DashPCT - US & International generic pharma

Did 120mcgs of the Clenbut from Dash today, don’t know if it’s cause it’s my first day and my receptors are completely fresh or what, but holy fuck, my shit got rocked! time to get peeled!
T/A today. Ordered on Tuesday and here today. Already put in to more orders from domestic and another from international. Thanks will be buying more .
Does anyone have experience to share with the fempro letro? The Malo aromasin is working but I've been taking a hefty dose of the letro for a week now with no relief from gyno symptoms. Is it true it takes up to 60 days to stabilize or should I have some kind of lessening of symptoms? I guess I'll give it more time and see how their testing comes back and just curious bc I overthink often
I've been taking 2.5mg of letro for a week (took 5mg a few days actually) and my lil lump actually grew some, but I was taking ment @ 25mg a day... So I stopped taking the ment and took the exe 2 different days and it definitely make lump smaller. Just trying to get info so don't stress. And looking for experience... Haven't heard much on reviews from ai usage on this thread (only ralox). I got more of the letro that's why I'm curious. And I think testing would be more $ than my entire purchase. Thanks again
I've been taking 2.5mg of letro for a week (took 5mg a few days actually) and my lil lump actually grew some, but I was taking ment @ 25mg a day... So I stopped taking the ment and took the exe 2 different days and it definitely make lump smaller. Just trying to get info so don't stress. And looking for experience... Haven't heard much on reviews from ai usage on this thread (only ralox). I got more of the letro that's why I'm curious. And I think testing would be more $ than my entire purchase. Thanks again
What compounds are you running that are causing the gyno? You were only taking ment? Maybe the gyno is being brought on by something else. Have you gotten blood work done? I personally would never take letro as I’ve heard horror stories of people crashing there e2 and being miserable. Have you tried adex or aromasin? Or even nolvadex? When I get gyno symptoms I take Nolva and aromasin.
I only took the ment for a week... Other than that nothing that aromatizes besides test (250mg a week)(I've had this gyno from back in the day when didn't know any better and anyways I switch compounds often but have been able to keep it down along with less fat around nipples with serms and such) But I just wanted someone with experience with this brand from this source... Aromasin I'm sure will work and that's great and all but would mean I'd have to order again soon bc of shipping times. I'll prolly give it another week then switch over and maybe in future send it off. Guess need ralox (don't like knocking down igf levels tho) if decide to ever use a high aromatizing compound again but I think those days are over. Just want an extreme pump and gotta eat... I got to heaviest just using 250mg test a week and peptides anyways
Does anyone have experience to share with the fempro letro? The Malo aromasin is working but I've been taking a hefty dose of the letro for a week now with no relief from gyno symptoms. Is it true it takes up to 60 days to stabilize or should I have some kind of lessening of symptoms? I guess I'll give it more time and see how their testing comes back and just curious bc I overthink often
If its just soreness and tenderness it will go away but if fatty tissue has already grown the only way to get rid of that is surgical.

IMO all these talks of taking x y and z to get rid of gyno is bs
I only took the ment for a week... Other than that nothing that aromatizes besides test (250mg a week)(I've had this gyno from back in the day when didn't know any better and anyways I switch compounds often but have been able to keep it down along with less fat around nipples with serms and such) But I just wanted someone with experience with this brand from this source... Aromasin I'm sure will work and that's great and all but would mean I'd have to order again soon bc of shipping times. I'll prolly give it another week then switch over and maybe in future send it off. Guess need ralox (don't like knocking down igf levels tho) if decide to ever use a high aromatizing compound again but I think those days are over. Just want an extreme pump and gotta eat... I got to heaviest just using 250mg test a week and peptides anyways
Before I got my gyno surgery this year I would get flare ups nearly every cycle even with estrogen in range and nolva was the BEST at knocking it right down and I'd end up running low dose nolva for the rest of my cycles. Ralox actually felt like it made mine worse
I just need to stop bsing and stock up on all the ancillaries. I'll wait til the testing comes back from Dash and go from there. And I'll update this thread in a week or so on if the letro seems to be working or not. I appreciate the replies.