DashPCT - US & International generic pharma

The saftey profile and side effects of some drugs, despite being in the same drug schedule, are different , some more neurotoxin then others , some that carry a higher dependence risk.. Not that i have a problem with drugs i love drugs i just dont choose too not do certain ones that have high risk for health reasons...plus i believe its not even allowed here?? Best too stay on topic with the site imho.

Of course, no one disputes that. But it's still hypocritical to chastise a seller for offering drugs that you personally aren't comfortable with. It's narcissistic even.

As for the rules, I agree. I have no interest in discussing the drugs themselves here. The posters bringing up the subject were the ones that didn't think dash should be selling them.
Can someone tell me if "healing pharma" is real pharma grade? Checked out healing pharma website and the grammar reminds me of this dude on the corner who makes my bacon egg and cheeses. My first order was Cipla Accutane which looked great, but the "Healing pharma" Accutane that just arrived is kinda strange. Very soft gels...like very soft...I popped one between my fingers by accident with literally almost zero pressure. (??)
Dash I sent you email regarding my recent order. I went to view it and check the status in “my account” area, and now it’s completely gone.
Hi, sorry in advance for my horrible English but I hope that my problem with Dash is understandable.

Dash stopped respond to me from many weeks, so maybe is a good thing to make public how they (not) handle issues that themselves create to the customers.

Made a first order with dash and all was perfect, quality of the stuff and shipping process, mi package was delivered EU to EU.

Before to place a second order asked here if the shipping method was still the same EU to EU and is there were some new issues, the answer was “all is the same, all is fine”.

Placed the order and when I saw the tracking realised that package was shipped from an high risk country outside EU. Asked for clarifications and they said that had problems with shipping from EU and that that are changing country of shipping inside EU … according to them the shipment was safe and in every case if the package don’t arrive I can have a reship when the new EU shipment is ready.

As supposed the shipment was stopped at custom, but it is not all, I had police to my house and at the moment there is a criminal trial that I had to manage with legal expenses and all the related problems.

Tried to arrange a solution with dash because a reship is clearly impossible and because they have created the problem, if I know that they ship from outside EU I don’t place the order … and repeat they ship from a flagged country and with the content that is declared it is almost impossible that the shipment pass trough the customs.

From there no answer from Dash from many weeks.

That said, shits can occur but problems needs to be handled, especially if the problems are caused by wrong information facilitated by the source and if the customer is facing a shitstorm.

I think it is unfair that the source take the money, make a mistake that impide the delivery, put customer in big trouble and after that keep the earnings like as everything was fine.
Hi, sorry in advance for my horrible English but I hope that my problem with Dash is understandable.

Dash stopped respond to me from many weeks, so maybe is a good thing to make public how they (not) handle issues that themselves create to the customers.

Made a first order with dash and all was perfect, quality of the stuff and shipping process, mi package was delivered EU to EU.

Before to place a second order asked here if the shipping method was still the same EU to EU and is there were some new issues, the answer was “all is the same, all is fine”.

Placed the order and when I saw the tracking realised that package was shipped from an high risk country outside EU. Asked for clarifications and they said that had problems with shipping from EU and that that are changing country of shipping inside EU … according to them the shipment was safe and in every case if the package don’t arrive I can have a reship when the new EU shipment is ready.

As supposed the shipment was stopped at custom, but it is not all, I had police to my house and at the moment there is a criminal trial that I had to manage with legal expenses and all the related problems.

Tried to arrange a solution with dash because a reship is clearly impossible and because they have created the problem, if I know that they ship from outside EU I don’t place the order … and repeat they ship from a flagged country and with the content that is declared it is almost impossible that the shipment pass trough the customs.

From there no answer from Dash from many weeks.

That said, shits can occur but problems needs to be handled, especially if the problems are caused by wrong information facilitated by the source and if the customer is facing a shitstorm.

I think it is unfair that the source take the money, make a mistake that impide the delivery, put customer in big trouble and after that keep the earnings like as everything was fine.
this should be corrected by the Source.
Some sources play with the customers safety because they dont understand that a reship is often the smallest issue that arrives incase a package with illegal drugs is stopped by customs.
Oftentimes, legal issue follow and dependent this could lead to countless of personal issues (even something like losing ones job if one is working in certain organizations)
Even a reship for me would not be the solution, since he got you in way more trouble then only the bit of money that is on the line
Can someone tell me if "healing pharma" is real pharma grade? Checked out healing pharma website and the grammar reminds me of this dude on the corner who makes my bacon egg and cheeses. My first order was Cipla Accutane which looked great, but the "Healing pharma" Accutane that just arrived is kinda strange. Very soft gels...like very soft...I popped one between my fingers by accident with literally almost zero pressure. (??)
English isn't the forte of some of these companies usually..

laced the order and when I saw the tracking realised that package was shipped from an high risk country outside EU. Asked for clarifications and they said that had problems with shipping from EU and that that are changing country of shipping inside EU … according to them the shipment was safe and in every case if the package don’t arrive I can have a reship when the new EU shipment is ready.
We've never shipped from the EU before as I've stated before. You got a tracking that looked like it shipped from the EU perhaps - but this was never the case, our introduction says they come from India/Singapore, in our FAQ.

Last communication I told you was we are infact testing a European reshipping service - so you'd have to wait on that until ready, unless you want it to just be reshipped as is again. We don't do refunds in the store.
English isn't the forte of some of these companies usually..

We've never shipped from the EU before as I've stated before. You got a tracking that looked like it shipped from the EU perhaps - but this was never the case, our introduction says they come from India/Singapore, in our FAQ.

Last communication I told you was we are infact testing a European reshipping service - so you'd have to wait on that until ready, unless you want it to just be reshipped as is again. We don't do refunds in the store.
First of all, how can you talk about a reship?!? Do you think I want to be arrested lol?!? I have a criminal trial ongoing due to your error and just for information, if all will be resolved, only the lawyer cost is more than 10 times the value of the order. And for sure, after that, I can order not even an aspirin if I want to avoid serious consequence.

I think that is dangerous for your customers that you don’t know how you company work, I already told to you to check my first order and you can see on your web that the shipment was from inside EU … it is not a thing that I say, it is clearly indicated in your web site!

If I ask for a refund is because at the beginning the error was yours, if I take the risk to place an international order I took the loss too, but this is not the case, I didn’t want and shipment from outside EU because I know the risk. For that reason I asked before and you gave a wrong information and now you are demonstrating that you have no idea on how you company is working. I’m not so pleased if someone is gambling with my ass.

For the records, is important to add that you last message (where you say that you never shipped from EU lol) was on oct 11, after that I wrote to you 2 more times and you read without respond and the same was with Dash customer support… Is it a good way to assist your costumers ?!?

Below is my conversation with your customer support, you car understand by yourself that you were shipping from a country inside EU, next for some reason stopped to ship from there and start a test with another EU country (test begun on august and still not ended lol) country names are omitted for security:

Me: “in my previous order the package was shipped from (EU country), why this time it was shipped from (high risk ExEU country)?!? “

Dash: “(EU) post is hot now, (ExEU) has been working as a good replacement”

Dash (about the NEW EU reshipping): “that should be maybe a week or two from now, depending on how it goes. we are trialing … and then we can ship from ExEU-EU-to you” (that was on august)

Dash (about the declared content of the package): “It is from yyyyy it is declared as Health supplements … Packages from zzzzz are declared as Medicine” … … (my consideration: do you think that a package shipped from those countries with that declared content can safely pass trough European Customs without an inspection?!?!?!)

Finally this is my conversation with you before to place the second order:

Me: “Hi ... all was perfect with my last order, so I'm ready to place a new one ... just want to check if you still ship to (my country) trans ship through inside EU and that all is still safe.

You:“… if it came safe last time, it for sure will come safe the next time …”
So why you don’t answer like that “We've never shipped from the EU before!” … in that case I don’t place the order and no problems for no one.

To be honest I’m not so interested in retrieve a couple of hundreds of $ considering the shitstorm where I am at the moment, there are more important issues to handle … but I’m convinced that is unfair that you cause all that problems to a customer and took all the money too as all was fine … and considering that your behaviour is shameful not responding to message till I wrote in public and talking like you are on the right side …before to tell me to read the faq pay attention at the information that you give and try to better understand how your company is working. And maybe just for education you can just say before all the rest “sorry for the problems that you are facing”.

If I have to give an opinion about Dash I can only say that they sell good products with zero security and zero interest in handle issues.
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Dash had Xanax and Ritalin and you asked him to remove them ? Lol you guys are lunatics. Dash please bring up those substances in your site again there are people who really needs them and can't buy them from local pharmacy because their prices are high or either they're gon a have problems with theirs jobs if they've got prescribed
Dash I sent you email regarding my recent order. I went to view it and check the status in “my account” area, and now it’s completely gone.
I have the same problem. Order placed and paid 7th nov. 2 days later status shows no order. Completely blank. I've had emails back and forth with the vendor which have now gone dead at their end. I sent a pm here to dash on 14th with details. no reply as of today.
I have the same problem. Order placed and paid 7th nov. 2 days later status shows no order. Completely blank. I've had emails back and forth with the vendor which have now gone dead at their end. I sent a pm here to dash on 14th with details. no reply as of today.
If the order doesn't show up on your account, it usually means the coinpayments didn't go through for whatever reason(low fee, too late, etc)
DM me here or on Wickr and i'd be happy to check the wallets for you.

Unless this was Wise. Wise is another beast.
Dash had Xanax and Ritalin and you asked him to remove them ? Lol you guys are lunatics. Dash please bring up those substances in your site again there are people who really needs them and can't buy them from local pharmacy because their prices are high or either they're gon a have problems with theirs jobs if they've got prescribed
I have been notified it is against the forum's policies to have these products listed on the site, sorry fam.
First of all, how can you talk about a reship?!? Do you think I want to be arrested lol?!? I have a criminal trial ongoing due to your error and just for information, if all will be resolved, only the lawyer cost is more than 10 times the value of the order. And for sure, after that, I can order not even an aspirin if I want to avoid serious consequence.

I think that is dangerous for your customers that you don’t know how you company work, I already told to you to check my first order and you can see on your web that the shipment was from inside EU … it is not a thing that I say, it is clearly indicated in your web site!

If I ask for a refund is because at the beginning the error was yours, if I take the risk to place an international order I took the loss too, but this is not the case, I didn’t want and shipment from outside EU because I know the risk. For that reason I asked before and you gave a wrong information and now you are demonstrating that you have no idea on how you company is working. I’m not so pleased if someone is gambling with my ass.

For the records, is important to add that you last message (where you say that you never shipped from EU lol) was on oct 11, after that I wrote to you 2 more times and you read without respond and the same was with Dash customer support… Is it a good way to assist your costumers ?!?

Below is my conversation with your customer support, you car understand by yourself that you were shipping from a country inside EU, next for some reason stopped to ship from there and start a test with another EU country (test begun on august and still not ended lol) country names are omitted for security:

Me: “in my previous order the package was shipped from (EU country), why this time it was shipped from (high risk ExEU country)?!? “

Dash: “(EU) post is hot now, (ExEU) has been working as a good replacement”

Dash (about the NEW EU reshipping): “that should be maybe a week or two from now, depending on how it goes. we are trialing … and then we can ship from ExEU-EU-to you” (that was on august)

Dash (about the declared content of the package): “It is from yyyyy it is declared as Health supplements … Packages from zzzzz are declared as Medicine” … … (my consideration: do you think that a package shipped from those countries with that declared content can safely pass trough European Customs without an inspection?!?!?!)

Finally this is my conversation with you before to place the second order:

Me: “Hi ... all was perfect with my last order, so I'm ready to place a new one ... just want to check if you still ship to (my country) trans ship through inside EU and that all is still safe.

You:“… if it came safe last time, it for sure will come safe the next time …”
So why you don’t answer like that “We've never shipped from the EU before!” … in that case I don’t place the order and no problems for no one.

To be honest I’m not so interested in retrieve a couple of hundreds of $ considering the shitstorm where I am at the moment, there are more important issues to handle … but I’m convinced that is unfair that you cause all that problems to a customer and took all the money too as all was fine … and considering that your behaviour is shameful not responding to message till I wrote in public and talking like you are on the right side …before to tell me to read the faq pay attention at the information that you give and try to better understand how your company is working. And maybe just for education you can just say before all the rest “sorry for the problems that you are facing”.

If I have to give an opinion about Dash I can only say that they sell good products with zero security and zero interest in handle issues.
I understand, I'm sorry to see you're facing legal troubles. As I've said - those packages never came from the interior before. We have the same method in Dragon Ordnance where we make a package look like it comes from Netherlands, but in reality its coming straight from China with no stops. Our shipping is dynamic and changing everyday as customs are also evolving.

I can't say whats your best case in this scenario. You willingly bought drugs online and you've come face to face with the worst outcome, and it does suck.
Dash had Xanax and Ritalin and you asked him to remove them ? Lol you guys are lunatics. Dash please bring up those substances in your site again there are people who really needs them and can't buy them from local pharmacy because their prices are high or either they're gon a have problems with theirs jobs if they've got prescribed
You fools don't need any of that crap. Fuck outta here with that bullshit. If you hit him up for Xanax I bet he'll give you a price. Just because it's not listed doesn't mean he doesn't have it. He's connected with panda who also sells Xanax from Mexico. I don't understand why the fuck no one is addressing this shit
I understand, I'm sorry to see you're facing legal troubles. As I've said - those packages never came from the interior before. We have the same method in Dragon Ordnance where we make a package look like it comes from Netherlands, but in reality its coming straight from China with no stops. Our shipping is dynamic and changing everyday as customs are also evolving.

I can't say whats your best case in this scenario. You willingly bought drugs online and you've come face to face with the worst outcome, and it does suck.
I see that you have no serious arguments to answer, and it is useless to waste more time on this.

I hope that who read can made his own opinion about this and thinks two times before to make business with a source that don’t know from where he ship, that don’t know what he declare as package content and that can not handle a simple issue.

In my case I know the risks involved in buying drugs online and for that reason I don’t make business whit who ships from high risk countries and declare medicine as package content. And for the same reason, if I’m not sure, I double check with the source BEFORE to place the order. But unfortunately I was given wrong information BEFORE placing the order, otherwise I would not have took this risk. I want to be the one to decide which risks to take and which not, don’t want to leave this decision to someone to sells drugs online.

You fools don't need any of that crap. Fuck outta here with that bullshit. If you hit him up for Xanax I bet he'll give you a price. Just because it's not listed doesn't mean he doesn't have it. He's connected with panda who also sells Xanax from Mexico. I don't understand why the fuck no one is addressing this shit
I personally don't use any of that stuff.
But if he have it why not listed all here you are hypocrites everybody using drugs around here a lot of guys here also take benzos.
Fuck your fake ethics he sell insulin you can easily die from insulin but you're all upset with some benzos listed hArM rEdUcTioN and shit this place now have sponsors here !
If you don't want to use the benzo just skip it no reason to be removed just like I skip hundreds of meds I don't use.
Just because people are dumb in using a substance that doesn't mean that must be removed. People will always be dumb and always using substances wrong doesn't matter if it's steroids , insulin , pain killers , benzos
I personally don't use any of that stuff.
But if he have it why not listed all here you are hypocrites everybody using drugs around here a lot of guys here also take benzos.
Fuck your fake ethics he sell insulin you can easily die from insulin but you're all upset with some benzos listed hArM rEdUcTioN and shit this place now have sponsors here !
If you don't want to use the benzo just skip it no reason to be removed just like I skip hundreds of meds I don't use.
Just because people are dumb in using a substance that doesn't mean that must be removed. People will always be dumb and always using substances wrong doesn't matter if it's steroids , insulin , pain killers , benzos
People aren't going to look at insulin and think ahh hell yeah I'm gonna take some more because I'm not nodding out anymore. All this talk about fent coming in from Mexico why even take a chance but whooooo caaaaaaares right? Just add heroin to the list because some people will know how to use it properly and it'll only kill the ones who don't know how to use it sort of like insulin amaright??
People aren't going to look at insulin and think ahh hell yeah I'm gonna take some more because I'm not nodding out anymore. All this talk about fent coming in from Mexico why even take a chance but whooooo caaaaaaares right? Just add heroin to the list because some people will know how to use it properly and it'll only kill the ones who don't know how to use it sort of like insulin amaright??
The existence of grown adults that lack the self control to not abuse drugs isn't a good reason to limit the availablity of those drugs to everyone else in my opinion. That mentally is the entire reason we have to use sellers like dash in the first place rather than just buy steroids and ancillaries from a pharmacy.

And yes, it's obviously hypocritical because the same people that don't think "x drugs" should be listed on dash's website are obviously content to disobey government regulations on what drugs are available to them but then want to exert their own opinion on what people should have access to instead.
The existence of grown adults that lack the self control to not abuse drugs isn't a good reason to limit the availablity of those drugs to everyone else in my opinion. That mentally is the entire reason we have to use sellers like dash in the first place rather than just buy steroids and ancillaries from a pharmacy.

And yes, it's obviously hypocritical because the same people that don't think "x drugs" should be listed on dash's website are obviously content to disobey government regulations on what drugs are available to them but then want to exert their own opinion on what people should have access to instead.

I believe the concern is more in regards to law enforcement being more interested in suppliers of benzos etc. And that potentially could expose members to law enforcement activity that would not have happened if such drugs were not being sold.

At least that's the conclusion I have come up with. It's the only one that doesn't involve a fair amount of hypocrisy to justify.
I believe the concern is more in regards to law enforcement being more interested in suppliers of benzos etc. And that potentially could expose members to law enforcement activity that would not have happened if such drugs were not being sold.

At least that's the conclusion I have come up with. It's the only one that doesn't involve a fair amount of hypocrisy to justify.

Yeah, I agree that's a legitimate concern, and ultimately up to the sellers/buyers if they want to take the risk. That doesn't seem to be the argument that some have been making here though. The impression I get is that some people want to dictate what should and shouldn't be sold based on personal morality/preferences.
People aren't going to look at insulin and think ahh hell yeah I'm gonna take some more because I'm not nodding out anymore. All this talk about fent coming in from Mexico why even take a chance but whooooo caaaaaaares right? Just add heroin to the list because some people will know how to use it properly and it'll only kill the ones who don't know how to use it sort of like insulin amaright??
We talk about prescription controlled substances not about heroin.
Ahhh I'm gonna take some more insulin because I don't grow at the rate I want I'm gonna eat less carbs also to make it more effective.

Also idk about fentanyl cause I'm not living in the US.
I would partly agree to not include the in price list because of the seller becoming a target for Dea.
I don't agree however to not include the because of ethics of some member or because some people can't control themselves.
To play devils advocate here
He wouldn't be the only source...
[EDIT: Source price list for recreational drugs e.g. ritalin, xanax, pot, etc. removed]

Girl scout cookies? I can drive to VT right now and buy a lb for $600.

Who wants shitty mexican weed?