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Currently on a cycle and had some minor gyno start to flare up. I started taking some ralox I got from dash a couple months back and it feels like it’s definitely helping about 3 days in. I think dash offers 2 brands. The one I have is produced by OSR healthcare. Glad to have gotten it, and for much cheaper then other sources offer it. Seems that in the last year or two raloxifene has become offered by less and less sources.
Placed my first order with dash on the 8th, received confirmation that it shipped on the 11th, and arrived here (UK) today (the 21st).
Diwali is from the 22nd-25th. During that time, international orders will be taken, but not shipped - posting that here for people hopefully to understand. Its only a few business days anyways.

Thank you! Happy Diwali everyone.
Just ordered the domestic HCG and some Ralox from dash. Didn’t feel like waiting for testing as I’m gettin impatient to get off test lol. Been on for over a year now, wanna be natural again as I’m only 22
Just ordered the domestic HCG and some Ralox from dash. Didn’t feel like waiting for testing as I’m gettin impatient to get off test lol. Been on for over a year now, wanna be natural again as I’m only 22
Holy shit man, well, good luck on your journey.
Just ordered the domestic HCG and some Ralox from dash. Didn’t feel like waiting for testing as I’m gettin impatient to get off test lol. Been on for over a year now, wanna be natural again as I’m only 22
I know a couple people mentioned the HCG is working great for them. And I’m using the ralox now and it’s definitely doing it’s job.
Currently on a cycle and had some minor gyno start to flare up. I started taking some ralox I got from dash a couple months back and it feels like it’s definitely helping about 3 days in. I think dash offers 2 brands. The one I have is produced by OSR healthcare. Glad to have gotten it, and for much cheaper then other sources offer it. Seems that in the last year or two raloxifene has become offered by less and less sources.

How does ralox compare to other SERMs like Clomid or Nolva?
How does ralox compare to other SERMs like Clomid or Nolva?
In my opinion it is more effective then nolvadex while giving less sides. I would take 20mg of nolvadex and get kind of irritable after taking it. Also I feel like it’s more liver toxic, just cause my urine would be very dark after taking it if I didn’t drink like a full bottle water after ingesting it. My nips would still be slightly sensitive every once or twice every couple days even while taking it. While taking 30mg (half a tab) of ralox I have zero side effects and no sensitivity.

Also through the bro science grape vine many say ralox is more effective at reversing minor gyno then nolvadex.
In my opinion it is more effective then nolvadex while giving less sides. I would take 20mg of nolvadex and get kind of irritable after taking it. Also I feel like it’s more liver toxic, just cause my urine would be very dark after taking it if I didn’t drink like a full bottle water after ingesting it. My nips would still be slightly sensitive every once or twice every couple days even while taking it. While taking 30mg (half a tab) of ralox I have zero side effects and no sensitivity.

Also through the bro science grape vine many say ralox is more effective at reversing minor gyno then nolvadex.
I wouldn’t say it’s all bro science.

Results: Mean (SD) age of treated subjects was 14.6 (1.5) years with gynecomastia duration of 28.3 (16.4) months. Mean reduction in breast nodule diameter was 2.1 cm (95% CI 1.7, 2.7, P <.0001) after treatment with tamoxifen and 2.5 cm (95% CI 1.7, 3.3, P <.0001) with raloxifene. Some improvement was seen in 86% of patients receiving tamoxifen and in 91% receiving raloxifene, but a greater proportion had a significant decrease (>50%) with raloxifene (86%) than tamoxifen (41%). No side effects were seen in any patients.

Conclusion: Inhibition of estrogen receptor action in the breast appears to be safe and effective in reducing persistent pubertal gynecomastia, with a better response to raloxifene than to tamoxifen. Further study is required to determine that this is truly a treatment effect.
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No diría que todo es ciencia, hermano.

Resultados: La edad media (DE) de los sujetos tratados fue de 14,6 (1,5) años con una duración de la ginecomastia de 28,3 (16,4) meses. La reducción media del diámetro del nódulo mamario fue de 2,1 cm (IC del 95 %: 1,7 a 2,7, p < 0,0001) después del tratamiento con tamoxifeno y de 2,5 cm (IC del 95 %: 1,7 a 3,3, p < 0,0001) con raloxifeno. Se observó alguna mejoría en el 86 % de los pacientes que recibieron tamoxifeno y en el 91 % que recibieron raloxifeno, pero una mayor proporción tuvo una disminución significativa (>50 %) con raloxifeno (86 %) que con tamoxifeno (41 %). No se observaron efectos secundarios en ningún paciente.

Conclusión: La inhibición de la acción del receptor de estrógenos en la mama parece ser segura y eficaz para reducir la ginecomastia puberal persistente, con una mejor respuesta al raloxifeno que al tamoxifeno. Se requieren más estudios para determinar si esto es verdaderamente un efecto del tratamiento.
Good morning, could you say what dose of each compound was used? and also if you have the study at hand and you can share it I would be very grateful.

a greeting
Good morning, could you say what dose of each compound was used? and also if you have the study at hand and you can share it I would be very grateful.

a greeting

That’s a different study showing Raloxifene at 60mg which is the average dose per pill.

That one doesn’t show the dosages but I’d assume it’s the normal 60mg for Ralox and 20mg for Tamox.

This shows 60mg of Ralox and both 10mg and 20mg per day of tamoxifen. I believe this study is the same as the one posted above.