DashPCT - US & International generic pharma

I haven’t looked but doesn’t this happen every January due to CNY? Anyways I put an order in on the 1st of Jan and got it 11 days later.

Just put another order in on the 25th and it’s on “preparing package.” This is normal as it never ships until 3rd day at the earliest. So that means hopefully it will ship Monday.

I’ll keep everyone posted but I’ve prob got 10 orders from dash and one from DO and the worst it’s ever been for me was 10 days for a domestic order one time. And on that one I emailed and got no response until I brought it up here. Or maybe it was at SST or Ugbb, can’t remember.

The rest have been 11-15 day shipping from international. I would just chill til Monday or Tuesday guys.

To the guy with the payment problem - idk what to say, I always use btc via cash app and it’s instant. Any other method you’re rolling the dice. Crypto just sucks - I wanted to invest at 16k but who can you trust to not go bankrupt or steal your shit or get hacked? Safer to gamble it in Vegas.

Dash will come around soon, I wouldn’t worry, but I do know that blowing any Chinese vendor up with 10 messages during CNY won’t get you priority service. Just sayin.
I haven’t looked but doesn’t this happen every January due to CNY? Anyways I put an order in on the 1st of Jan and got it 11 days later.

Just put another order in on the 25th and it’s on “preparing package.” This is normal as it never ships until 3rd day at the earliest. So that means hopefully it will ship Monday.

I’ll keep everyone posted but I’ve prob got 10 orders from dash and one from DO and the worst it’s ever been for me was 10 days for a domestic order one time. And on that one I emailed and got no response until I brought it up here. Or maybe it was at SST or Ugbb, can’t remember.

The rest have been 11-15 day shipping from international. I would just chill til Monday or Tuesday guys.

To the guy with the payment problem - idk what to say, I always use btc via cash app and it’s instant. Any other method you’re rolling the dice. Crypto just sucks - I wanted to invest at 16k but who can you trust to not go bankrupt or steal your shit or get hacked? Safer to gamble it in Vegas.

Dash will come around soon, I wouldn’t worry, but I do know that blowing any Chinese vendor up with 10 messages during CNY won’t get you priority service. Just sayin.
At least yours says preparing shipment. I placed my international order and I paid on the 24th, with cash app also via bitcoin transfer, and it still says “awaiting payment” on my account on his page. I know it went through I verified it and also sent another source btc the same way and they got it 15 mins later. Just trying to be patient. I know dash hasn’t did me wrong before. I just assumed even though they were on there holiday that there people in India would still be moving orders.
Today I received the tracking number of the order that I made on January 21, so it seems that normality is starting again
Hello everyone
I placed a domestic order with dragon ordnance on January 10th and on January 12th I got a tracking number saying it had shipped. However when I check the tracking number it says the usps label was created on January 12th but it says usps has not yet received the package. Anybody know what’s going on with that?
Got an email response back from Dash this morning. They said they got my payment and will be shipping as soon as possible. So orders are still moving, just slower then usual.
Hello everyone
I placed a domestic order with dragon ordnance on January 10th and on January 12th I got a tracking number saying it had shipped. However when I check the tracking number it says the usps label was created on January 12th but it says usps has not yet received the package. Anybody know what’s going on with that?
A label was printed. Your package hasn’t been dropped off to the post office yet. I know it’s been said over and over but this isn’t Amazon prime.
I am finally getting an email jus asked me to confirm payment again which I did . So will see where it goes next
I still haven't got my response on my order yet. Actually pretty disappointed.... I haven't been this disappointed with communication from a source is a long time...
I’m not gettin my hopes up trust me. The exact word for word question was asked to me that was asked when we last talked which was the 18th. And after I answered and sent proof heard nothing. And so far guess what….nothing . So not sure what’s worse not hearing nothing? Or feeling like just being teased/tagged along
Mine got shipped from India over the weekend. Should be 10 more days. Good to hear everyone else seems to be on track except for Flexx.

One thing I like to do besides give these vendors time, is put in the subject line meso (or whatever site you talked to them last on) along with the order number. Then a very brief description so all they have to do is click a couple places to figure it out. You gotta think, they’ve got 50/50 motivation to help you once they’ve got your money. So while the ball is in their court, make things as easy as possible. That’s just the game we play with less than legal shit.

As far as DO saying label created - if it’s intl then usps will be notified once it leaves china in a few days. If it’s domestic then you’re just waiting for them to make a trip to the PO.

Edit: it can’t be said enough, always email from proton mail or some other encrypted client. And use a vpn 24/7. If you have no opsec, you’ll be treated like a noob.
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Mine got shipped from India over the weekend. Should be 10 more days. Good to hear everyone else seems to be on track except for Flexx.

One thing I like to do besides give these vendors time, is put in the subject line meso (or whatever site you talked to them last on) along with the order number. Then a very brief description so all they have to do is click a couple places to figure it out. You gotta think, they’ve got 50/50 motivation to help you once they’ve got your money. So while it’s in the their court, make things as easy as possible. That’s just the game we play with illegal shit.

As far as DO saying label created - if it’s intl then usps will be notified once it leaves India in a few days. If it’s domestic then you’re just waiting for them to make a trip to the PO.
Already have. Order was placed on the 5th of January.. He said it would usually ship out in 10 business days for my special order. It's been 18 business days and no contact for about a week.
Any restock on accutane for domestic soon? I'm about to buy the last 5.
@DashPCT I see you are still suggesting private communication over Wickr, but I’m concerned about privacy given that it’s been acquired by another company (forgot who). Can I PM you on here instead?
Acquired by Amazon. I have a signal and a telegram. TG: DashPCT
Hey dash I placed an order and sent the funds through wise, i sent you the receipt and tracking order through DashPCT@protonmail.com. Is that the correct email to reach you through?
At least yours says preparing shipment. I placed my international order and I paid on the 24th, with cash app also via bitcoin transfer, and it still says “awaiting payment” on my account on his page. I know it went through I verified it and also sent another source btc the same way and they got it 15 mins later. Just trying to be patient. I know dash hasn’t did me wrong before. I just assumed even though they were on there holiday that there people in India would still be moving orders.
At that point, the coinpayments gateway probably closed. Check your email for a refund transaction link. Coinpayments usually closes the gateway for payments after 48-72 hours - if your transaction for whatever reason took longer, be it fees or whatever, then they'll shoot you back an email titled "transaction: CIUJDPFDGUOID etc refund"
Already have. Order was placed on the 5th of January.. He said it would usually ship out in 10 business days for my special order. It's been 18 business days and no contact for about a week.
Hit you back up on that special order on messages
I’m not gettin my hopes up trust me. The exact word for word question was asked to me that was asked when we last talked which was the 18th. And after I answered and sent proof heard nothing. And so far guess what….nothing . So not sure what’s worse not hearing nothing? Or feeling like just being teased/tagged along
I see kiki emailed you back as well

Acquired by Amazon. I have a signal and a telegram. TG: DashPCT


At that point, the coinpayments gateway probably closed. Check your email for a refund transaction link. Coinpayments usually closes the gateway for payments after 48-72 hours - if your transaction for whatever reason took longer, be it fees or whatever, then they'll shoot you back an email titled "transaction: CIUJDPFDGUOID etc refund"

Hit you back up on that special order on messages
You’re email person contacted me and the website updated that payment was received. I also got tracking a little while ago. So I’m all good, thanks!
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Was it a special order? Why ten days just to ship?
it was a special order.

He said he can refund the money unless I want something else... I said I will just take a refund. I already have everything else I wanted from a previous order
Already have. Order was placed on the 5th of January.. He said it would usually ship out in 10 business days for my special order. It's been 18 business days and no contact for about a week.
Was it a special order? Why ten days just to ship
it was a special order.

He said he can refund the money unless I want something else... I said I will just take a refund. I already have everything else I wanted from a previous order
that sucks. I’ve never tried to get a refund from dash but I got one from some small time ugl just a month ago so it’s not an unheard of thing to request. Granted I did have to put him on blast to get it tho. I regret doing that bc it made me look like I was too demanding. I hate how the customer sometimes is made to feel guilty over asking businesses to just follow through with standard business ethics. Idk man if they don’t follow thru soon you may just want to find something to buy with store credit. Maybe they’re still swamped from the new year.

Ok I just looked it up - Chinese new year is from the 22nd to feb 5th. They have all sorts of taboos like not doing work during this time, no bathing (?), no needlepoint, and a bunch of others. I was reading somewhere else today where someone asked if shipping had resumed and that was confirmed. Unknown about banking though. I wouldn’t trip til the end of the holiday then. Feb 6th hit ‘em up. Knowing dash they’ll follow thru, I’ve never had a problem and I’ve seen every problem resolved eventually over the last year since epct went down.
Second time ordering DOMESTIC with Dash. First time, I think I had to wait 2-3 days for it to ship out, but it arrived pretty quickly. This time, it shipped the next day, and it arrived in 3 business days. Product all there and all good. Great service. Thank you, Dash!
No special order here and I emailed today asking for update and no answer. I made every attempt to communicate answer every question they ask give them proof every single time and I can’t get no reply no communication. Nothing! And it was just a simple dom order that wasn’t anything big. So it makes it even worse something not even big there making into something that can be very simply solved .