DashPCT - US & International generic pharma

I ended up going with another well known sponsor here who I’ve used many times and it at least feels good knowing theres other out there much better and professional than Dash. My advice for anyone before ordering is lol around and do your homework. This is not the only forum that has mutliple groups of people with the same complaint about Dash.
I ended up going with another well known sponsor here who I’ve used many times and it at least feels good knowing theres other out there much better and professional than Dash. My advice for anyone before ordering is lol around and do your homework. This is not the only forum that has mutliple groups of people with the same complaint about Dash.
He wasn't always like this. I have done 10 smooth orders with him but you never know when you will get screwed over
I’m in the same boat bro. I made 4-5 orders. All never an issue. The reason this one got me so upset isn’t just for the obv reason not getting my stuff. It’s cause the amount of times and would randomonly email me the same exact question after days and days and I always replied instantly with what he asked for and then more and more time would pass by. Like they were just playing around with me.
If CNY is going on, he is usually clear that postpones things.
Yea I was being patient cause I know the holiday was going on. I wish I had a holiday that lasted a month lol even so he’s been on here since all the complaints have began and one post saying “sorry guys things are going to be backed up for a bit” would ease a lot of paying customers minds.
Yea I was being patient cause I know the holiday was going on. I wish I had a holiday that lasted a month lol even so he’s been on here since all the complaints have began and one post saying “sorry guys things are going to be backed up for a bit” would ease a lot of paying customers minds.
Whoever's doing the e-mail’s should definitely be let go. It’s been an issue since day one.And by then your package is already passing through customs.They sometimes will take a week to respond. He can easily outsource it to an Indian company for pennies a day.
Hey folks, CNY was over on Monday and we're back to work today. I apologise for anyone that has had any issues with customer servicing around this time of the year.

Orders that are placed on the website are re-routed to our pharmacy/domestic reshipper, and have gone out as they came in, even if our CS was slow. But these domestic orders have been going out sameday, and international orders from India have been going out in their timeframe of 2-5 business days.

I have had a couple of you guys here, especially long-time patrons experience some delays with some Mexican pharmacy orders, such as their phentermine. I have decided going forward to cut business with the pharmacy, as they are just a tadbit too slow for my liking, and its proving to be a burden as people complain of the wait times.

Also domestic restocking is on its way. We lost about 2000 pills of arimidex in the mail and a couple of other things, so that explains some out of stock items. We have them underway again.

Please do note as well, our Wise transfers are currently de-activated. We are receiving way too much money through those means, so our third party guy has de-activated for the time being to fix it up and allow more volume.

Going forward, I'm looking to hire some new people for my representation. I've realized these two sites have grown way beyond my capacity of one person, and as a result, customer service has been suffering as of lately.

I'll be introducing soon my domestic counterpart on the forums to represent the U.S side of things, and perhaps be hiring a new email person. This way we can have much better communication to our customers.

When I first started DashPCT, my competition was EPCT and AIPCT, two huge, well established giants. My only weapon I had against them was I could give individualized relationships to my customers, but that has proven to be impossible now. I'll still be here replying and replying on Wickr and such(I'm getting to those now.)

Anyways, thanks everybody, just wanted to check in, let you know we are not dead/caught, and that there will be improvements.

Anyone with any order issues I've missed, please do DM me here as I will clear my inbox everyday I check in.
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How do I like comments now? I don't see the button wtf

Now how will I respond passive aggressively to people
To follow up Dash refunded me my money and apologized. He gave me extra for the inconvenience. I will still be purchasing from this source.

He was MIA from CNY

How do I like comments now? I don't see the button wtf

Now how will I respond passive aggressively to people
it was stopped due to abuse
To follow up Dash refunded me my money and apologized. He gave me extra for the inconvenience. I will still be purchasing from this source.

He was MIA from CNY

it was stopped due to abuse
But I see people reacting to your post, was it turned off for vendors? awh schucks.. they caught me finally abusing it
I’m truly happy for you Cridi . At least you got your refund. I had hope seeing you say that so I sent an email myself yesterday asking Dash to get in touch with me, and I still have our past correspondence if he needed to see anything or re-send him anything to help understand the situation. But like it been, I still hearing nothing but “crickets” . I was nice professional and willing to offer any help I can on my end, and still no answer. I said I’d give up and just take it as a loss. But your posts actually gave me some hope. But just to be let down again.


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