Dbol or Anavar for last 5 weeks?


New Member
I am about 3 weeks into a 12 week test/deca cycle (500/250). I am thinking of throwing in an oral for the last 4-5 weeks of the cycle but I’m unsure of which.
I was originally thinking dbol because I’m trying to put on as much size as possible this cycle. But is it worth it to stack dbol on top of a test blast? Would that cause too much e conversion?
my other option is anavar, but I’m not sure of the dosing that would make it worth throwing it in.
Appreciate any opinions
Dbol. Anavar would be waste of money if you're planning to do only 4-5 weeks. But if you dont know how to control your estrogen, because it will increase, pick superdrol. It wont cause aromatization issues, but it's toxic. Be aware.
Dbol. Anavar would be waste of money if you're planning to do only 4-5 weeks. But if you dont know how to control your estrogen, because it will increase, pick superdrol. It wont cause aromatization issues, but it's toxic. Be aware.
Why would anavar be a waste of money for 4-5 weeks?
What you want is Turinabol. Best of both world (imo).

Anavar isn't as potent and is therefor better for slightly longer cycles, though it's not all that much less toxic than dbol, tbol, or superdrol. Orals suck ass, if yo wanna perk up your cycle add a low dose injectable like trest
Just like that guy above said. 4-5 weeks isn't enough imo and it's weak unless you use high dose of anavar, above 60mg, but your hdl/ldl will be worse than using 20mg of sdrol. It's not worth the money. Superdrol is cheaper than this and will give you more gains. Why pick anavar?
There are perks to anavar. Some people respond to it very well and other groups expierence much less in the way of side effrcts on anavar compared to other orals at functionly similar dosages.

I stand by my opinion orals are garbage except on competition days and/or during competition (depending on your sport).

Just add fuckin mast or primo or something in that vein. Your kidneys and liver will thank you.
There are perks to anavar. Some people respond to it very well and other groups expierence much less in the way of side effrcts on anavar compared to other orals at functionly similar dosages.

I stand by my opinion orals are garbage except on competition days and/or during competition (depending on your sport).

Just add fuckin mast or primo or something in that vein. Your kidneys and liver will thank you.
Yeah man, but the problem is a lot of the injectable ones are worse to hair than some orals(anadrol, anavar, sdrol, epistane). If someone is prone to baldness then it's up to them. Like masteron,primo,tren,test,winstrol,etc. They're really bad to hair bro.
I'm going to go against the grain.

Rock the var bro. 60mg Ed for the last 5 weeks will still yield results.

I've run dbol, tbol, and var. It honestly feels like the stronger version of tbol. Way better pumps, more strength. Better recovery and more vascularity. For me at least. And the price gap isn't crazy like it is compared to dbol. Dbol will blow you up before finishing your cycle then you'll drop all that water and you'll take a mental hit thinking you lose a shit ton of mass after finishing the cycle.
I'm going to go against the grain.

Rock the var bro. 60mg Ed for the last 5 weeks will still yield results.

I've run dbol, tbol, and var. It honestly feels like the stronger version of tbol. Way better pumps, more strength. Better recovery and more vascularity. For me at least. And the price gap isn't crazy like it is compared to dbol. Dbol will blow you up before finishing your cycle then you'll drop all that water and you'll take a mental hit thinking you lose a shit ton of mass after finishing the cycle.
Yeah I was actually on board for the anavar idea lol. Although, I’m being a bit of a hypocrite. I’m running my last 4 weeks on anadrol.

Either way whatever you try will be a good idea. Just keep an eye on known sides depending on the drug you choose.
Yeah I was actually on board for the anavar idea lol. Although, I’m being a bit of a hypocrite. I’m running my last 4 weeks on anadrol.

Either way whatever you try will be a good idea. Just keep an eye on known sides depending on the drug you choose.
Same haha. Gotta see what the hype is about
Thanks to all of you who gave their opinions. But I think I’m actually more unsure what to do now lmao. It seems like everybody has their own different idea on what to do. I guess I’ll just have to pick one and roll with it. Also, a turnoff with Superdrol and anadrol would be the toxicity. I’m trying to get the most bang for bucks when it comes to gains and health. That’s why I considered anavar over dbol. But now I think I’m more confused.
Thanks to all of you who gave their opinions. But I think I’m actually more unsure what to do now lmao. It seems like everybody has their own different idea on what to do. I guess I’ll just have to pick one and roll with it. Also, a turnoff with Superdrol and anadrol would be the toxicity. I’m trying to get the most bang for bucks when it comes to gains and health. That’s why I considered anavar over dbol. But now I think I’m more confused.
Most bang for the buck is drol.
I have run superdrol at my first cycle. I loved it. I was aware of toxicity but this isn't like poison. I think everyone should give a try to see how your body react. This stuff is amazing. The size and strength gains are so worth ime.
I have run superdrol at my first cycle. I loved it. I was aware of toxicity but this isn't like poison. I think everyone should give a try to see how your body react. This stuff is amazing. The size and strength gains are so worth ime.
I agree with the results but man i felt like dogshit after two weeks.It is a powerhouse of a drug but man i just could not function and with 3 boys wanting attention just was not worth it to me.If i was single at the time then yeah fuk it lol.