Deadlift #'s and your methods

Grip approach: Double overhand until 315-405 depending on how I feel, then mixed grip from there on.

When I bring out the straps: Never.

That's a good time to bring out the straps for sure it's needed then.

For myself I do DOH until I'm past 405 then I use to do mixed grip but I've transitioned to hookgrip because I felt I wasn't getting enough pain in my day so might as well destroy my thumbs while I work out. Honestly hookgrip is pretty great you can engage the lats more during the pull but it takes some serious grit to pull 550 hooked cause you are in pain the second you pull the tension out of the bar
That's a good time to bring out the straps for sure it's needed then.

For myself I do DOH until I'm past 405 then I use to do mixed grip but I've transitioned to hookgrip because I felt I wasn't getting enough pain in my day so might as well destroy my thumbs while I work out. Honestly hookgrip is pretty great you can engage the lats more during the pull but it takes some serious grit to pull 550 hooked cause you are in pain the second you pull the tension out of the bar

I used to try pressing DOH to like 425 or so. Kind of got lazy I guess and switch to mixed earlier now.
About to do AMRAP on deads at 120kg against my gym buddy... Taking it in turns, 20 seconds apart til failure.
Sounds like there's going to be puking.
Yeah, I'd expect so... Although, this is just a little "fun" after our final session of Smolov Jr for bench... And he really struggled with that... So it might not go on that long... But I must not lose!!

Starting in 2 mins
Fuck. He won. I got 60, he got 61... No puke for either of us.
Lower back is the issue. Feels like my spine is gonna come out of my stomach!
Not happy at losing, but happy with 60.

Next time, higher weight.
I did one, he did one, yeah. Approx 20 secs between reps. I'm pretty fucked. It's around 50 percent of my 1rm. Also, first deads I've done in 5 weeks
I go double overs till 315 then mixed grip. If i want to stay double overs I'll break out the straps. I do lots of grip work so idc about using straps sometimes
I can verify that indeed there was 60 reps and 61 reps completed it was a long video and the camera got knocked over but it's all there good job @RandallNowan that looked brutal to partake in
Yeah, sorry the vid wasn't better. I'll get a 3rd party involved next time.
He's just challenged me to do same again with 100kg squats in about a fortnight...