DashPCT - US & International generic pharma

@Flex22 dude edit the photo if you can. If you can’t I already reported it. All your personal shit is there homie.
Thank you for those who just did that for me i apologize for everything. And feel like an idiot . I just figured out what exactly the hash thing meant and I found the # and sent it to dash email. I can post that here for you guys as well if you’d like me to prove that . I’m am not trying to hurt or being brown any company. I just want my small order issue to be fixed/figured out
I just went back and looked at what Cridi and Skankhunt did for me. Thank you guys for that and again I apologize for the screw up. All I was trying to do is make a point and I apmogize for having to involve you guys but also grateful for y’all looking out for me
Like that. I took a screenshot of the “hash #” and sent the email and number to
Dash and hopefully it makes some kind of difference. I still never got even a reply to PM back either. So still not feeling positive about this but hopefully I got my point across to some people and thankful to all those who helped me as well. Thank you and I hope I can have a positive update for y’all soon.
I just went back and looked at what Cridi and Skankhunt did for me. Thank you guys for that and again I apologize for the screw up. All I was trying to do is make a point and I apmogize for having to involve you guys but also grateful for y’all looking out for me
Like that. I took a screenshot of the “hash #” and sent the email and number to
Dash and hopefully it makes some kind of difference. I still never got even a reply to PM back either. So still not feeling positive about this but hopefully I got my point across to some people and thankful to all those who helped me as well. Thank you and I hope I can have a positive update for y’all soon.
usually the hash should be clickable. send that url to the source or copy and paste the hash alone. sources likely wont open attached files
Thanks Lesco for the help. I just sent him an email reminding him of the orginal order # the order items, total, and then copy and pasted the hash #. So now all I can do is hope things work out for the best. Regardless I appreciate those that helped me and I’m grateful for the kindness . Take care
@Flex22 gonna have to go with @Abolik 's comment here my man.

You've been posting for about 3 months already with the same story, yet every single PM I send you or response here to PM me or email me with a subject line so I can locate you, you don't ever do it. I'm beginning to think this is just a shill attack by whatever competitor.

20mg is a fuckton of cialis imo. I'm using 2.5mg-5mg max e2d or so. 20mg gives me massive headaches.

Thanks to the both of ya <3

this is such a good profile pic

I'll check on that for ya, I see you sent me a DM.
No answer in my mail...nothing for me here in DM...
Thanks Lesco for the help. I just sent him an email reminding him of the orginal order # the order items, total, and then copy and pasted the hash #. So now all I can do is hope things work out for the best. Regardless I appreciate those that helped me and I’m grateful for the kindness . Take care
Please tell me you’re asking for store credit? You’ve been on here talking about this order you didn’t get for weeks. If you’re trying to get cash back - forget it man, you’ve been annoying him for way too long. Just ask for store credit and buy whatever you need asap and be done with it.

Maybe even have an order already filled out for the exact amount so he can knock it out all at once.
Please tell me you’re asking for store credit? You’ve been on here talking about this order you didn’t get for weeks. If you’re trying to get cash back - forget it man, you’ve been annoying him for way too long. Just ask for store credit and buy whatever you need asap and be done with it.

Maybe even have an order already filled out for the exact amount so he can knock it out all at once.
The issue was Dash was asking for the Hash ID for the Bitcoin transaction. He never sent it to Dash, just sent him screenshots of BTC being sent. Dash can’t confirm until he has the Hash ID. I believe he got it all squared away now. I can’t fault dash because he needs that ID for confirmation.
Was thinking about placing an order for this but wanted to make sure you had it in stock before I did

Geolysis Injection - Doxycholic Acid
You carry ephedrine tabs?
Nah, usually very regulated.

Dash answer your emails
Did you get a reply? hit me up here if anything. I got a new email person who I am training, so emails are going out fast and should be improving shortly.
Thanks @Cridi887 , @SkankHunt , and those who reported this for looking out for @Flex22
Thank you!

No answer in my mail...nothing for me here in DM...
Hey, Jade made an order # for you on the email. It should be all good and ready to go.

The issue was Dash was asking for the Hash ID for the Bitcoin transaction. He never sent it to Dash, just sent him screenshots of BTC being sent. Dash can’t confirm until he has the Hash ID. I believe he got it all squared away now. I can’t fault dash because he needs that ID for confirmation.
This would've been squared away much, much earlier if I got a DM or email subject lined attn to me as I've been asking. I keep asking for these things, but it seems like I'm being ignored on my comments.

Was thinking about placing an order for this but wanted to make sure you had it in stock before I did

Geolysis Injection - Doxycholic Acid
Sure do.
Hi Dash, I have received a love letter from Border Force UK my package has been seized, what is the procedure now?
Send us it through email and we'll be happy to arrange a reshipment of some sort. UK customs are typically easy. I recommend using a new address, but the same one works as well.

US domestic orders, label created, awaiting item still, anyone have time frame experience living on the east coast?
How long has it been like that?
Jus quick update for anyone whose interested. Thanks to the help of my fellow members here last nite and Dash I got everything straightened out and they said there sending my order out next week. Thank you everyone for the help and thank you dash for working with me once I figured everything out
Jus quick update for anyone whose interested. Thanks to the help of my fellow members here last nite and Dash I got everything straightened out and they said there sending my order out next week. Thank you everyone for the help and thank you dash for working with me once I figured everything out
Glad you got everything squared away man. Now I just wanna see the HCG test results before I place an order :p @DashPCT I'm lookin' at you babe :oops:
Was thinking about placing an order for this but wanted to make sure you had it in stock before I did

Geolysis Injection - Doxycholic Acid

Geolysis injection looks interesting but what's up with the dosing protocol?

"A single treatment consists of up to a maximum of 50 injections, 0.2 mL each (up to a total of 10 mL), spaced 1 cm apart."

Sounds like a pain in the ass, and at 10 mg/mL that works out to 100 mg for one treatment. 3 treatments for $750? (and you have to do it yourself?). Or maybe I got the math wrong.

From: DailyMed - KYBELLA- deoxycholic acid injection, solution
Nah, usually very regulated.

Did you get a reply? hit me up here if anything. I got a new email person who I am training, so emails are going out fast and should be improving shortly.

Thank you!

Hey, Jade made an order # for you on the email. It should be all good and ready to go.

This would've been squared away much, much earlier if I got a DM or email subject lined attn to me as I've been asking. I keep asking for these things, but it seems like I'm being ignored on my comments.

Sure do.

Send us it through email and we'll be happy to arrange a reshipment of some sort. UK customs are typically easy. I recommend using a new address, but the same one works as well.

How long has it been like that?
My order is payed since the 14th and no tracking code...3 times that i say it and you make nothing for this...
Geolysis injection looks interesting but what's up with the dosing protocol?

"A single treatment consists of up to a maximum of 50 injections, 0.2 mL each (up to a total of 10 mL), spaced 1 cm apart."

Sounds like a pain in the ass, and at 10 mg/mL that works out to 100 mg for one treatment. 3 treatments for $750? (and you have to do it yourself?). Or maybe I got the math wrong.

From: DailyMed - KYBELLA- deoxycholic acid injection, solution
Depends on the location.

I think you can probably get 1 treatment out of 75 percent of the bottle. Still then sure.

It's a pain in the ass but if you have a small target. For me is my stomach. It's cheaper than lipo.

It looks idiot proof too based off of the videos
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