DashPCT - US & International generic pharma

Yeah, I agree that's a legitimate concern, and ultimately up to the sellers/buyers if they want to take the risk. That doesn't seem to be the argument that some have been making here though. The impression I get is that some people want to dictate what should and shouldn't be sold based on personal morality/preferences.
I dont believe some peoples reasons is too really dictate on what drugs should be sold, I think your getting the wrong impression that these people hate these drugs because of morality reasons, i dont believe thats the case and really are just giving a warning that these drugs dont belong in what this fourm promotes, some do have a point that there are people out there that do need these medications and have limited or no access, and im a strong believer in being able too self medicate if you truly possess the knowledge on what these substances do in the body, but i would believe its a small portion of people who would actually buy these for that reason. In my personal Experience, Addiction is a literal Bitch, I wouldnt wish Addiction on my worst enemy. Now that being said none of you guys here are my enemy, so its just a heads up from me that these can really fuck up your life possibly kill you if your not careful but by all means you always do you. Im not for it nor against it, i just dont condone it without knowing the serious risk, which most do not, In my experience I started using these prescription drugs daily as early as 15 years old , I practiced "Harm reduction " as much as possible, for many years, i also had a Adderall prescription up into my adult years, i was under the illusion that these drugs where improving my life maybe they where maybe they weren't? once hooked on the high doses, what they give you is not enough for the effects your seeking, Once the access too high quality prescription drugs was no longer that easily available too me and the cost was getting too much too support my habits, i was left with not just one but many gnarly Addictions too multiple prescription drugs that i ended up turning too harder way more easily accessible cheaper substances and they work just as good or better too!! So do you honestly believe the benefits of having these up for sale on the clear net to help people in desperate need of these medications outweighs the risk of these people, teens, and recreational users too catch an addiction/ become dependent on internet drug dealers that are peddling these, till the supply runs out, shut down or worse ? Also do you put your trust in these people that you've never seen before in your life that what there selling you is legit pharmaceuticals on the clear net ? What do you want too openly start testing drugs that can be used recreational on the clear net too? Huge red flags and huge risk here for the community, it honestly dosnt have a place here that i can see it benefiting anyone in any way possible, I Believe as a community standpoint were here on this fourm too all help eachother out and keeping eachother safe by putting our opinions and knowledge out there for others. If your really looking for these drugs it dosnt take a genius too know people selling a large supply of generic prescription from other countries possibly have the access too these types of prescriptions too? I definitely saw this coming eventually.
I dont believe some peoples reasons is too really dictate on what drugs should be sold, I think your getting the wrong impression that these people hate these drugs because of morality reasons, i dont believe thats the case and really are just giving a warning that these drugs dont belong in what this fourm promotes, some do have a point that there are people out there that do need these medications and have limited or no access, and im a strong believer in being able too self medicate if you truly possess the knowledge on what these substances do in the body, but i would believe its a small portion of people who would actually buy these for that reason. In my personal Experience, Addiction is a literal Bitch, I wouldnt wish Addiction on my worst enemy. Now that being said none of you guys here are my enemy, so its just a heads up from me that these can really fuck up your life possibly kill you if your not careful but by all means you always do you. Im not for it nor against it, i just dont condone it without knowing the serious risk, which most do not, In my experience I started using these prescription drugs daily as early as 15 years old , I practiced "Harm reduction " as much as possible, for many years, i also had a Adderall prescription up into my adult years, i was under the illusion that these drugs where improving my life maybe they where maybe they weren't? once hooked on the high doses, what they give you is not enough for the effects your seeking, Once the access too high quality prescription drugs was no longer that easily available too me and the cost was getting too much too support my habits, i was left with not just one but many gnarly Addictions too multiple prescription drugs that i ended up turning too harder way more easily accessible cheaper substances and they work just as good or better too!! So do you honestly believe the benefits of having these up for sale on the clear net to help people in desperate need of these medications outweighs the risk of these people, teens, and recreational users too catch an addiction/ become dependent on internet drug dealers that are peddling these, till the supply runs out, shut down or worse ? Also do you put your trust in these people that you've never seen before in your life that what there selling you is legit pharmaceuticals on the clear net ? What do you want too openly start testing drugs that can be used recreational on the clear net too? Huge red flags and huge risk here for the community, it honestly dosnt have a place here that i can see it benefiting anyone in any way possible, I Believe as a community standpoint were here on this fourm too all help eachother out and keeping eachother safe by putting our opinions and knowledge out there for others. If your really looking for these drugs it dosnt take a genius too know people selling a large supply of generic prescription from other countries possibly have the access too these types of prescriptions too? I definitely saw this coming eventually.
I didn’t read any of that but this guy makes a good point. If you sell adderall and shit like it you can bet on more rambling 4 page posts like this one
So do you honestly believe the benefits of having these up for sale on the clear net to help people in desperate need of these medications outweighs the risk of these people, teens, and recreational users too catch an addiction/ become dependent on internet drug dealers that are peddling these, till the supply runs out, shut down or worse ?
I have zero interest or concern on the benefits vs risk of having these drugs for sale. If you want to go down that route then we might as well follow the guidance of the FDA and other regulatory bodies and condemn the sale of all controlled and prescription drugs other than through a medical professional.

Dash and other sellers are in the business of providing regulated drugs for sale so users can decide for themselves what to put in their body rather than have a governmental body or doctor decide for them. If someone fucks up and abuses it, that's their problem.
I have zero interest or concern on the benefits vs risk of having these drugs for sale. If you want to go down that route then we might as well follow the guidance of the FDA and other regulatory bodies and condemn the sale of all controlled and prescription drugs other than through a medical professional.

Dash and other sellers are in the business of providing regulated drugs for sale so users can decide for themselves what to put in their body rather than have a governmental body or doctor decide for them. If someone fucks up and abuses it, that's their problem.
Well then they might as well put all of them up for sale then? Why stop at schedule 3??
Well then they might as well put all of them up for sale then? Why stop at schedule 3??
I would have zero issues with that. It's a decision for them to make that shouldn't concern anyone else. As said earlier the only potential concern would be increased targeting from law enforcement. But as for ethics I would have no problem.
I would have zero issues with that. It's a decision for them to make that shouldn't concern anyone else. As said earlier the only potential concern would be increased targeting from law enforcement. But as for ethics I would have no problem.
Yes , which also puts customers at risk, so it is a concern some people should have. Increase risk. Why , well because we all agree here some drugs are targeted more.
If the order doesn't show up on your account, it usually means the coinpayments didn't go through for whatever reason(low fee, too late, etc)
DM me here or on Wickr and i'd be happy to check the wallets for you.

Unless this was Wise. Wise is another beast.

I have been notified it is against the forum's policies to have these products listed on the site, sorry fam. The best I can do is point you in the right direction.
I sent you a dm on monday this week with all the details and yes it is via wise.
I would have zero issues with that. It's a decision for them to make that shouldn't concern anyone else. As said earlier the only potential concern would be increased targeting from law enforcement. But as for ethics I would have no problem.
I find your response to this entire subject odd, almost seems like you're a recreational user and Taking all posts against it personal. Narcissistic and hypocritical to voice opinions against it, yeah ok. Besides, guess you missed Millards stance on it.

If source has psychoactive substances of abuse on any listed published on MESO, other forums, or their website, they will be given a warning to REMOVE from all public lists on MESO or elsewhere. If they do not, they forfeit their right to participate in the MESO forum. There is no evading the ban if they refuse to cooperate.
We talk about prescription controlled substances not about heroin.
Ahhh I'm gonna take some more insulin because I don't grow at the rate I want I'm gonna eat less carbs also to make it more effective.

Also idk about fentanyl cause I'm not living in the US.
I would partly agree to not include the in price list because of the seller becoming a target for Dea.
I don't agree however to not include the because of ethics of some member or because some people can't control themselves.

Having been addicted to opiates, and having abused Benzo's at various points in my life, I like to assume that others are just trying to save people from the same bad experiences/outcomes they have experienced due to their drug use.

While the motivation is good the energy is misplaced as most people have to learn these lessons for themselves.

I try to balance it with, yeah this stuff can fuck you up. But it's a free country.

However if having access to Xanax and stuff is going to put my access to PED's at risk, I would selfishly prefer they try to be more discreet about listing such substances, thus I have no issues with Millards stance on the issue. Again purely selfish in that reasoning lol.
I find your response to this entire subject odd, almost seems like you're a recreational user and Taking all posts against it personal. Narcissistic and hypocritical to voice opinions against it, yeah ok. Besides, guess you missed Millards stance on it.

Why do you think I missed this when I've already mentioned it? The issue of the rules is between the sellers and Millard and how rigorous enforcement is. My response was regarding a couple of users that seemed outraged that the site they buy regulated drugs from starting listing regulated drugs that they personally took offense to. Yes, that's obviously hypocritical and no I'm not a recreational user, or user of said substances at all really.
Waited for an order for over a month and I’ve gotten seizures letters before but this one caught off guard. Never had a tracking state given to military agent . Are they military personal now. They have been cracking down lately. Will be ordering domestic moving forward.1668976615465.jpeg
Waited for an order for over a month and I’ve gotten seizures letters before but this one caught off guard. Never had a tracking state given to military agent . Are they military personal now. They have been cracking down lately. Will be ordering domestic moving forward.View attachment 175656
I’ve seen this before with a few of my international trackings, but everything always was delivered with no problem in my experiences.
Really? Ok thanks hope your right it’s almost going on 2 months now
I went back and looked and anytime an international pack would be delivered to my California address, it would always arrive to a “military post” and then would be delivered just fine by usps, so I’m not sure what it’s all about exactly.
Waited for an order for over a month and I’ve gotten seizures letters before but this one caught off guard. Never had a tracking state given to military agent . Are they military personal now. They have been cracking down lately. Will be ordering domestic moving forward.View attachment 175656
I've seen this before, its all good. Just means its nearby a mil base.
Actually just email panda and ask for the black list. Kidneys are buy one, get one. They have domestic livers at a great price.
I recommend the flava bean and vintage Chianti package. Quite exquisite. Makes a perfect Christmas gift, as well.

I guess I should mention that for those who may cry on the internet about the term "Christmas Gift", they also offer the "Fuck You Sissy, Don't Bitch And Just Leave The Rest Of Us Alone" package that consists of Tofu, organic lab grown beans of unknown origin and sparkling grapefruit juice.

Either way, enjoy. No judgement here.