Deadlines: need to get lean fast


New Member
5'10.5, 204lbs, 16-18%bf, on current bulk. At the end of a 20wk cycle: 750 test/wk pinned ED, HGH 4iu/day (starting weight 185). Started this cycle later than expected. Currently 8 weeks out from a photo shoot. Big question is can I get below 10%bf, keeping all lean mass, by then with just TRT and GH? Cutting diet is extremely clean. For actual deficit I'm looking at roughly 2lbs/wk which would put me at roughly 11%. If I were to let go of a little harm reduction are there any compounds to add that would make this a guarantee or any easier?

Few things I'm considering:
tirzepatide- Is there any added benefit other than not being hungry
superdrol- Need to be in a good state of mind at photo shoot and wasn't sure if the gains are sustained a week or so after stopping
PSMF diet- worried this could effect sleep
M-Tren- same as with sdrol, will the sides clear a week after dropping
It is going to be very tough to make a real difference in 8 weeks staring at potentially 18%.

Is this how you make your living?

Why a photo shoot on a certain date two months out?

Big question is can I get below 10%bf, keeping all lean mass, by then with just TRT and GH?


Not even close to "keeping all lean mass."

For actual deficit I'm looking at roughly 2lbs/wk which would put me at roughly 11%.

Except it does not work like that. The first ten pounds or so is just water, and that comes out of your muscles with the glycogen. Then you get into actual fat stores.

At two pounds a week, that means you do not really start even altering your appearance (body fat) for the first 4-5 weeks. Then you have three weeks to some "big photo shoot" for actually cutting into fat stores. Nonsense. I would not even try it.

From 16-18% I would want 20 weeks, and I would not do it on TRT if you are looking to come out lean and with a majority of your muscle still intact.

In your case you are at the end of a bulk where you let your fat get out of control which means a majority of that 19 pounds is water - maybe you did not put on as much fat as you think.

If you stopped injecting any hormones for 4-5 weeks, I predict at least ten pounds of water drops off by the end of that time period.

Unless this is big money for you, I would skip it and focus on doing things the right way.

tirzepatide - no way I am risking the potential side effects of that drug

As for other hormones - you have just done 20 weeks. Give your body a break, brother.

You can get pictures taken some other time.