking daily. I can’t imagine what my chest will look like after 90 days. I’m happy as hell and I wasn’t trying to bash your products.
I doubt everything till I can know from experience and other peoples REAL testimonies that a compound it dosed right or works well. Just the way I am.
But as I said just search Dashpct reviews…
I actually just stopped and looked again and yes, it was both anbolex/evolutionary. That’s what I was referring to
No yeah I get it. Everyone on here buying stuff like this online, from your weed to your roids, should be absolutely critical of their stuff. Its natural.

Which is why I get pissed off when I go on Reddit or any other forums and I see them recommend sources that have exactly no standing in any public forums to be held accountable.

I'm glad its working for you though man. Keep us updated on the lump progress and if it completely dissipates - I'm amazed a lump from puberty is being affected, you're lucky.

Yeah abolex/evo are unconditionally the worst forums out there. Just look up any name on this board and you'll see the same 3 clowns say someshit, with them all responding "Thats why i use [shit source with a site that doesnt even have a ssl cert here] instead!"

I'm amazed they have such staying power on google results with so much spam, which is bad for all of us and unfortunate for all the newcomers who are trying to get legit stuff.
So I just placed the largest order of my life with DashPCT right now. It contains a total of 72 items, all international. Not gonna lie, I’m nervous…. Extremely nervous. I feel like it could be very easy for a couple of my items to slip through the cracks.

And an unboxing video doesn’t seem realistic here, as I would have to count all 72 items, 19 of which are unique. That could easily be a 10 min video, which would be very difficult to upload.

I know DashPCT has nothing but stellar reviews, but if anything happens to this order, I’m really gonna be hurting financially for a while.

I guess I’m just rambling now… can anyone here offer me some reassurance? I hope this wasn’t a mistake
So I just placed the largest order of my life with DashPCT right now. It contains a total of 72 items, all international. Not gonna lie, I’m nervous…. Extremely nervous. I feel like it could be very easy for a couple of my items to slip through the cracks.

And an unboxing video doesn’t seem realistic here, as I would have to count all 72 items, 19 of which are unique. That could easily be a 10 min video, which would be very difficult to upload.

I know DashPCT has nothing but stellar reviews, but if anything happens to this order, I’m really gonna be hurting financially for a while.

I guess I’m just rambling now… can anyone here offer me some reassurance? I hope this wasn’t a mistake
Keep us updated. I just placed an order too.
So I just placed the largest order of my life with DashPCT right now. It contains a total of 72 items, all international. Not gonna lie, I’m nervous…. Extremely nervous. I feel like it could be very easy for a couple of my items to slip through the cracks.

And an unboxing video doesn’t seem realistic here, as I would have to count all 72 items, 19 of which are unique. That could easily be a 10 min video, which would be very difficult to upload.

I know DashPCT has nothing but stellar reviews, but if anything happens to this order, I’m really gonna be hurting financially for a while.

I guess I’m just rambling now… can anyone here offer me some reassurance? I hope this wasn’t a mistake
let us know how it goes fam
Good TD from dash. Picked up some pharma AIs. Just under 3 weeks to the USA. Everything accounted for and well packaged.

Solid source. Will do business with you guys again. Thanks
Made an order yesterday just hoping its gonna go through since i used wise this time. Emailed u so hopefully all is good.
Our email girl handles all wise payments so as long as you email her all the details and she confirms it its all good. could take a bit (2-5 days) for our third party guy to receive it tho