DashPCT - US & International generic pharma

Sorry to anyone that asked me for update. I gave up on this scam and I would absolutely love love love to expose him cuz I have all our emails back and forth still too. I took it as a loss and it just straight up disguist me how he does business and I already been in this game long enough to know there gonna fall very soon. Jus look at how they been dropped from multiple forums and all he has here is excuse after excuse for people missing packs. I gave up giving this scam artist anymore energy . Anyone even contemplating using these people should just look at the reviews for the last couple months.
So expose him than?? ... how did you get scammed?
@Flex22 gonna have to go with @Abolik 's comment here my man.

You've been posting for about 3 months already with the same story, yet every single PM I send you or response here to PM me or email me with a subject line so I can locate you, you don't ever do it. I'm beginning to think this is just a shill attack by whatever competitor.

This happens to some with Cialis.I get it too using 20mg
20mg is a fuckton of cialis imo. I'm using 2.5mg-5mg max e2d or so. 20mg gives me massive headaches.
Today I received my international order made on January 20
Another TD!! international 14 days order to door thanks again Dash!!
Thanks to the both of ya <3

He said above wise is difficult for pmts, why not use bitcoin ?
this is such a good profile pic

Order the 2nd feb...
Wise accepted the 14th
Paiement confirmed the 16th...
Today the 28th...no tracking code...
Not sended????
I'll check on that for ya, I see you sent me a DM.
Update on EU orders:

Our Belgium method has been exhausted. Any of you who have had an EU order on hold for over a week, this is the reason. We've been trying to solve this, but it seems like the Belgian way of doing things is over for now - its too hot.

We are going to go ahead and ship it through the only option we have left - India Post. The success rate on this varies, with countries such as Germany/Spain being tougher than say UK/FR.

If you are one of the unlucky ones who get their stuff seized, I am trying to find a new solution for our EU problem, and can hold your reship till then.
I still have no email responses about refund for order #12415833237. I’d like it to be looked at.
Dash i replied to your recent PM and aplologize for some of the spelling errors but hopefully it explained everything and we can fix this issue.
I just wanted to address the couple shit talkers about my issue with Dash. I’m tired dealing with this long long before bringing it out public. But I was getting zero replies jus ignored. And to answer his recent post about trying to PM me multiple times. That’s not true because I went back into my PMs and the only time he tried contacting me was Feb 14th and I can easily screen shot that. I said from the rip I never thought the dude jus purposely ripped me off cause it wasn’t a huge order and I already used him 3-4x with zero issue. There’s just some serious communication issues going on somewhere somehow with them. Like i mentioned multiple times I still have all the emails and proof showing I paid and funds were picked up the day of my order . The only way I could prove that is actually showing screen shots which shows not only private info but also would break the forum rules. I have nothing to gain from bringing this to attention. I’ll llll look at my post history I don’t rep or kiss ass for any specific company. And I’ve been a member at my main home forum since 2009 so been in this game many years. Guess how many times I’ve had this type of issue in all those years….. zero. And yes I could provide that forum as well and you could see my history there as well. But I don’t know if that’s against rules so if it’s not please let me know.
Lastly as of most recent I replied back to dash and sent him a PM explaining very respectfully the issue and also as to why I haven’t been in the board nearly as much the last few weeks. I have yet to hear back from him. I explained I can produce any info he needs to straighten this out cause it would be that simple if I just got replied to. So I know I didn’t need to defend myself but I did just so people don’t think I have some agenda against this guy cause that’s the farthest thing from the truth. He was my “go-to for certain items and I praised him on multiple forums until the most recent event. So those with there opinions who know nothing, think before you talk it’ll save you many issues in life. Have a good day and I myself will keep my Dash responds to me weather PM or email.
I just wanted to address the couple shit talkers about my issue with Dash. I’m tired dealing with this long long before bringing it out public. But I was getting zero replies jus ignored. And to answer his recent post about trying to PM me multiple times. That’s not true because I went back into my PMs and the only time he tried contacting me was Feb 14th and I can easily screen shot that. I said from the rip I never thought the dude jus purposely ripped me off cause it wasn’t a huge order and I already used him 3-4x with zero issue. There’s just some serious communication issues going on somewhere somehow with them. Like i mentioned multiple times I still have all the emails and proof showing I paid and funds were picked up the day of my order . The only way I could prove that is actually showing screen shots which shows not only private info but also would break the forum rules. I have nothing to gain from bringing this to attention. I’ll llll look at my post history I don’t rep or kiss ass for any specific company. And I’ve been a member at my main home forum since 2009 so been in this game many years. Guess how many times I’ve had this type of issue in all those years….. zero. And yes I could provide that forum as well and you could see my history there as well. But I don’t know if that’s against rules so if it’s not please let me know.
Lastly as of most recent I replied back to dash and sent him a PM explaining very respectfully the issue and also as to why I haven’t been in the board nearly as much the last few weeks. I have yet to hear back from him. I explained I can produce any info he needs to straighten this out cause it would be that simple if I just got replied to. So I know I didn’t need to defend myself but I did just so people don’t think I have some agenda against this guy cause that’s the farthest thing from the truth. He was my “go-to for certain items and I praised him on multiple forums until the most recent event. So those with there opinions who know nothing, think before you talk it’ll save you many issues in life. Have a good day and I myself will keep my Dash responds to me weather PM or email.
Why don’t you post screenshots or some proof so other members can believe your half of the story. Because yeah dash has been bad at communicating lately but you have been saying this awhile now with no proof
Dash, if you don’t reply to peoples emails (including mine) in the next 24 hours then you’re gay
Ok so I screen shot some of the emails. The ones showing him giving info and the date sent then me replying and sending funds and then there’s a a gap because it’s just a bunch of emails of me attempting to contact them with some Kind of update or status and never hearing back. Until Then he replies randomonly again asking for receipt attachment again in which I send again and I hear nothing once again and then the other emails not shown are just ones of me trying to get in contact throughout the weeks gone by with no responses. I also even show him the funds being picked up from my bank history in which instill get no reply . I gonna attempt to show what I’m talking about now. Just so you know the whole thing started in Jan 17 or 18th. And todays now March 3rd
I attempted to put these in order according to dates but not sure how they came out . But point is he asked for payment I sent it verified it multiple times he asked multiple times I verify multiple times and then nothing ever happens or ever get a resonse again
The pics where you see my post the attachment is me sending the receipt again and again . I even went ahead and showed it being taken outta my bank account on the day order was made


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